Is the Nazi UFO conspiracy a CIA psyop?

Did the Nazis flee to Antarctica after WW2? Why are so many youtubers and forums pushing this theory now?

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the only ufo conspiracy theory that has any credibility is bob lazars story



(english subtitles available)

So let me get this straight the Nazis reversed engineered flying saucers but also invested heavily with SS black programs with things like scaler weapons, zero point energy etc

But there are also ayyy lamos who live on the dark side of the moon who are actually ancient aryans

>dark side of the moon
Are you fucking retarded, every side of the moon gets light at some point.

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dude light isnt real open your mind

Very probable that it's CIA since nazi + ufo sounds like something my 9yo nephew would come up with. BUT I don't automatically shoot down UFO theories since there are really fishy shit out there (like the CIA asking Jung about UFOs, why would thye do that?)

But honestly. Space nazis. Lmfao. Why waste time on this

>space nazis lol

Yes because the Nazis didn't develop any crazy shit at the end of the war like fighter jets and V2 rockets

Obviously the dumb Nazis were too stupid to develop nuclear weapons

Its not like the SS had a special archeological unit looking at ancient/classical texts to develop super weapons involving mercury and fucking lasers

Why the heck did Patton drive to Lower Silesia at the end of the war instead of Berlin...probably had nothing to do with the Nazi black weapon projects and operation paperclip

Heil lmao pilled

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This is the kind of dumb shit you here people say along with "The Nazis had nukes. Stalin told Hitler to stop it or he would use poison gas and he did because he didn't want his soldiers to experience being gassed like he did". The Nazis secretly had all kinds of super weapons but still lost for....reasons.

They want you to think the earth is round because that would mean there are limited resources. The earth is flat and there is unlimited resources, over the arctic wall is another society that wants us to get rid of nukes and fight over the limited land so only the strongest society whose consciousness is open enough to transcend good and evil comes out on top to join the ice wall society

Admiral Byrd, Antarctic Treaty, Nazi bases in Antarctictica, fucked up flight paths, Navy missile lasers staying level on water for over 100 miles, NASA fakery.

The sun and Moon are exactly the same size. Tides do not correspond to any model of gravity currently on the table. We only ever see one face of the moon. THERE IS NO SOUTHERN POLE STAR. THE STARS SWEEP ACROSS THE SKY. GOD IS REAL AND THE EARTH IS FLAT!!! SPREAD LOVE!!
>At some point in the future we're gonna look back and say "how did we do it WITHOUT SPACE"
"What an amazing cheat... thing you've done" Trump says to the Satanic NASA propagandist at approximately 17:50

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>Why are so many youtubers and forums pushing this theory now?
they're not, its just the youtube recommendation algoritm that gives you those suggestions since you keep on clicking on them

you stupid fucking american retards


The Nazi’s were given gifts from an ancient species which lives under Antarctica. It’s possible the ancients saved some of the Nazi’s.

The things we know as “UFO” are actually gifts from ancients - think like technical rosetta stones. We just interpret them as flying “craft” because that’s what they look like initially. Check out Bob Lazar.

Stalin told Hitler to stop because they used fuel air bombs on Soviet positions

The Nazis were very close to holding out which would explain the desperation of Hitler last push that resulted in the Battle of the Bulge

If the Germans could fit a nuclear device onto a V2 rocket and hit London it would be a game changer. But they need to be within 200 miles and they couldn't make it

Dude lol wtf was Buzz thinking?

What do you think of Joseph Farrell? Is he a retard?

Saving this pic
>Nazis find the Nameless city

Find the chaos and you find the fucking Jew slave American behind the worst of the worst shit.

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Victor schauberger, living energies