David Knight from The Real News at Infowars.com has suffered a heart attack and will be having surgery tomorrow...

David Knight from The Real News at Infowars.com has suffered a heart attack and will be having surgery tomorrow. Whether you like Alex Jones or not is immaterial. David Knight is a warrior for truth, and we need to prey for this man!

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He’s a good dude. Kek watch over him.



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Shit, that guy is great.


Get well soon Mr Knight. Get better and we will take down these commie bastards once and for all!!!

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Prayers to him and his family



Yeah, I’m feeling pretty much the same way. I heard it today and was instantly depressed. Of all of the Infowars shows, his is the most focused and deep. Sad part is he’s been so awesome over the last two weeks. The man has literally been on fire and has really found his groove and, now this. I’m praying he can get trough this but it sounds pretty serious.

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Get well soon David.


> at Infowars.com
Nothing of value was lost

He's a good guy, wish him the best.

Also it was a "heart attack", they probably poisoned him.

They also killed another conservative journalist recently with "sudden illness" (she was 26)

i support disinfowars aka Jow Forums

That and Andrew Breitbart dropped dead walking across the street after announcing he had bombshell information on Obama during the 2012 election.

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Praying. F if necessary

Do people really hire hitmen? Wouldn't they get caught by now?

Who cares, Alex Jones is a Jew lover and die hard Zionist for Israhell.

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Fucking idiots. At this point, how could you really believe they are not on our side? They may not talk about every little thing in order to keep hormones on board and not scare them away, but they really have been effective in reaching huge swaths of people with lots of truth. You can’t just throw people in the deep end. There is no way they would be banned left and right if they weren’t effective.

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Alex already using this tragedy to sell his supplements, sad.

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Fuck. I like David Knight. I have not watched since they pulled him from youtube. I really hope he pulls through okay.

it's real.
tomorrow he's getting surgery done.
idk what kind, probably a triple bypass or some shit.

David Knight is a national treasure. Pray for him.

Oh, I meant because they're a terrible news site that pushes insanse conspiracy bullshit. Not that they were worthless because they weren't insane enough

Praying for him. I haven't listened to any Infowars stuff in a while, but he always seemed like a good, genuine guy.

>and we need to prey for this man!
Ready your guns bois.

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This guy is a lot better than Alex Jones. I sometimes think it would be better for his career if he separated himself from Jones.

Anyway, I wish him a speedy recovery.

I always assumed they did that stuff ASAP or they would die from the attack. Never knew they could wait till the next day.

Prayers for David Knight,May GOD's blessings be upon him,he is a true Warrior

>we need to prey for this man!

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tfw the calmest guy at infowars gets a heart attack

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I think you just have useful idiot normalcy bias and think anything that sounds "too extreme" is a ridiculous conspiracy theory that couldn't possibly be grounded in reality. And you think this way because you are a midwit and assume it makes you appear smart to other midwits.
Either that or you're just a roo-fucking cunt with a dingo up his anus.

His supplements are what pay the comfy news reading boomer though

Idk man, Pizzagate was pretty full on, yeah? If they didn't pick up every single conspiracy theory that floated past I think you'd have a leg to stand on, but at some point it's pretty obvious that they don't give a shit about evidence or the truth as much as building their brand.
Have you even seen a roo? Fucking one would be no small feat. That's like calling you a bear fucker or something

David Knight might actually be the best reporter ever. Love that guy. Get well soon David!

Tell me one thing fucking Australia has contributed to the cause of freedom. You’re a bunch of drunks. The equivalent of a continent of trailer trash. Go fuck an abo, it might improve your genes faggot.

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I think pizzagate was sort of a whacky way to spin the reality that powerful people blackmail eachother or are blackmailable, and make this simple concept indredulous, while also splintering the right apart further - being right became synonymous with being a pizza parlor shooter; which paints a party of lunatics, the same way they paint everybody who is liberal to be a tranny and somebody who thinks there are 27 genders, which probably less than 5% of liberals probably think this way

If David dies before RBG I'm killing yself.

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Heart attack gun? Or does this seem legit

You basically have become a leftist and don’t realize it yet.

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Wishing death on people that think differently than you -spiritual illness

Believing something that has been tried repeatedly and failed will work (socialism)- mental illness

You’re a sick individual and I’m willing to be that you revel in and celebrate that fact.

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Agreed. Alex is better at making splashes and promoting. The fact that Alex openly admits that, and that David obviously respects Alex even when Alex is getting whacky shows me that Jones is intelligent and legit. No way David Knight would be involved if that weren’t the case.

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capitalism has failed.

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Actually, it hasn’t. The most prosperous times in history were when capitalism wasn’t hindered by trafficking with Communist countries and socialist programs (entitlements). You are very misinformed and obviously not well read.

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Who is filling in for him and who will tell me about Fanny and .freddy and electric cars taking over?

Eat shit

Get well David

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more like mental deficiency. They are intimidated by 'intellectual elite' because they will never be very smart.

Praying you get well David, love your show

t. cnn reader

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Get well quick David. The Irony of David having a heart attack and his 280lb screaming boss is healthy.

Good opportunity to use this masterpiece!

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Look at these pathetic faggots.
What is this a hugbox or what?
Go fuck yourselves.

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Get well David

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may he get better

but I still don't like his ''legalize weed bcuz it stops crime!'' bullshit. It's short sighted.

You sound like a sad person that fails at all of your friendships and relationships.

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funny how OP has my image i made last year making fun of David Knight lmao

Why is that? I’m pretty sure it would be a good thing, personally. Most people I know that smoke are conservatives and hard workers. I believe it would improve societies relations with the police since one out of three people in the country smoke herb. Personally, the way they treated pot is one of the main reasons I disliked police.

digits for david and prayers

Vegetable stearate is, of course, actually better known as basedbean stearate. The vegetable being... basedbeans. I’m not sure if that makes a difference to you linguistically - but it’s not like Alex Jones is putting concentrated “onions” in the supplements himself... which is what I perceive you to be implying.

They're removing a blockage and putting in a stint.


cool. ty for update.

Lmao I hope the envelope doesn't contains a sort of military grade high explosive assault firecracker.

David knight is cia. Its a good thing hia heart is giving out

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Fuck off disinfo kike

That's what happens when you associate diet with political beliefs. Healthy plant diet - 1, Non-healthy plant diet - 0

Lol at prayers. Is this facebook?

Remember 2001 when alex jones used to say " israel did 9/11 "?

we need good men and strong fighters. david knight is both and we mustn't lose men like him whether you like their shit. they are, like you, forces against evil.

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They did when Mosad was working for Bush/UN/Saudis

Kek shall watch over David.

I was born with mitral valve prolapse. I can't afford a lot of things most people do, like smoking, coke, binge eating saturated fat, etc. Can walk, run short distance, swim, no problems with sex, coffee doesn't bother me.

Put this in the screencap

Fuck you, Australia. Read between the lines. Alex Jones puts on an act sometime because it's funny as shit and gets people to listen/watch.

If he's that age and needs bypass and valve repair too he is fucked even if he was eating healthy and has no artherosclerosis.


He'll be alright hopefully.

Hopefully that piece of shit dies. And nothing of value will be lost.

Wouldn't reading between the lines be realising that Alex Jones has turned being an underdog and a conspiracy meme machine into a business model. And is thus obliged to say more outlandish shit instead of providing the truth?

Or is the real free thought here deciding that the dude with his own supplement line isn't in it for the cash?

His supplements pay for the best dressed beard's heart surgery.

Sorry, Chang, they dont speak Mandarin at infowars.

How old is this guy? Praying for his safety.

Anyone watching infowars unironically, should be hanged for treason against the United States. Israeli Propaganda and disinfo spreading WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

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Lol. Jesus rains down his punishment on the idolaters and tricksters.

How do any of them exist?
Youtube deplatformed them and they all vanished forever

I’ll restate my question since you’ve avoided it. What has Australia contributed to the freedom movement? Also, Most of what Alex Jones has ever said is documented and proven true. Also, the mainstream news tends to report the same thing he’s said weeks to years later proving him correct. Jones rarely touches on the more outlandish conspiracies or harder to prove conspiracies although he seems to be aware of them. Either you are afraid of the truth because you can’t handle it and don’t want your normalcy bias disrupted, or you are a ridiculous purist that thinks that if someone doesn’t say everything they know in order to continue their business and not get killed that they aren’t good enough. Aside from Australia’s lack of contribution to liberty. Name one person more effective at waking people up than Alex Jones.

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Shouldn’t you be praising Muslim immigrants or something of the sort?

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I believe you’re lost. This guy will help you find where you were headed... pic related

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I'm just here to make fun of retards. That 75% of your question was insults made me think you got triggered and I should lay off you.
Since we're back though, you type like you have schizophrenia - which works because it sounds like you sure still believe in Pizzagate. How is Jones lining his pockets with money from gullible idiots helping anyone but himself?

9/10 projection, kiddo. Fuck Alex Jones and everyone associated with his network of shills. I have zero sympathy for traitors to their country, which includes 99% of the left wing as well.

Oh, I get it now. You’re a stormfags. Don’t you know better than to go full retard?

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>Wouldn't reading between the lines be realising that Alex Jones has turned being an underdog and a conspiracy meme machine into a business model. And is thus obliged to say more outlandish shit instead of providing the truth?
He's had products for years. He first started out having documentary movies, you simpleton faggot.

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go drink some milk Shapiro

Not a stormfag either or one of the obsessed NatSoc faggots sliding this board daily. Wake up instead of trying to find a convenient blanket-label for something.