The group of young men behind a senseless attack at St Kilda have been slammed by leaders of their own community...

The group of young men behind a senseless attack at St Kilda have been slammed by leaders of their own community. As many as 20 youths of African appearance are wanted over a December 1 bashing on the esplanade not far from Melbourne’s CBD. CCTV footage of the attack, which was shared by Victoria Police yesterday, shows three men cowering while they’re punched and kicked over and over again. For good measure, the offenders took the victims’ wallets and mobile phones. As police search for those responsible, a leader of the African community in Melbourne says enough is enough. “It’s absolutely deplorable,” lawyer Maker Mayek told “So many young people descending on one person is horrible. I was appalled when I saw it.” Three men were attacked at St Kilda on December 1. Picture: Victoria Police Three men were attacked at St Kilda on December 1. Picture: Victoria Police The campaigner who helped his community reclaim the #AfricanGangs hashtag also slammed those on social media who rejected the use of the term “African Australians” in describing those responsible. Many, including those who commented on’s Facebook page, suggested they’re “not Australians”. Mr Mayek said that’s plainly wrong. “To those people, I say that prejudice is everywhere. Those comments are the result of prejudice. They look at a person’s skin colour and make a judgment. “Most came here when they were one, two or three-years-old or were born here. They’re Australian. There’s no way to deny that. Somebody who is born here, has an Australian passport, is a resident of Australia — they’re Australian. They share more in common with Australians than anyone else.” He said it was important to remember that “a crime is not worse because the person who commits that crime isn’t white”. Mr Mayek also rejected claims that those responsible were part of a “gang”. “They’re not gangs. They’re a bunch of cousins, relatives, friends who are all hanging out together.

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They drink alcohol and do silly things in the process.” An image of one of the men police wish to speak to over a bashing on St Kilda foreshore. An image of one of the men police wish to speak to over a bashing on St Kilda foreshore. Picture: Victoria Police Two men suffered serious injuries and were taken to hospital. Two men suffered serious injuries and were taken to hospital.

Police labelled the attack “unprovoked” but Mr Mayek said it was possible somebody “said something” before the group of youths confronted three men about 11.15pm. “Racist words — sometimes there’s somebody that would’ve said something, but the attackers should’ve exercised restraint.” Police said the confrontation started when three men were walking along the foreshore. After being approached, they were punched and kicked. The victims attempted to walk away but were approached and hassled by the group again, police say. That’s when a number of other young males joined in. One of the victims, a 24-year-old man from Burwood East, suffered a broken nose and facial bruising. His wallet and phone were stolen and he was transported to hospital for treatment. Sudanese community leader Maker Mayek slammed those responsible for a violent attack at St Kilda. Picture: David Geraghty/The Australian Sudanese community leader Maker Mayek slammed those responsible for a violent attack at St Kilda. Picture: David Geraghty/The Australian A second victim, a 26-year-old man from Wheelers Hill, tried to intervene and was knocked out by a kick to the head. He suffered lacerations to his face and was also taken to hospital for treatment. A third victim, a 20-year-old man from Vermont South, was chased from the area and suffered minor injuries but did not require treatment. Mr Mayek has a message for those responsible. “Go to school, find jobs, prepare for your future.” He said that’s all the community wants for them, and that’s all their parents want for them. “We’re ambitious and we want to see them succeed.”

I'm just so angry that I was born and am existing at this point in time as a white man.
Almost any other point in history would be better than this. It's not like I'd be able to fathom the modern conveniences I'd be missing out on.

Maybe 17th century England or France? Would be very peaceful indeed. The Renaissance would be very comfy.

The sudos just like most lebs cannot handle alcohol well at all. White aussies will do the same drinking thing growing up around 16yo but never go bashing and mugging people. Lebs and Sudos get a taste of alcohol and get this false bravado that makes them think they're the shit. They're not. Everyone just laughs at them. Other drunk whites just look at them in silence thinking what absolute fuckwits they are. Its always sudos and lebs. Then if a sudo or leb tries to stand up and start something the same shit always happens, always. The drunk white aussie will have a beer in one hand and just throw a haymaker, then go back to drinking his beer while the sudo/leb walks off with his mates.

George street Sydney 1970`s.

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Surf Fest in the 80s

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>wishes he was a boomer

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>Implying I said anything about being a boomer

Cronulla 2.0 country wide nigger cleanse when?

tfw asia is your only hope for salvation

I don't have a problem with Sudanese people, almost all the older Sudanese people I have met have been great people. The youth however bring their dumb pack mentality with them and are just general fuck heads. Should be deported.

they're being brainwashed by jewish nigger shit and start that nigger gangsterism when reality is they've been handed EVERYTHING on a silver platter and they're still ungrateful. fuck i hate niggers


FUCK chinks australia was built by white men. It's our legacy, and OURS to give to OUR children and grandchildren

You mean to abbos and minorities. I heard your country just mobilized to stop the Vietcong from defending themselves'

Dumb fucking niggers acting like niggers.

>Police labelled the attack “unprovoked” but Mr Mayek said it was possible somebody “said something” before the group of youths confronted three men about 11.15pm. “Racist words — sometimes there’s somebody that would’ve said something, but the attackers should’ve exercised restraint.
>dey racis
Go home you dirty fucking monkeys.

Legally, if their over the age of 18 and get a criminal record we’re allowed to deport them right? Peter Dutton bought in that ruling or am I misinterpretting it, they shouldn’t fucking be here.

Where are the bogan’s when you you need them?

This. It always seems to be the ones in Melbourne. The sudos all around my area are really nice people, like really nice and adapted to Australian culture really well minus the swearing. But Melbourne sudo youth are just fucked. They need deportation. You can't fix them

I have only ever heard "racial" shit thrown at people after they've done something that calls for either violence or a little more than walking away. Like at the pub once, some dumb young fuckwit took my brothers beer from the counter and he said "oi you little black cunt. You better be paying for that". Sudo got scared and walked off like he couldn't understand and then got kicked out

Doubt it will happen, I remember some poli calling for them to be deported back to Africa for crimes like assault and robbery and break and enters but everyone had a whinge in Melbourne and he backed down.

>A proposal to crack down on African street gangs by deporting offenders as young as 16 would effectively condemn them to "death sentences", Sudanese community leaders have warn

I don't think it ever went through, thanks to the bleeding heart liberal minority

>reclaimed a hashtag
>slammed those who disagree

Sudanese just steal and fight everyone. No matter the city its all they do.

>Help us evil white people find these dindus
>pixelate faces cuz feelz

God-tier cuckholdry. Bravo cunts.

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Exactly, then they blame it on their terrible upbringing in sudan with their whole
"I saw my family slaughtered in front of my eyes" Spiel
Then why the fuck come here and act like a pack of gorillas beating on old people and stealing shit that isn't theirs. If they wanna act like they did back in Sudan then send them back I don't give a fuck about their sob story.

Ffs, they’re going to have to wake up to themselves eventually. That could’ve been the only positive thing to have come out of Melbourne of late.

they get away with it because the police have an order on high to treat nigger with kid gloves. the poliice minister at the time a few years a go made a big public hullabaloo about letting niggers get away with their crimes because it's "racist" to do anything otherwise

i just wonder how many people on the beach getting bashed and robbed by niggers voted for the mass immigration parties. they get what they deserve if you ask me

why do unwanted third world subhumans even have a "community" in Australia?
civil war when?

>leaders of their own communities
What even is this? I'm not aware of any leaders of the white community.

they're not a gang. they're a family. a crime family.
organised, if you will.
Shoot them all. Burn their houses and cars. Shoot their families. Hang any survivors.
Then shoot the politicians who let them in.

Honestly we should support the africans they beat up immigrants and lefties.

They deserve this. They will never fix the issue because of the systems ideology.
So let them get attacked. They are retarded.

Speaking of monkeys, could we trade sudos for mountain gorillas? Gorillas are peaceful vegetarian creatures, and quite endangered. I'd rather have them walking around the streets and driving ubers.

I'm a melbournian and I am shocked and appalled at the comments in this thread! Sudos have fled their country, which might I remind you, is a wartorn country! *clap* you don't *clap* have a *clap* right to *clap* deport these people *clap*

The community needs to come together and offer more support so that they can thrive. I will personally be creating a go fund me and giving 90% of all money to the Sudanese community to help build schools. The 80% of all money raised will also go towards better services in those areas. 60% of the total money raised will help these people get jobs. 25% of all money raised will go towards helping refugees integrate.
Support me in taking money from the Sudanese community and giving it to struggling white folk

i bet these nigs only attack betas anyway

I hate the left so much they invite these savages amass into our society and we can't never speak out against it as our country goes to shit.

You know, it seems like almost every example of really intense dumbassery I see out of Australia involves fucking Melbourne cunts. Is it something in the water?

Thank you for yet another piece of evidence to support my hypothesis that "Melbourne is inhabited entirely by poofters, cunts, and soft poofter cunts."

nothing will happen while they target whites, now if they start targeting the chinese, things could get interesting.

roving gangs of "urban youth" AKA NIGGERS are also attacking people in SF but since the entire city is pozzed they are afraid to even mention the race of these attackers. white western liberals are so fucking cvcked its unbelievable. yes, the only solution is for the chinks and gooks to address this issue. you call us insectisoids but at least we're not as C U C K E D and fagged out like you anglos. even the French are rising up


No, you're brainwashed by kikes, where do you Gino little niggers come from? Boomer niggers can't run around in gangs so they look alright to you?

Your judgement is off.

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*Where do you *think*

All niggers are the same.

> Mr Mayek also rejected claims that those responsible were part of a “gang”. “They’re not gangs. They’re a bunch of cousins, relatives, friends who are all hanging out together.
I guess bikies aren't a gang then as they are just a bunch of motorcycle enthusiasts in a club.

>but Mr Mayek said it was possible somebody “said something”
If that's an excuse everyone on this board should be hunting down and attacking each other.
Hanging verbal shit on each other is the "australian way".

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>they’re Australian. They share more in common with Australians than anyone else.”
kek probably not the greatest time to be saying this, right after these scum beat up a couple of actual australians

>I heard your country just mobilized to stop the Vietcong from defending themselves'

>not helping the US defeat a bunch of communist gooks

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Criminals can lick slurp suck and eat bloody rot! I'll make a deal with you when we've got all of God's Chosen which means all kids accounted for safely i promise I'll come back with what time I have left and short stroke much brothers...

What's your problem fucktard?
The bikies that cause the problems here are mostly imports from eastern european shitholes anyway.
I guess you seppos just love your refugees.

we didn't defeat them because our people didn't want to waste any more of their own blood on some rice niggers

For all you user’s overseas, any acknowledgement that these crimes are committed by South Sudanese youth’sor that there’s a crime problem with African youth’s makes you a pariah in the state of Victoria.

>St Kilda

How about St Kildanigger?


We didn't defeat them because modern rules of engagement prevent armies from slaughtering "non-combatants".
Korea, vietnam and the whole of the middle eastern conflicts have no winable end due to ROE tying the military's hands when facing guerilla warfare.

Nope, that's how it starts. "Not all xxxx" is the beginning. All need to be pushed back out into the ocean.

He recons it's only the ones in melbourne but there have been a few incidents in brissy lately.

Why are you talking about the 1970s? You have real problems to deal with and your police force is stopping the kind Vietnamese people that are residing in your country from defending themselves. It will only push them towards the Chinese.

>Mr Mayek said it was possible somebody “said something” before the group of youths confronted three men about 11.15pm. “Racist words
What a fucking joke
"We have no proof but lets just go with the possibility it was a reaction to racist words. Because africans could never get violent out of no where. That's a racist suggestion."

>Sydney and Melbourne are the jew seats of power in Australia.

ME was not the 70s.
Rules of engagement is essentially the problem our police and legal system have dealing with the sudaneese issue (and many others).
As for
>It will only push them towards the Chinese.
If the viets still want to think that china will not steamroll them they are deluded.
As for them standing up to the sudaneese I have not seen them come out against them untill their own people were attacked.
We already have enough pissweak people who do nothing until it effects them directly which is the the big fucking problem.
Why is a korean posting in an Oz thread?
Or are you just another weak prick hiding behind a proxy?

'h' doesn't belong in 'cuckold' the same way 'your dick' doesn't belong in 'your dog', no matter how customary it is in Canada.

Australia belongs to Asia. You are not able to keep it under control.

No asian country can do shit to us apart from china.
Any country in asia starts trouble with any other country china will help themselves to some free countries.
As for we can not keep it under control don't you have a Kim problem?
Or are you silly enough to think that the recent peace isn't because china has offered to support him to keep amerrica from putting missile defenses up there as well?
You koreans are hiding behind america to protect you from one of the poorest asian countries (N korea).
If china and merrica go toe to toe both koreas will be glass.
You get that under control and then your opinion might be more than just hot air and bullshit.

The only Important question here is; Why Australia is importing trash? OF FUCKING MANY Third world shitholes in the world, your country decided to allow , people from one of the worst shitholes... wtf is wrong with your people?
Or better...why are they even allowed to enter your country?

Our politicians imported them.
One guy Fraser Anning wanted a plebiscite on immigration and it led to both parties being unified in preventing the "people" from having a say on the matter.ALL governments allow mass immigration because these people having to buy every thing from scratch to start their new lives is good for the GDP.
Even when the government has to give them the money in the first place.
In Oz"s place the immigrants are helping to keep housing prices artificially inflated which is the only industry we have left.

You are right about one part. That Asians will have the back of other asians over you. It's a waiting game until assimilation is completed.

>You are right about one part. That Asians will have the back of other asians over you. It's a waiting game until assimilation is completed.
Funniest shit I've ever heard.
Asian nations have a history of fighting each other that is only rivaled by middle eastern nations.
Do you think the japanese don't look down on you koreans anymore?
Were any of your ancestors shipped overseas to be japans comfort women?
You S koreans should realize that asian countries are not able to be unified.
More than any others.

leftie retards are trying to destroy the country.

BDK look em up

but why africans? again...there are less shitty and savage people out there in the world...

Not united long term, you are correct. Eliminating a common enemy does not take unity, especially when they are self-destructive.

Because they want to ruin the country. I just said that.

Australians are hard gay

Why do you keep talking about sudo?
Last time I checked, that allowed me to run commands as another user on my computer...

>The group of young men behind a senseless attack at St Kilda have been slammed by leaders of their own community. As many as 20 youths of African appearance are wanted over a December 1 bashing on the esplanade not far from Melbourne’s CBD. CCTV footage of the attack, which was shared by Victoria Police yesterday, shows three men cowering while they’re punched and kicked over and over again. For good measure, the offenders took the victims’ wallets and mobile phones. As police search for those responsible, a leader of the African community in Melbourne says enough is enough. “It’s absolutely deplorable,” lawyer Maker Mayek told “So many young people descending on one person is horrible. I was appalled when I saw it.” Three men were attacked at St Kilda on December 1. Picture: Victoria Police Three men were attacked at St Kilda on December 1. Picture: Victoria Police The campaigner who helped his community reclaim the #AfricanGangs hashtag also slammed those on social media who rejected the use of the term “African Australians” in describing those responsible. Many, including those who commented on’s Facebook page, suggested they’re “not Australians”. Mr Mayek said that’s plainly wrong. “To those people, I say that prejudice is everywhere. Those comments are the result of prejudice. They look at a person’s skin colour and make a judgment. “Most came here when they were one, two or three-years-old or were born here. They’re Australian. There’s no way to deny that. Somebody who is born here, has an Australian passport, is a resident of Australia — they’re Australian. They share more in common with Australians than anyone else.” He said it was important to remember that “a crime is not worse because the person who commits that crime isn’t white”. Mr Mayek also rejected claims that those responsible were part of a “gang”. “They’re not gangs. They’re a bunch of cousins, relatives, friends who are all hanging out together.

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At least they're just beating up Melburnians who are not Australians or even human for that matter.