Cheeky Dog Whistle

Elon "There's a 1 in billion chance we're in Base Reality" Musk knows the Truth.

Wonder what he'll expose to the world when he livestreams the Moon Tourist trip in 2023.

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Disclosure is comin

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Or there's a 100% chance that he's pulling it out of his ass because he's an attention whore

Quick rundown on the trending ''simulation theory'', and explain how it differs from literal belief in god? I don't get the difference.

>hey guys I’m really funny. I was one of them and I broke free.

they have all the dogma and superstition of religion but none of the faith or hope that it brings.

Time is relative. It goes quickly when you're having fun, slowly when you're in the hospital. So two people in the same room often have wildly different perceptions of time. What Buddhists, Hindus etc figured out is that if you meditate deeply enough, your perception of time actually stops entirely.

And then all sorts of fun things happen.

Space and time are not fundamental, information is. Consciousness creates apparent space and dimensionality. Just like when you have a dream, what you are dreaming takes up no space. Your consciousness creates the illusion of space and dimensionality when you dream, the same as when you are awake. Both are information based simulations of physical realities.

The greatest saint, even if he has sacrificed a thousand times all that he held most dear, even his life itself, for love of others, for that of a God, or for a noble ideal, remains a prisoner of death and rebirth if he has not understood that all is a childish game, empty of reality, an illusion of shadows which his own mind projects on the infinite screen of the Void, just as in a dream. The difference is that this dream has continuity and matter, which makes it different enough from our nighttime dreams to fool us. Having a near death experience, deep meditation, childbirth, certain psychotropic drugs, can all induce a brief "waking up" which is usually blissful.

Can anyone put together the following concepts:
God | The Simulation | The Law of One | CTMU | The Annunaki

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Simulation theory is essentially a modern rehash of earlier views of reality which stated that our waking life is an illusion. It makes more sense than the materialistic model BY FAR, because instead of a retarded "big bang" theory it just has an on switch. I think it's totally rational to compare our reality to a simulation, but I don't think that's exactly what it is.

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"God," in this model would simply be the designer or designers of the system. They themselves would likely be a relatively insignificant player in their system, which could also have a "god" or designer.

I don't get it, then what are we then?

Because you're saying THERE IS a base reality.


Eternity as a concept only exists in the present moment - through our direct awareness of "now". Time is just a concept to differentiate between memories.

We experience eternity every moment of every day.

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Like dude, what do i give a fuck you know what i mean? i'm stuck in this shitty reality with my shitty body and circumstances and i have basically no power to change practically anything or do nothing. Like what kind of God allows for this shit to happen?

Whatever bullshit you come up with will be just an underhanded way of saying "haha sucks for you, uh? fuck you deal with it or better yet kill yourself loser".

What the fuck are you even talking about dude? like wtf, just put it all together already, a Grand Theory of it All. For all i know this is all demonic trickery, like, how would i know that it isn't? i have no way of knowing. Fuck, it's either there is a God and a Divine Perfect Order of Things or it's all just Nihilism and whatever do whatever because whatever.

I'm wary of any theory that tells me i'm God.

Yeah, they're basically saying "there is no God" and "the most powerful entity is God, but not really".

We are the perceiver beneath the material organ of the mind. We are the thing that does not change. Look over your own life from childhood till now and you can see that though your body is different the "i" part of you is the same.

"We are the Creator experiencing itself"

Bullshit faggot, how many times does The Creator have to experience itself getting raped as an infant to get that maybe raping newborns to death isn't cool?

Sounds to me like The Creator is a bit of a scared and confused retard like the rest of us. You're telling me not even the fucking "Creator" knows what the fuck is going on? that IT's still searching for answers like the rest of us petty mortals? WHAT THE FUCK.

Musk is a fucking retard jew who used no bid lucrative government contracts granted by making large political donations to politicians in order to milk the U.S. tax payer fucking dry. He continually gets more erratic because his time is coming when his ass gets jailed

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Yeah okay, you mean the soul. But where does the soul come from? who made me, you, that guy?

Uh yeah dude, they supossedly went to space and even photographed the earth from space and it's rounbd-ish, dude. Come on.

Thanks, Vivec.

Uh, yeah dude that proves nothing the thing could still be round.

I said nothing about god, just the concept of time and eternity.

Questions to ponder:

When was there ever a moment in your life when it wasn't "right now"? Let's say you die and go to the classical christian interpretation of heaven and you get to be there for all eternity. How do you differentiate when that "eternity" occurs?

There is only one moment - the present moment right now - this one eternal moment. You can experience eternity if you're aware of it.

>"it's all just a childish game so it's okay to rape kill and eat babies, lmao"

Yeah, that sounds like something a demon would say. I don't buy it.

Basically, people look at current computational technology, and the rudimentary "virtual realities" we are able to create today and predict that in the future, we'll be able to create virtual realities that are undetectable to the people that live in them.

If you run with the assumption that such a thing is possible, look at the length of the universe, and look at how quickly we've gone from humans existing to present day, it seems probable that we could be living in such a simulation.

I think there is similar correspondence between (((psychology))) and Theology. Psychology is just stripped down and stepped on religion and that theology is the bare reality. Demons are real and they describe psychological phenomenon better than psychology does in a more understandable way to everyone who isn't literally mentally retarded.

Once i wasn't and one day i'll be dead, in Heaven you don't die, it's forever. It's eternal. You can't just ignore the God Question, retard. Who the fuck do you think you are? God? you're just some guy.

post the picture.


Every fucking time

The simulation reality is fundamentally wrong, but interesting enough to talk about as a possibility.

It rests upon a couple assumptions.

Our technological advancement will not stop. We will some day be able to create a simulation of our world.

Given this, what is there to say that we aren't a simulation ourselves? If we can make that simulation, what makes us the base simulation? Statistically, we're not.

Of course, the assumptions that our technological advancement will not stop, and that we will be able to make such a simulation are not true now, and there's nothing to indicate that they will be true. That's why we can say with 100% certainty that the simulation reality is not true. The possibility that we could get to the point where this argument stands to be made tiny to the point of insignificance.

Difference to the belief in god? Well, god is based on wild assumptions too, and is far less likely to be true. The simulation argument is at least an extrapolation of our current abilities, instead of a book made by desert jews.

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All of this theories are so pleb-tier to be honest, this people need to get into the occult that's where the real philosophy is at. The Virtual Reality theory assumes Materialism.

I don't mean the soul. The soul has intelligence and therefore attributes or impressions that eventually change also and fade away like everything else. I'm talking about what is below the soul, the thing that just is, that is only awareness. It just has always been. You can experience this and see it for yourself. I don't have any idea how it came to be, I just know it's there and I suspect it's the same in you and me because when I am aware of it I see everything else as an aspect of myself.

Ugh, dude. Come on. I mean i get it, flath earth would mean we're special and that there's not a whole universe filled with aliens out there. I mean, maybe, i dunno. Could be, okay? happy? the earth could be fucking flat for all i know lmao.




simulation is only wrong if the thing runs on computers
if the simulation runs on humans you are fucked, because WE are the limiting technological factor and we haven't made any new and better humans yet. just worse niggers.

I feel strange knowing that there are billions of people who have never meditated to the point of separation of body and spirit
Delusional but well meaning biocomputers walking around in circles in Plato’s cave

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It doesn't assume materialism, it just allows you to have a "nested realities" metaphysic using only material observations of technology.

>Our technological advancement will not stop. We will some day be able to create a simulation of our world.

You're making the assumption that the creators of the simulation are human the way we are. We have no idea what the world of the creators would be like. It's safe to assume it would be more 'advanced' than ours.

Rectangle (((iceberg)))

Sounds like a defeatist attitude, boyo. Have you ever considered that your challenges have a point to them that is beyond your current understanding? Definitely don't kill yourself. For all you know, you'll have to try again if you do that, only it might not be so pleasant next time around.

isekai vs native isekai god basically

This is starting to look like another Howard Hughes situation.

So edgy and cringe retard atheists have gone full circle and simply refer to God as "the simulator" now or whatever. Also, they refer to the material universe as a "simulation", relatable to a video game, so as to not upset their materialist sensibilities (NPC's can't comprehend anything beyond that which they can see images of in their miniscule consciousness.)

Can atheists be any more buffoonish and cringe?

Yeah dude, that's the soul, that's what i'm talking about. The thing you say that is always changing is the ego.

I mean, i've heard this theory before from David Icke and gooks that set themselves on fire and the like, "The One is All and The All is One" if you ask me i hope that's not the fucking case, cause that's Nihilism right there son. No meaning. It's all just whatever and the "bad guys" win in a trillion realities just because, because "why not?".

Fuck that. Like i said, sounds like something a demon would say.

You know what else a demon would say? "there are no bad guys, it's all just shades of gray"

a self contained simulation

This is the awareness you can tap into to communicate with animals, plants, and even minerals like crystals.
Every living thing is running a consciousness program, and you, as an advanced thinking being, can access those programs with the right training.
Once you discover this awareness, talking to cats or dogs, trees and flowers and crystals is not that difficult.
Your life experience opens up so dramatically there really isn’t any words to describe it. You Just Have to try it for yourself

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The problem is the time and dedication it takes to learn that level of meditation, coupled with the organization's that spring up around the techniques and keep them secret or distort them- churches I mean.

It assumes a material Base Reality, so yes, it assumes Materialism.

how are minerals living things, they aren't organic

But dreams do take up space with neurons firing

I have

You are using western definitions of soul and ego and I am using the ones from the yoga sutra. I'm not talking about nihilism because being aware of the separation of the perceiver and,the material world is a loving experience, not dark at all.

>You're making the assumption that the creators of the simulation are human the way we are.
well if they arent than our current reality being the way it is would be an argument the simulation theory.
the simulation rest on the idea that it is possible, but if humans arent the ones doing it then there is no proof humans can do it, and thus no proof it is possible.

somethin something art is a reflection of the artist bla bla bla

Had a near death experience this past week. Nothing feels real. It's both fascinating and horrifying at the same time.

Asking whether or not reality is a simulation is like if a dog is an animal or a canine. They both imply the same thing yet can be argued over semantically through different branching subjects. Almost equivalent to circular logic. The entire discussion is meaningless.

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You're too low IQ to debate with, not worth the time

Our bodies are minerals yet also organic. Our bodies are just minerals arranged in a specific way. Minerals are living in the sense that they exist, as opposed to not existing, and are,therefore beings just as we are.

don't do that please
some DUDE WEED LMAO bro will come along and have mental spasms in his drug fried brains about how everything is just waves of vibrations of energy duhh

get this new age whack job shit out of here. retards always claim it but never provide any proof when it'd be as simple as relaying what a doggo is saying

>Sounds like a defeatist attitude,
Why the fuck do i have to compete against anything to begin with? competition is inherently evil, it really fucking is there's no such thing as "friendly competition". Winners and losers, predator and prey. That's it.

>Have you ever considered that your challenges have a point to them that is beyond your current understanding?

That's nonsense, an all-powerful benevolent God would just make us perfect. This shit is literally and self evidently not only pointless but also absurd, you can't tell me some 50IQ ugly monkey-looking paint-sniffing Abo is here to "improve himself and overcome challenges", like get the fuck out of here.

Everything is just insanity, that is it. All entities are scared/confused, that's why almost everyone acts like a child me included. Even smart people.

>Definitely don't kill yourself. For all you know, you'll have to try again if you do that, only it might not be so pleasant next time around.

Yes, i believe in reincarnation but i don't think it's some positive bullshit. I think we're in jail and not because we "did something", i think we're like innocent children on a serial killer's basement. I think we're prisoners to a malevolent entity. I think it's all dark/bad.

Fuck life.

Fuck does that mean? i think you just described Base Reality right there.

Fuck "love", faggot. Grow up. There is no fucking "love" outside of some feminine emotion that only morons think is special, it's all about power. Power is the only thing that's real.

I'm not a fucking building or the ocean, retard. I'm me. Think of it this way: maybe you had a deep spiritual experience were you were "connected to the whole" for a few brief moments OR maybe you're a delusional narcissist who thinks he's hot shit and all that. Which one do you think is more likely? "the fools says in his heart there is no God and who is God that i should fear Him?" just throwing that out there.

let's hear it

No, your analogy is literally pure semantics, while a simulation theory potentially has observable predictions.

>Fuck does that mean? i think you just described Base Reality right there.
you need hardware to do the simulation, we need the body and brain to simulate our thoughts, our body and brain needs this reality to exist, etc, etc, every level is self contained and scale invariant

Since everything is that way everything is real, it cancels itself out.

No, it only assumed that material reality is coherent and consistent.

Reaching that level of awareness is not for the masses
Nothing worthwhile comes easy, and they wouldn’t know what to do with it even if they wanted to.
It is available for those of who want to find it, pearls before swine...

The object of simulation theory is an attempt to explain the reasoning for a higher order of patterns and geometry in the universe. Why is the consideration not simply that the universe is not as chaotic as once thought? Why must be a "real" universe be more chaotic when there is no comparative model to do so

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>hurr durr nikola was an idiot
your attempt at trying to come across as a materialist is pathetic

Science tells us that all matter is made of vibrating particles. Everything is literally made of particles that vibrate in and out of underlying fields. Could those fields be consciousness itself? The double slit experiments indicate it's possible because those experiments prove that observing a particle changes its beha ioe.

If he's so fucking smart he should know how these things work. It's like saying hexogonal rock formations are indicitive of simulation. It's just how the blocks are stacked.

whew man you are either fundamentalist or atheist I can already feel it
>low IQ
>thinks you can communicate with animals and plants in English
Seriously, are you brown? I have a hard time believing a white person couldnt put that 2 and 2 together.

First of all here's no such a thing as honest conversation let's get that out of the way, we're all just egos battling eachother here. Trying to prove who's the more "woke". Second of all, we really don't know shit.

Okay, so what do i know? i'm me and i'm experiencing stuff. That's it. I have to doubt everything else. And what is "me"? well, i'm not my brain because i don't experience myself as my brain or my body for that matter (i know the brain is part of the body, shut up), i'm the awareness/consciousness residing in this body yet i'm still afraid of what may happen to "me" (i.e my body) why? well, very simple, i have NO FUCKING IDEA what will happen to "me" after i die, i mean, i think i reincarnate but that doesn't calm me down at all, i mean, the fact that there's so much fucking mystery to this whole life thing tells me there's some fuckery afoot.

Seriously, something's definetly very wrong here.

Dude, i don't really know anything other than i exist and i'm experiencing stuff.

Fuck the designer who designed niggers

reminder that simulation theory is just masonic genesis, substituting the divine creator of everything with a pleb outside the simulation, the devine spiritual realm with another layer of the material and satan that wispers lies and temptations into your ear ruling this material world becomes the fake world, or occasionally saturn projecting the matrix. if you want to believe this just read the bible which gives a more accurate representation of it all without the nihilistic dogma

Dude, does no one notice how everything is about the ego? every single fucking conversation anyone has? it's spooky, seriously read The Bible it adresses man's ego all the time and always reminds you to fear God or He will fucking send you to Hell forever.

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Those types of people will use “memes and kek” unironically and never think twice about how profound it is what they are doing.
It’s like asking a blind person to count how many fingers you’re holding up, and they tell you fingers aren’t real because they can’t see them.
If an user who knows nothing about consciousness fields and the interactions of them with matter and yet attacks the idea of it with such conviction, I have trouble believing he will ever fully understand this topic.
Sad to see such useless anger but it must just be low IQ

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God+simulation you find here annunaki are fallen angels larping as gods
law of one i believe is just some stuff someone with a bit of esotheric knowledge pulled of his ass, so i didnt read it. no idea what ctmu is.

reincarnation is not logical sooner or later everything dies and collapses because of entropy
there is an end to everything other than to the Abrahamic concept of the Creator

Can I buy some drugs from you

All you know is that you are aware
What you do with your “awareness of being aware” is up to you
It’s clear that this reality is not the full picture, use your awareness like all of us are to probe into the darkness to find answers. That’s all we are doing

I believe that ancient Nordic Whites (themselves created by God) bioengineered low IQ non-Whites to be their slaves (they made them from gorillas and shit, other monkeys too) and later mixed with them to a certain extent. Europeans are the purest actually-made-by-God humans and niggers are literally souless.

Anyway, this of course much angered The Lord. White guilt exists for a reason.

The ego is how one perceives the world around him. To reason out things other than the ego one must go through the ego.

I don't think it's right to say that all competition is evil. It's only nature. One can always cooperate with others instead of competing against them, also. You must also eat in order to survive, which is much more like predators and prey than competition is. It's just the nature of this reality.
>an all-powerful benevolent God would just make us perfect.
That would yield nothing, like beating a video game with cheat-codes.
>This shit is literally and self evidently not only pointless but also absurd
You say that simply because of your human-centric opinion of what pointlessness and absurdity is. If a goat were to look at you, you'd probably seem quite absurd to them, too.

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I would say Musk is overrated, if it weren't for the fact that he's been able to do so many things on top of having the brains.

But Astrology and shit all makes it seem like reincarrnation is fucking real dude, seriously, all that occult shit is legit.

There are no fucking "hidden answers" dude, it's all either whatever or God. That's it.

I am not talking about romantic love, I am talking about qualities such a compassion, devotion and sacrifice. I suffer to, horribly over the last three years but it has left me with more compassion for others and less bitterness. I am just talking with you because I feel empathy for the pain you are expressing. So far as I know the only way to escape is to learn to be still inside so your sense of self is less disturbed by the qualities of life. All religions advise this but somehow the thing that ties them all together is never discussed, only the differences

The GOAL that somebody had in proposing simulation theory is irrelevant to the fact of what it is.

that pic... wolves dont bark tho... how come he doesnt even know that?

There is a saying that thinking you know something and knowing you know something aren't the same. If you aren't underage you should know by now that sometimes things aren't like they seem they are. Reincarnation is bollocks m8. Where are we going to reincarnate when this planet is no longer able to support life?

Am I the only one raging inside because they cant show a full picture of the rectangular iceberg? This shit is triggering my ocd like hell

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It is very frustrating. Wouldn't a non-brainlet want to get an image of the whole burg?

Why are you so controlled by anger?
When you meditate you become much more sensitive to emotion and to information, because as you meditate you start processing more information as you relax your conscious “train of thought”. It’s literally like a train at full speed just forward forward forward.
Meditate a little bit, and the hidden reveals itself to you, and yes I believe in God, only a fool would say there is not one.
Anger blinds you, mediate with love, eminating from your heart, and you will find answers that lead to more questions that lead to more answers etc, like a fractal.
Everything is fractal. This is a feature of our universe.

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wolves bark. They just don't bark in situations a dog would, i.e. all situations. Do you even yiff like he, the wolfman?

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