Another Tran Wreck

Attached: A1C452EC-0802-4785-87F7-FC1729D19343.jpg (750x1053, 421K)

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Imagine a child walking into a room and seeing this? It would literally be like seeing a monster.

Attached: 1D81ED4B-FAE9-4780-BEDA-0F28779D6295.jpg (650x330, 19K)

Attached: DF65378F-A598-4366-86D5-DD27DB47E9C6.jpg (450x450, 106K)

Jesus fucking chirst, is that a witcher?

Attached: what_the_fuck.jpg (400x135, 7K)

I flinched and I'm pushing 30. Genuinely startled me.

Attached: 2F8F8900-621E-49AD-A4CE-F503416FA447.gif (302x302, 3.8M)

Kill it with fire.

Attached: Earth-1.jpg (700x415, 44K)

That .gif is definitely going to be around for years to come.

my god a real life monster

Attached: 1506538289617.jpg (600x549, 53K)