These are 10/10 in America

These are 10/10 in America

Attached: TAQmUjv.gif (320x180, 1.42M)

Diamonds! Sauce pls

ripe for bbc

I dated a girl like this. We both lived together on disability. She left me for a Mexican guy. 3 years wasted. FML

Based burger

god i wish that was me

Attached: 3E24363E-7CEE-42AB-A4CD-F53087A61598.gif (200x150, 432K)

What happened to these two? There used to be videos of them on /b/ years ago. Heard one of the died.......

they are to nogs

Attached: muttland.webm (600x338, 1.42M)

This is her now, be careful who you call ugly in the megaton whale wrestling arena.

Attached: 76545.jpg (681x1024, 239K)