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the complete withdrawal was always a metaphor anyway. only shart blue took it literally.

How long will it take to kill every ISIS member?



>we needed a 15th thread on this
>this isn't a shill campaign
>this is a valid thread

>no wall
>no pullout

Can't wait to hear Hannity try to defend this.

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reminder cucks called this neocon "BASED"

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>slow his plans
Pick one.

>The eternal boomer strikes again

The 'pull out' was a metaphor for what Trump's dad should have done.

Put the source, not only the clickbait headline

>says lindsey graham

And Lindsey graham goes back to being a cuck, it was a good few months while it lasted.

hannity is so obsequious he would eat vomit from trumps mouth and eat diarrhea from his butt

Is this a joke or is pol really this far gone?

How many years would we be able to keep manufacturing weapons?

I knew trump would cave to the kikes. Ery time

Jow Forums is a parody of itself

Keeping troops their until the "game winning touchdown" or whatever is total fucking lunacy. Turkey, france, UK, iraq and syria are working on stopping ISIS right fucking now. The US does not need to be there for the ending ceremonies. Fuck, Lindsey Graham is a total asshat.

To be fair, it's just one senator saying this after talking with Trump, who probably calmed him down that the withdrawal wouldn't be immediate. That's not even possible, you have to get all the weaponry and vehicles, try to make sure assets aren't fucked, etc, before leaving. There needs to be much better evidence of Trump caving.

Not just any senator. If Lindsey says it it's because he's been in Trump's impressionable, senile ear

The magapede crowd has ruined pol, at least until trump is out of office.


So you don't actually give a shit, you just dislike Trump. Gotcha. How does it feel to be low IQ?


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Ignore him

>no Syria pullout
>"wall" will now be $5 billion for bullshit "border security" that will be 100% ineffective
Holy shit, Trump can't fuck this up this badly, can he?

4d chess magapedes
praise your god emperor Trump-berg

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sick burn bro

(((They))) told him to reconsider

Is this fucking idiot ever going to do shit he says he is going to except for more gun control?

this was all just an illusion to make it look like Trump isn't owned by Israel (which he is)

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>no link
>Lindsey “my last name should be flake” graham
Fake news and fake black pills just like everything else these last few weeks

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Truly insightful

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they're trying to spark a civil war, thing is most ppl are waking up and breaking the conditioning...

btw aj is a jew shill also...

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Pants on head retarded. Let Israel handle that shit.


A literal cuck to Israel.

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> We're pulling out!
> Greatest Ally commences full invasion
> We're staying
What a coincidence.

Not everyone here called him /ourguy/.. Only idiots

Israel will ensure that never happens.

...I remember.

Lindsey is a McCain cuck with a girls name.

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Esoteric Grahamism when?

At this point, even the most ardent believer in Trump has to be thinking "I'll believe it when I see it to anything that he says." Like fuck man, I want to believe. I watched the "Never Come Down" video for like 5 hours. I want the swamp drained, the wall built, some kind of real progress... But it's just bullshit and excuses for 2 years now. A tax cut and some trade deals won't fix the shit that he promised to fix.

Can user please confirm this jpg?

Welcome to American politics. If we get nothing we called for, all it does is solidify that there is no way to make major changes unless you're a liberal faggot. That's basically all there is. As the evangelicals do, you must have faith until that faith is betrayed. Thus far, it's not looking stellar. All I want is a wall and a Supreme Court ruling on the vague "anchor baby" clause so it can be done with. Everything else is superfluous to what Trump may or may not do. We'll see user. We'll see.

That may be the case for domestic issues, but foreign policy is something the president has a lot of power in. If he remains in Syria it's because Trump capitulated to the deep state.

>says hes going to fix healthcare
>says hes going to build a wall
>says hes going to pull out of the middle east

wait wtf?

You faggots are overreacting. It's Lindsay graham saying it. No response from the WH

He is, the guy has no idea.

Sure, it is just that utter pawn flapping his gums, but it wouldn't surprise me after that Israeli operation going into full effect

Trump sucks and has been terrible for White people and Europeans, he is useless and weak.

b-but the (((DailyStormer))) told me Graham is based and redpilled!

Attached: graham dailystormer.jpg (983x957, 98K)

Too late. Syrian Army has already entered kurdistan around manbij and is raising flags everywhere. Kurds are also already convinced that the US betrayed them. Things have been set in motion and no amount of neocon snakes whispering in orange mans ears is gonna change that.

>two years into presidency
>failed to keep any of the major promises that only a wild card candidate could promise
>only "achievements" are the economic policies that literally any other GOP neocon could enact
>just wait and see user, don't give up yet
>we'll get a red wave for the midterms
>get blown the fuck out
>just wait and see user, don't give up on Trump yet
Can't wait for the rerun of Trump's 2016 campaign of promising the exact same things he did back then but in 2020.

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how many dimensions of chess are we on now?

Clearly a joke

Can't we just nuke the middle east out of existence?

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Why can't they give an exact quote of what Trump said?

Trumps just a fucking mess at this point, sure it was a good laugh when he got elected but soon after it became apparent that he couldn't lead he just gave orders and expected them to be carried out, that's not how leadership works you have to lead from the front and make a proactive effort to make sure things are followed through. That means going to each and every department and putting steps and people in place to get shit done, he's done none of that and is now reaping the non rewards of just shouting at red tape.

This is BS, they just will never leave like they're still in Afghanistan and Iraq. I knew Trump would never do it but gave him benefit of the doubt. He is tough against mexican children but a pansy when his kike overlords give him orders to fight the endless wars for Israel

It shouldn't take long to defeat ISIS, I give them two more weeks at best, they are surrendering en mass now and they only hold about four villages. They won't go away soon, they will still have presence as old school terrorists do, but the Caliphate is no more.

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Generals gathered in their masses,
just like witches at black masses.
Evil minds that plot destruction,
sorcerer of death's construction.
In the fields the bodies burning,
as the war machine keeps turning.
Death and hatred to mankind,
poisoning their brainwashed minds...Oh lord yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor

Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait `till their judgement day comes, yeah!

Now in darkness, world stops turning,
ashes where the bodies burning.
No more war pigs have the power,
hand of god has struck the hour.
Day of judgement, god is calling,
on their knees the war pigs crawling.
Begging mercy for their sins,
Satan, laughing, spreads his wings...Oh lord, yeah!

It's been this way for some time now. Unless you're an actual influencer, all you can do is hope one politician comes along and actually keeps campaign promises rather than lying to you. So far, it's all lies. The last hope was an outsider, but it seems the machine is too great for even the President alone.

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magapedes are 60% of Jow Forums now and about 90% are boomers

It's real, Gavin Mciness kike fag confirmed

did he died?

Based red pilled alt right people thought this guy was a thought leader? fucking kek

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I like how kikes say ISIS emerged when Obama pulled out of Iraq. Well, what better way to force the US to go back than creating a boogeyman. These ISIS guys were only 10 000 at the top of their game. You're telling me americans couldn't defeat them in 7 years? Didn't they announce the defeat of ISIS months ago alreadyh? Who are they fooling? This is againts Assad for Israel and has nothing to do with ISIS

That's it. I'm off the Trump train. Sorry magapedes.

the nigger should have gotten 25 billion for the wall for this

The one positive thing drumpf has done and he still fails. What a loser.

We've been inside the 10 yd line since 2002??? Need to make a touchdown or get the fuck off the field.

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Wtf is Trump, an outsider, supposed to do with a century of nigger politics in 2 years?

Just another all talk no action politician.

He had no intentions of withdrawing. Trump just wanted a way to get rid of Mattis. Mattis lost his cool and quit and played right into Trump's plan.

Their capitals, Mosul and Raqqa, were taken from them a long time ago but they still had territory near the Euphrates. The Kurds weren't willing to fight for lands that weren't "Kurdish" so the coalition had to recruit Arabs and train them to fight ISIS, the first time it failed and the Arabs ran away and the frontlines of the SDF almost fell apart when ISIS launched a counterattack during a sandstorm, they even beoke into Iraq again, the US bombed the shit out of that strip to contain them, and then I guess the US somehow convinced the Kurds to go help in that area, they did and with western special forces (Mostly the Americans and French) accompanying them they started another offensive which has been very successful and they took the last remaining town from them about two weeks ago.

Could be, if they get someone more like Bolton then Iran is about to get glassed.

nah it s the typical /ptg/ faggot

would he at least do it in a classy way?

please, bitch. us pedes will never leave. KEK

Who do you think pays ISIS?
Imagine being so stupid that you end up fighting yourself in defense of your own lies.. that's the US. That's what we're doing right now in Syria

Yeah, I am seething. I'm tried of his half promises and measures. No wall, no ending DACA, no Fed audit, no nothing. Trump is a fucking fraud, and no one can prove me wrong. All you faggots can say is shill and kike, that's it.

Has anyone except Lindsey Gram confirmed this?


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It's almost like no matter who is president you get the same shit regardless.

I don't get how DS is still a thing. It's a moderate memefest for 15-year-old boomers who think they're edgy.

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my American friends, look at this happy family.
you know what to do when stuff goes down.

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Get ready for a judeo Christian values speech lmmmaaaaaaaoooooooooooo

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