Britney venti. Stupid racist whore doesn’t get persicuted by the twig arm journalists like Jared holt.
Why do racist alt-right women not get persecuted the same way men do?
Aaron James
Evan Ross
Maybe because nobody knows who any of those people are. Saged.
Matthew Moore
Because they have tits, a beta orbiter army and can cry at will.
Henry Miller
Fuck right off bigot
Lincoln Collins
because these bitches are ugly nobodies and arent worth the reeee
also fuck off
Mason Rogers
It's pretty hard to get fired when your only job in life is to spread your legs for a guy with money.
Justin Reyes
go back to social media with these thots
patrolled and sage
Gabriel Jackson
Venti's mom loved her some cocktails. Bitch looks like a fucking flounder.
Jason Baker
Im sure that things picture is under mutt in the dictionary. The other is a jew coalburner.
Ryder Fisher
she is literally a mongrel