So my girlfriend had sex with 16 people before me (started at 19yo, we met when she was 22yo), all FWB and ONS...

So my girlfriend had sex with 16 people before me (started at 19yo, we met when she was 22yo), all FWB and ONS, no relationships. She lost her virginity in the toilets of a non-stop bar/casino thing.
She also did anal and let the guys come inside her mouth, sent nudes and so, things she has problems to do with me. She tried though, a little. Also a kind of a threesome thing. Most of the guys were low class and it didn't take much to get her to bed.

How do I get over this? How do I stop thinking less of her? We are both STD free and it's not like I was a virgin when we met.

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where do i find these women

>STD free after 16 cocks
>2 in 3 men have HPV

Lol dream on

Any metropolitan area.

Oh, and most of it was condomless.
Yeah, we have HPV.

>it didn't take much to get her to bed
and you believe you got a winner here?

You don't. This will burden you forever. Women who have sex before marriage don't deserve to be happy. Practice with her, then find a virgin girl.

Use her, fuck her, drop her. She's a cum dumpster, she won't change to be a good girl for you.

Another of these threads. You have to ask yourself, are you another fuck toy or the beta provider she wants to settle down with? If it's the latter then don't expect her to be extra sexual for you.

>Was a total whore
>Tells you all about it with no shame
>extremely reluctant to do anything moderately kinky with you

Doesn't that tell you enough. she's damaged.

No. She's intelligent, funny and I like to hang out with her though.

Well, it's not like she's withholding sex and she spent more money on me than I did on her.

I wouldn't say extremely reluctant, she actually did them or agreed to and we did other things too.

if a man has multiple partners he is an alpha, if a woman does the same she is a slut lol

3 years = 36 month
36 / 16 = ~ 1 partner every 2 month.

There's nothing stable to be had here, go on

>She lost her virginity in the toilets of a non-stop bar/casino thing.
Normal behavior for people with self abuse/harm tendencies. Run!

>sex with 16 people
>She's intelligent

Pick one, dumbass.

In the OP you said she's got 'problems' doing with you what she did with 16 random lads in public bathroom stalls, senpai.

That's not right. Clearly. She probably tells you some sob story and you're all understanding, but she's damaged emotionally. There's no long term happiness for you. You're not gonna be her shiny hero that rides off with her into the sunset. Take a few days and take a step back and ponder on what it actually is you're hoping for here. You can get a girl that you're just as attracted to somewhere else without all the mental problems/

>She's intelligent, funny and I like to hang out with her though
of course a lot of promiscuous girls are a ton of fun but you don't date them. damn

>Tells you all about it with no shame
Actually I pried some things out of her, curiosity killed the cat. She seems to regret most of it.

Get the fuck out of there.

yes, that's exactly it.


>lost her virginity to a group of strangers bareback in a casino toilet.

Your girlfriend sounds cool as hell dude

>How do I stop thinking less of her?
How is this wrong? Women are lesser creatures. Just slap her around like a whore, she'd probably suck you off then. And stop those threesome shit. If you're going to allow it, get paid doing it. If you love her, be the pimp your gf needs

Sure she does. She didn't mind fucking 17 randoms, but after 18 she started to regret it. I mean, I'd give her a chance, but this has all still been very recent, so have no expectations.

Her twat is overstretched as hell too.

>2 out of 3
Are you for real?
My ex revealed to me she has it after we've been boning unprotected for years but I've never had any sores.
Am I okay? Do I have it too?

Fucking run. Don't start a relationship with crazy, at most give her a bone, but if you have feeling you have to cut sorry. She doesn't want love and doesn't deserve it either.

>How do I get over this?

Spoilers : you don't.

Honestly, if she doesn't want to do the same things with you, then she's probably just not that into you.

A man has to work hard to get women to even look his way. A moderately attractive woman just needs to open her legs. Don't like it? Too bad. That's the way the world works. Women are supposed to be selective in who their partners are. When they choose any cock that gets thrown their way, it doesn't look good.

you are plan b (or c), op

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>Women are supposed to be selective in who their partners are.

They aren't. Women having easier time getting sex partners doesn't mean they should reject them. It's your jealousy talking.

Just like you don't tell someone to stop accepting christmas gifts because someone else somewhere didn't get christmas gifts.

>2 in 3 BLACK men have HPV
pic ref:

Why can't dieased sluts use search engines, I guess the syphilis damaged their brains.

>•Men who receive anal sex are more likely to get anal HPV and develop anal cancer.
Sounds like you should get tested for gay butt cancer.

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Those "gifts" have a high chance of lifelong complications and can result in a kid.

Honestly are you really saying that you wouldn't care if your partner had 200+ partners? That wouldn't raise any red flags?

Don't get over it, don't ignore it. If you're trying to have a serious monogamous relationship, it is destined for failure with this girl. You don't need to judge her or think less of her, but you shouldn't be planning a future with her either.

People just have different habits and priorities when it comes to sex and relationships. It's very hard to change, permanently, without slipping back into natural habits. She just isn't the "sweet loyal girlfriend" type, despite her best efforts.

who cares

OP, i don't endorse people looking down on someone for their sexual past, but this is pretty destructive behavior

I wouldn't be comfortable with this either. If you love her and she has improved her life, you may want to go to couple's counseling but understand that this isn't normal so your feelings are valid

Don't commit to this woman that would be a utter waste of time.

Not him but to you 16 and 200+ might as well be the same number.

That's why I can't take you seriously

i dont know, i didnt make any effort to make girls feel attracted to me. maybe you are just ugly user

Maybe, but do you have women making the first move on you? Or do you make the first move. Are you in shape? If you are, wouldn't that count as work?

i was always ectomorph. yes they did the first move

>How do I get over this?
by leaving her for good
16 in 3 years is far too much to build a solid relationship on
>inb4 it worked for me
even if it lasted 50 years, that's like telling others to play the lottery because you won with your first ticket

i was with a 16 yo girl like this for year. She was promiscuous before me (insecure and bipolar) but she was comitted to me for a whole year.

Then her stupidity took over. She felt like i had given her confidence so she decided to try and find a better man than me.

I know she is a dumb whore again now and is ashamed about what she did to me but she's too stubborn to admit it.

Fucked up girls with self harming tendencies are very unpredictable, Especially when they are young and inexperienced.

I got out of that relationship quite emotionally damaged because I tried to save the girl, only to see her fall into her old stupid ways and then drop me stone cold even though I thought we had a great love thing going because thats how she made me feel... only to fuck me up hard in the end.

The girl i am with now is closer to my age, but stkll younger. She is also hot but has a mind that is much more mature, Balanced and reasonable.

Someone who I can probably count on when I need to. Unlike the bipolar slut i used to love.

This op, dump the bitch.

Jesus christ, LOL. Youre lucky if you dont have any stds or aids at this point. Best bet is to emotionally check out of the relationship, and when youve found a better woman lined up, dump her and monkey branch to a good woman who isnt a disgusting broken whore. If you dont dump her, youre a cuck.

You fuckers are so gullible.

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On the off chance this isn't bait. Fucking break up with her. She WILL cheat on you.

A close friend of mine fell for exactly the same thot like you are describing except the part where she tells him the explicit sex part, but everyone knew about it.
She was pretty smart girl I'd say, witty and all that and she said that he loved him. He had feelings for her but never was too comfortable around her because of her past. The moment he got too comfortable, thought she changed and all that shieet, he found out that she cheated on him in their earlier days.
Saying that you love someone and cheat on him is normal for these kind of thots.

Don't fall for the trap user, even tho I am pretty sure you already have your mind set (blindly) and you are going to listen to only yourself. You just need 1 affirmative post in 99 bad ones, to go for it. Or maybe not even one. So the only advice I can give you is to be careful and use your fucking head. Or well, you will have a story to tell about that one thot in the future, sometimes is the best to learn from your mistakes.

>gf was a ho bag
>gf tried doing ho bag things with me but didn't perform like she did for the 16 cocks she saw at least once each
>how do I stop thinking she was a ho bag
Why on earth did you ask about her being a ho bag? why would you want to know where she got her V card punched?

When you buy a used car you know it has been run ragged a few times but as long as there aren't any leaks and the suspension isn't cracked you don't worry, you don't take the previous owner out for beers and ask about the shit they got up to.

She sounds like she could be a fun lay for a little while.

>she said 16

yeah cool story bro. she probably burned trough 30+ cocks

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how many people have you slept with, OP? If you've slept with a similar amount of people, you have no room to judge, and if you're willing to divulge her sexual past to a bunch of anons for advice, you should be willing to say some of your own too.

>used goods

you're ego is hurt because your gf got
laid more than you
which is reasonable giving girls develop faster and have a smaller window of prime than us

in short get over yourself
if you had banged just as many people
you wouldn't give a fuck

You were actually no. 7 on that list two years ago.

by dumping her

no clue what to tell you OP. also pretty insecure about this. a few is fine but at 24 in a major city it seems like everyone has had so many partners.

So we're still doing this I see?

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She chose to have sex over commitment, multiple times. She is the very definition of classy and good decision making. How many abortions did she have?

>How many abortions did she have?
OP as a cuck with a complete lack of self-respect will adopt all the bastards.

OP isn't real. OP's girlfriend isn't real. Do you guys really not understand the concept of bait?

> She lost her virginity in the toilets of a non-stop bar/casino thing.

How can a girl lose her virginity like that. I get it women fuck but seriously what happened to standards? Doesn't feel ashamed to lose it in a dirty toilet at least?

Do not take her seriously OP! Treat her only as your personal slut. By the virginity thing alone she cancelled herself out from being gf material.

> She also did anal and let the guys come inside her mouth, sent nudes and so, things she has problems to do with me.

WHAT THE FUCK! Why are you with her! Dump her now you idiot! I don't get the logic of these women for fucks sake!

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>Treat her only as your personal slut. By the virginity thing alone she cancelled herself out from being gf material.
Indeed. Now she's good only for some dirty old man.

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Leave her. She is unstable.
Sex is a great thing, but someone who jumps up and down dicks without having a relationship, means theyre superficial and have shitty personality. Sooner or later you will find out she is a wreck of mental diseases.

How could you marry a woman who has sent nudes to other guys? Those will be out there forever you know.

Nobody cares about HPV fucking incels.

From the moment chicks are in a fuckable age(probably even before) every single conversation with a guy is basically him just offering dick. Considering that, 16 guys in 3 years is a rejection rate of 99%. I'd be proud to call that my GF. Just so you retard incels know. Most chicks will have over 60 sexual partners before getting married.
>and if every chick you ever talked to would be offering pussy you'd have even more sex

What a nasty whore!

>How do I get over this?

You don't. Listen to me...


Seriously, internalize this. The mere fact that you're asking strangers whether or not you're "allowed" to have standards speaks volumes about your sense of self-worth.

The only reasonable advice.

I hope this is b8 but let's assume you are being serious

>16 partners at 22
she's literal human trash, I would advise against getting over it
>We are both STD free
yeah sure, especially when she fucked guys up for one night stands

you probably tested for 5 or 6 most well known ones (and yet least likely), some shit like hpv or genital warts (or even fungal infections) can give no symptoms at all for year (or even, especially in males) and good luck testing for those as a male w/o outbreaks because it's nearly impossible to get accurace results, those are easily transmittable even when condoms

did you know even lyme can be transmitted through unprotected intercourse and in many cases it can give no symptoms/very generic ones (like tiredness) for some 20-30 years (and the blood tests can be very tricky - there are a lot of false negative results)? if one of her partners was bitten by a tick and didn't notice it you might as well have it now (although male -> female transition is much easier than female -> male)

there's no way you are std free after the ride she had

>she's literal human trash

Holy shit! 16 fuckers = 6 + 6 + 4 ! Even 4 intercouses with random dicks are too much.

If there weren't such cucks as OP, no slut would ever marry.

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Can we sticky this? It takes care of like 30% of threads on this board.

Ditch her. You're literally just another cock to her, and you - rightly so - see her as a used up hole. Find a less used girl, even though I realize it may be a very difficult task in this age of sluts and whores

are you being serious? she's a whore
fucking her might be a choice for some
but actually building a relationship with a whore is hopeless

cut ties with her OP, I'm sure your next girl will be smarted and just lie about her real number to you to make you feel better :v)


>How do i get over this?

You don't OP. You either care or you don't care. The only guy that could deal with this is a guy that honestly doesn't care about his girls sexual past. Maybe some beta guy who is happy to have a girlfriend in the first place so he basically just sucks up to it. Or perhaps a guy who has slept with dozens of women himself so they are on the 'same level playing field'.

But the fact that you made a thread asking anons how to deal with your insecurity about this, means you DO care. So you will care about it forever. Your girlfriend used to be a cheap cum dumpster and there is nothing you can do to make it stop bothering you.

Dump her and find someone who used to have more respect for her sexuality growing up.

Also this

>Most chicks will have over 60 sexual partners before getting married

I don't know what kind of women you dated, but this is absolute bullshit.