The race war vs. whites & blacks will be like Humans vs. Orcs. Let’s meme this into reality guys...

The race war vs. whites & blacks will be like Humans vs. Orcs. Let’s meme this into reality guys, the noble races (Caucasian & East Asian + White hispanics & North Indians) vs Savage races (Niggers, poo Indians, goblino Hispanics, chinese, & Jews)

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this thread is dumb

Replace poo Indians with canadians. Day of the rake cannot come soon enough.

>orcs are Mongolians
>trolls are African/Caribbean’s
>Elves are gay brats
>undead are goth neo nazi punk rock edgelords
>goblins are Jews
>Tauren are “native American” shaman culture

Alliance = European Union.

Warcraft was such an epic game, when will Blizzard make Warcraft IV?

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When trump builds the wall and we can focus on making more games instead of fighting off cartels.

Use it as inspiration. Kick out the African hordes pushing into our native lands.

>When trump builds the wall
So, never?
>in before a fence is a well
>in before it's a metaphor

Lok'tar ogar!

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hahaha, i love to roll warlock forsaken for the edginess

> Orcs: Africans/Mongols (Nagrand is Botswana)
> Tauren: Native American
> Goblins: Jews
> Trolls: Jamaican culture, Aztec empire
> Pandaren: Han Chinese
> Undead: Nazi euro cucks
> Blood Elves: French
> Humans: Europeans, Americans, and Anglos
> Dwarves: Norsemen mixed with Scots
> Draenei: Greeks
> Night Elves: Arabs (Arabic sounding language, hatred of ((goblins)) and crescent moon deity
> Gnomes: Swiss

>noble races (Caucasian & East Asian)
You do realize Warcraft Orcs are based on East Asian Mongols,with some Jap sprinkles on top,right?

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The only reason the petty alliance races havent been wiped off the face of the azerothian plane is because medivh convinced an orc that there is a greater threat to fight than the war between the horde and the alliance. So much for your "noble races" and white supremity lmao

How does this make you feel pink skin?

not rly, their structure is african tribe like

zub zub

That greater fight is against israhell. But they still need to get off our entire continents

>when will Blizzard make Warcraft IV?
>When trump builds the wall

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Caucasian is such a stupid fucking meaningless term. What do I have in common with an Ethiopian? Why would this black man be on my side in a race war even? His skull shape????? LOL

Just used as a blanket term for European, chill.

thread theme

The orcs = niggers is a cuck meme.
Fuck off.

two factions battle for dominance and you aren't welcome on either side, child

>I don't know what Mongolians are.
Good thing you admitted to being retarded.

Trolls are African Voodoo and culture, mixed with Mesoamerican cultures. Hell, Zekhan has a Ugandan accent, for fuck's sake! How did you miss that?

Alliance are literally lead by a fucking mangina. Anduin is the "Basedboy King". So, basically, you have cucks versus manly men (the Horde).

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Because men obsessed over shoes & designer brands are manly men.

>The Horde(Golden horde)
>Mongol top hats
>Almost genocide the race that speaks a bad Russian accent
>Blademasters speak with a bad Jap accent and wear Buddhist anal beads around their neck
>Divided into Clans
The only African thing about them are the shamans,warlocks.

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While the beaners grab all the land and dilute both blacks and whites out of existence.

enter the zerg.

>the race war will be whites vs. whites
note the digits

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>spics, gooks, kikes and spooks
>noble races
Up late this time, Rabbi ?

Japanese & White hispanics?

>White hispanics & North Indian
Ask me how I know you're a mutt

> implying orcs have never been coded as savage races before

kill yourself cuckold

>Jow Forums makes fun of lefties for comparing political situations to fictional scenarios
>unless it's a vidya-related comparison which is totally okay and different trust me

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Shamans and warlocks are a european thing dipshit

literally cuckshit being shilled.
You faggots are insufferable.

>lord of the rings and Harry potter are the same thing
This is the kind of logic behind your reply

I’d smash.

North indians are abbos
we belong with our jewish brothers

That's the point.

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>war with niggers

all you have to do is not give them food with your tax dollars fucking dumb underage wannabe white nationalist

t.alliance pleb

>east Asian noble
>Jews savage
Not gonna work. The world is starting to see through Nazi trickery.

Not a chance in hell - aside from there not being a strong enough opening for a story thanks to WoW, Blizzard is only about 3-5 years away from being completely consumed by Activision and losing its company identity; WoW's decline coupled with their latest failures in the game market will see to that, Activision's already in the process of it with putting CoD and Destiny on the Blizzard launcher - eventually, it will be turned into Activision own personal version of Steam.

they're making war3 remastered

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>White hispanics
what does this even mean?

the only race war that is needed is goyim vs jews

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Are you schizophrenic? Jfc

Fuck off Alliance kike. The Horde is for men, the alliance is full of soibois.

The Horde also has the most civilized race on Azeroth, unironically.

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And it's absolute shit, they're using that cartoony aesthetic. Blizzard is dead.

>they're using that cartoony aesthetic.
What game do you think you are playing?

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Yeah except africans aren't very capable of war and you can't really say the same about warcraft orcs.

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When unified and fighting enemies of comparable technology they do fairly well.
But eventually the "orcs" will splinter thanks do "we wuz warchief" talk and start fighting themselves.
I think it's very similar.

Are yoy fucking retarded? I'm talking about that mobile game kind of aesthetic, not the original one, that's not the "cartoonishness" I refer to

>I'm talking about that mobile game kind of aesthetic
It looks like Warcraft III with better graphics and models. I really don't see the problem, nor what "mobile game kind of aesthetic" you talking about, mong. The game always had a "cartooney" aesthetic, you trying to retardedly cover by nonsensically linking it to mobile trash.

Yes a horde high on drugs concocted by the legion(kikes).

Ive always seen Trolls as mexicans

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when did africans ever fought enemies with comparable technology?

I bought into this meme once - not sure where along the line I broke out of it.

They've been fighting themselves for generations.

brazilian retard im not surprised

I just wanna say, this man literally did nothing wrong and Thrall is a bitch ass nigga whom I hope is dead.

Also, this list of xpacs is not a argument but pure fact, saying otherwise means youre a fucking idiot.


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IQ and City wise south Indians are way higher than north Indians.

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> WOTLK not at the top
> Vanilla ranked higher than TBC
> MOP ranked higher than Cata
Boomer that is insecure about nearly being in his 40s confirmed.

>the swedecuck enjoys being "led" (cucked) by a woman
who could have guessed

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i wholeheartedly agree with everything you just said

This thread is dumb

Fuck off... Horde aren't niggers...

>he thinks pinnacle of WoW starts with wrath not realizing it was the start of welfare epics at the same time.
>he thinks cata was polished at all just because Firelands was OK at best, the end of Cata was utter shit.
>he doesnt think MoP wasnt as balanced as you could get since midway through TBC.
You are probably in your early to mid 20s and think everything should be accessible to you and that you should get a participation trophy for everything. And were only talking about WoW here, get back with me when youve played a real MMO like early Everquest.

No, you're clueless.

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chinese would be east asian

fuck off

>White hispanics.

Please let this meme die already.

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ehhh, they kind of are when compared to alliance.

You realise they're going to add black trans females to warcraft and remove gold mining and teching to make it more user friendly.

Warcraft 3 is still a perfectly fine game. Everyone asking for a WC4 makes me believe they never even played 3.

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i thought orcs where based off the Japanese warcraft lore any ways

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Nigger detected

Draenei are slavic gypsy

lol @ horde cucks

the alliance is literally good looking aryans while the horde is full of ugly nigger looking monster creatures.

The orcs in Warcraft aren't savages, though. Off the top of my head, they were originally starving refugees who came to Azeroth looking for a new home but were promptly fucked over by a dark wizard named Guldan, who used his magic to make some of them more bloodthirsty and violent. It also didn't help that the humans became obsessed with killing orcs, to the point where a council of priests and paladins unironically ruled that slaughtering orcs was a basic human right.

gr8 work m8, have a (you)


fuck wow
the alliance has always been really gay
garrosh should never have been killed he was a better warchief than that hippy deserter thrall. the last decent potential leader was varok but they pussified him in the new cinematics

this is what happens when you teach monkeys to enough monkeys to type. one will eventually type the most retarded post possible


Fun fact warcraft was supposed to be a warhammer fantasy game but games work shop told them to fuck off so they kept the assets and made their own world from it. That's right. Warcraft is a fucking boot leg of warhammer. FUCKING GOOGLE IT.

Garrosh did do one thing wrong. He lost. Also check this spicy tier list

Vanilla > Wrath > TBC > Legion > MOP > Cata > WOD > BFA

No one ever dares place Wrath above TBC but if you actually played both at a semi competitive level you know it's true.

>veteran of all three great wars
>abstains from serving dumb undead elf cunt that kills her own troops
>"dude he's a pussy now"
Yeah naw, blow it out your ass, retard.

>white Hispanics
>East Asians

Stopped reading lol, you're probably the kind of faggot that posts in kpop generals across boards.

Swedes are the Blood Elves. We are clearly the Naaru.

No one cares

>white chineseses
what about the madness of the reptilians they have been exploiting whites like a Duracell

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interdimensional mechanical elves as leaders of all galaxy

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Arabs are easily a horde subrace like maghar. Night elven architecture points to Japanese..

Source or lies

>Day of the rake
Top fucking kek