>currently in college
>not doing much
>19 years old
>have gf
What are your thoughts?
Should I join the military?
Die for Israel
>should I die for Israel?
just fucking LOL
Yes goy you must fight and die for Israel
Yes you should.
Yes you should enlist so you can die fighting syria or iran for our greatest ally!
absolutely not unless you want to get limbs blown off in some desert shithole for zog and israel
same situation as you to the dot. research a position that interests you, then get a degree somewhat relevant to your field, then commission as an officer. It's my fallback plan.
Go into waste water treatment. You get job security for life, goid money, and typically state/city employee benefits.
go for it, faggot
If you're an idiot, join the military, because that's mostly who you'll be surrounded by
Is your college taken care of or are you taking out meme loans? Is your gf just a fly-by-night roastie or do you foresee a real future with her?
If college is taken care of, fuck no. If not, worth considering.
If gf is wife material, fuck no. If not, worth considering.
U.S. Military is basically a poorly paid mercenary army, but the benefits are pretty good IF you use them.
t. former U.S. Army 11C
goid? why in the fuck autocorrect to that? another jew invention to annoy the goy
Military service is always honourable, but you'll need to go through tough training to get in the door, you're basically locked into a lot of commitment, and you need to move easily sometimes. Many of my family members served at one point or another, and as a fellow college 19yr old, I'd advise you just work in the private sector. I do recommend trying to get military technical internships, or helping out the military or veterans somehow in your later work, even if tangentially or just by donating.
Brave zogbots, I salute you!
take the asvab and see what you qualify for
if you rank high, you can do jobs away from the battlefield
let the retards act as canon fodder
Military life is fun.
If you join the Marines its like modern Waffen SS.
Dont join any of the other branches though if you want a real military experience, they are cucked hard af.
Of course the whole getting maimed and/or killed for Israel sucks but I think everyone knows that going in.
Fuck it though, if youre tired of pissin around your shithole town, join up and try it out user.
I wish I was still in.
t. 28yr old Muhreen vet boomer
>have gf
You wont after 3 months.
If you aren't averse to being shit on all day go combat arms in the army. If you're technically inclined go air force or navy.
More zogbots. Thanks for sharing your wisdom about how young men can serve Israel.
Do it goy
I tried joining after college, thankfully(?) i found out while working with the recruiter my eye condition (detached retina/astig) prevented me from joining, in the following few years i realized i would have just been getting my legs blown off for the kikes.
That being said i still wish i could have done it for the experience, but it would be very difficult mentally to go through it all knowing you're fighting in a worthless war.
how would monitoring the flight paths of satellites to ensure they don't ram into each other assist Israel?
How does chopping onions assist in making dinner? It's such a tiny, inconsequential part of the whole after all?
Becuz israel wuz satellites n sheeeit.
get ready to potentially lose your gf but its not a bad idea at all
ask your gf
the answer will be no
Holy fucking samefag
Reminder that US soldiers make less money than McDonald's workers
Retard detected. I don't care what you do user, just don't listen to this fucking goon.