Those who participated in NNN know the amount of energy it gave them, the increase in confidence and overall masculinity.

I always wondered how this isn't Mainstream knowledge.

Of course this innocent little challenge got shitted in the MSM:
archive DOT ph/1vwtd
archive DOT ph/YvH6I
don't forget the (((xhamster))) twitter tirade against this challenge saying it was anti-semetic and anti-woman (whatever that means), which basically means it is positive as (((they))) despise it.

Which makes sense since (((they))) push it into the west (see (((Mindgeek))) ) and (((Israel))) use it in warfare:
archive DOT ph/SHWWQ

(((they))) can't do it but it is very unhealthy because muh prostate cancer

Hitler apparently did it for 12 years.

It is almost as if there is an agenda behind it, the absolute autistic reaction from (((xhamster))) on twitter just proves that (((they))) hate it.

Attached: 096A9525-7C9A-419C-8C0E-39CDEF22BA35.png (324x359, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>yes don't fap
>become pent up and frustrated
>take risks with strangers
>use anonymous hook up sites
>become addicted to sex
>fuck random women
>get STDs
>good goy

I fapped twice today and there's nothing you can do about it.

I'm three days into a no fap
When do your balls stop hurting?

Attached: 1504573610364.jpg (535x386, 51K)

use that energy for self-development instead of fucking random women

mine don't hurt, good luck anyways

When you start turning gay like me

Fucking always, this just proves my point that (((you))) hate it

Attached: 174574.png (1056x1429, 284K)

Attached: 176322.jpg (752x564, 230K)