>be bong
>claim to be white
>look like pic related

le 56% face is real and it applies to the UK

Attached: white brits.jpg (2267x1483, 654K)

I always wonder what would happen if National Socialism were to rise in Russia. Most likely Nazi Russia would just stomp NATO's 56% troops.

National Socialism is impossible here. Russia consists of more than 140 peoples.

lmao what a stupid mnogonacional, Russian Empire was practically a NS state - with all its anti-semitism and Great-Russian Chauvinism

Attached: Imam Shamil surrendered to Count Baryatinsky on August 25, 1859 by Kivshenko, Alexei Danilovich.jpg (800x595, 138K)

We like to take the piss with 56% amerimutt memes to america bros because they can still be saved. UK are beyond any saving and are all sandniggers, cucks, niggers and poos, in fact as rare as it is, when a bong is white he's ugly as AIDS puke so it doesn't even matter. Anglos are pure scum

digits prove I'm right

Attached: Беседа под Царьградом.jpg (1280x917, 490K)

This. The Russian Empire was great. The Tsars knew the dangers of the Jews and put them in their place

United States has clear racial hierarchy and us whites constantly remind the non whites of their non american place, that's why mexicans call us white americans and blacks negros and it's why blacks call themselves African Americans instead of Americans. Britain on the other hand refers to any mutt or shitskin whatsoever as "British"
Based Frenchbros

Yes, Russian Empire was, but its no longer possible in the 21st century. With modern means of communication its very easy to take an oppressed minority and mobilize it against the oppressor.

Nice demoralization thread