This is the future of Burgerland

A Russian man was jailed for "hatred against women" on social media


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Russia has more hatespeech laws then any eurocuck nation and they jail people away all the time.
They jail feminists, they jail manosphere bloggers, they jail people for posting memes. Its totalitarian centrism.

And that's a good thing.

USA > Russia simply based on the fact that it's not illegal to say the holocaust is the greatest lie of the previous century.

So you are the newest self hating russian troll? How much do Navalny/Sobchak pay you? No matter, you can't dethrone Crazy Ruble Taras. His 2015/2016 ruble threads were made with a passion.

comic sans lol

Don't get so mad, furry degenerate. Try some argumentation at least. If you can, of course.

Russia is the ground zero of the most rabid and fanatical horse fans of them all. Your artists are the best of them all. Just look for a guy named Shuxer59. He lives in the middle of fucking Siberia and makes best mlp figures of anyone. 200-600$ range.

I can see this being made into law the next time the Democrats win the White House.

>furfag licking up to other horsefucking degenerates
All furries get the gas

What is your nationality?


I seriously doubt it.

I bet you would sell your own mother and sister as whores for a US visa. Go back to your Ekho Moskvy and Novaya Gazeta.

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Even if I were a burger, how would that deny the news?

Whoa, whoa, easy horsefucker. We must purge all furries first.

The article clearly says it's for inciting rhetoric against putin.

This is the defining feature of slavdom and why we behave like niggers with no ordnung - "might as well break the law when I'm always breaking the law just by existing anyway".

>Doing this shit under your real name from your real IP
Retard got what he was asking for
Believe it or not, main reason they prosecute people for insignificant bullshit is Kafkian Soviet system still used in police for some reason where they literally expected to solve X crimes in month/year/etc, and if they solve less, they are considered not doing their work and fined.

Here's the guy itself.

"The judge was a woman. The prosecutor was a woman. The investigator was a woman. Even my lawyer was a woman. In court, they were all trying to convince me that there's no matriarchy in Russia and it's just silly me who made it all up in my head" - he said in VK.

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