Why is incel a "right wing" insult?
It seems to perfectly fit libshits beta males.
Why is incel a "right wing" insult?
Daniel Diaz
Jace Jones
I believe "white knight" is the term for them.
Ryder Parker
It's a right-wing insult because the majority of people who use the word are right-wing
Austin Anderson
But they take it up the ass every night, user.
Charles Foster
Because virgin stopped working when people worked out the flipside of it implies you're a slut.
Brandon Garcia
What's an incel?
Nolan Jones
involuntary celibate
Ryder Hernandez
No. It's the insult du jure of the leftie chateratti.
Luke Young
It's an insult for literally everyone.
They even made a hollywood movie about virgin shaming.
Jeremiah Ortiz
the left cant meme so they need easy no brainer insults for others