Black pill is the most powerfull weapon of our time. It is the most powerfull thought virus ever invented...

Black pill is the most powerfull weapon of our time. It is the most powerfull thought virus ever invented. The more you spread it the less powrfull society is. You have the power to spread it and hence destroy all.civilisation. Bp is thought retro virus that destroys immune system of society. BP can not be stoped . 4 chan has a power to invent new sorts of BP and spread it as far as you can.

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isn't the black pill why we are fucked and depressed though?

Also what is the vantablack pill that people keep mentioning?

Black pill shows you truth that is deadly to know. You are depressed because you know the truth. Can you blame the truth for that?
Yeas black pill spreads depression. despair and reluctunce to be a slave of society.
It is a serious thing.

>You are depressed because you know the truth. Can you blame the truth for that?
No but it makes people hopeless and apathetic. We kinda need society too, which makes things even worse

There is some value to blackpilling the bluepilled and then offering salvation in the redpill.

What a fucking retarded sentence to write.

Vanta black is the "blackest black"

No such thing as a black pill except for the black dick cum your mother loves to swallow you dumb jew schmuck. Black pill is a jew psyop to dilute the meaning of redpill and bluepill.. Fuck you shlomo!

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If everyone was blackpilled they wouldn't participate in the system that fucks us & it'd collapse. Hope & continuing to vote for the lesser evil while we're all slow boiled to death by demographics is more blackpilled than the actual black pill imo.

What's blackpill? I'm new to based terminology

ITT Based and Vantablack-Pills