Why shouldn't someone who's in their mid-20s and never been in a relationship kill themselves?

Why shouldn't someone who's in their mid-20s and never been in a relationship kill themselves?

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You can still masturbate to anime girls

You can still hire prostitutes

I don't care about sex anymore though

I got my first gf at 27 years old

You should applaud these anons for their honesty cos fuck me, no one's ever given any useful advice for people socially marooned in their mid/late 20s..

Then why do you want a relationship?
>inb4 there's more to a relationship than sex
There is but sex is so important in a relationship that you can't have a relationship without sex. Are you asexual? Being asexual and finding a partner is hard but there's no shame in not having found one yet at your age.

Not OP here but you give me hope, thanks user.
t. 25 year old

>hiring a prostitute is the same as a relationship

>Jumps straight to dumb retarded conclusions

He's settling for some female company.

Dumb retarded conclusions? You can't have a relationship without sex no matter how much you want the "company".
I never said hiring a prostitute is the same as a relationship, what's wrong with you? All I meant was that if you don't want sex you can't have a relationship with a not-asexual person.

You want my honest opinion? There is more to life than relationships. Relationships are messy, complicated, money consuming, time consuming, melodramatic. I choose to be by myself. Give me some bros to play some video games or enjoy nerdy hobbies with and I'm good.

>"durr just hire a prostitute if you're that desperate for sex!"
>I don't want casual sex, just a relationship

Go for nice girls. They do exist. Avoid girls who appear or act slutty.

>There is more to life than relationships.
like what?

The problem is that you really need to have been in one to be able to convince yourself that there's more to life than that, most of the time.
I wasn't the one who posted the prostitute thing, that was another user. And if you want a relationship you want sex. If you don't want sex you don't want a relationship. You can't have a relationship without sex unless one of the people is asexual at least and the other is too or at least pretends to be.

You're still jumping to dumb conclusions, he AT THE MOMENT just wants female company. He probably would like to have sex but he's not at that point.

Thanks, that's what I'm doing. I'm meeting some very nice conservative girl this weekend, not on a date though but I will ask her out at the end of the day. I hope it goes well.

not him. But there are fascinating things in the world user.

Do you like sharks?

is not an orientation, don't try to push a mental/physical illness as an orientation


Stop moving the goalposts, retard.

>I'm so great by myself

Good for you, the rest of humanity are social creatures.

Good luck. Also, another thing I advise. Don’t have sex the first couple of months of being together. That’s including bjs and hjs. Kissing is ok tho. I suggest waiting because:

1. It will show she actually likes you
2. It will make her want you even more.

if a girl wants to have sex within the first few dates, DROP her. She’s a slut.

You can't have a relationship without sex unless you are asexual.
Never said it was one. Not trying to push anything, just commenting on it.

What do you like

Depression has sapped me of all my interests.

When did I say I want a relationship but no sex?

so, the only thing you like is girls? Why?

That's odd. I had sex with my current girlfriend after a couple weeks. Going on five years now. She is most certainly not a slut and we fuck often. She's great.

Be careful of people like this, user, who are scared little men.

>couple of weeks

So you were probably together like a month or more right? That’s different than a girl who wants to fuck after the 2nd or third time meeting

When you base your life goals and happiness around relationships that makes you look creepy and obsessive. Satisfaction comes from within

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How could I like girls when I know nothing about them?

I think you're projecting.

>Satisfaction comes from within
good meme

What gives you satisfaction?

Nope, first date then two weeks later we were making out and just decided to go all the way.

Working on programming, playing a game I really like, discovering a new music artist I like, eating really good food, waking up with some nice coffee, getting paid


if at this point, this problem is THIS COMMON
don't you think that it's a rather trivial one, as far as common problems go?

Take it from a guy who only started dating/getting laid at 23, the whole gf thing is highly overrated. I spent 3 years of love and passion with that girl and you know what? My depression never left and I never felt complete after finally scoring a girl. I'm not saying it wasn't fun but it shouldn't be your 100% focus, just do your own thing and enjoy life and if you end up fucking a few girls along the way, cool, if not, that's what hookers are for.

>Tldr stop giving so much shits about women

You talk like a woman.

because you’re complaining about not having a girlfriend

>has sex on second date
>”not a slut”
You really don’t think that she has probably done that exact same thing with multiple other men in the past? Sex on the first and second dates?

user, it's a symptom of a larger issue. OP probably doesn't have many male friends either.

>OP probably doesn't have many male friends either.

all the more reason to kill myself

Maybe she did. Clearly I'm better than those other guys, though, if she stuck around. I know you're going to try and twist this into some sort of alpha fucks/beta bux bullshit. That is not the case.

>robot that doesn't speak to women knows how women talk


maybe 20 years ago the issue was so rare that there were certain reasons you could point to, but it's become so prevalent that only brainlets would stereotype

I'm also 25 kv and have about a dozen male friends, am gainfully employed, have lots of interests and hobbies, yet still have this "problem"

seems like people have much bigger problems?

This is a waste of time. No matter what you throw at OP he's just gonna reject everything and keep whining about wanting to kill himself even though he wouldn't do it because he has no reason to. It's like listening to a child complain because he can't eat pizza.

If you're so perfect then the problem is that you just don't ask out women, retard.

>has no argument
really, if you think there's a point for someone like me to live for then say it, since clearly nobody has been able to yet

>you just don't ask out women, retard
I sure don't!
so that's my point, in ~the current year~ lots of people are adults without relationships for very many reasons, and ultimately it's a non issue because it's much more likely that there are even more pressing issues even in the life of OP

>ultimately it's a non issue
no, it isn't

it doesn’t necessarily mean a guy is a winner just because he was able to gf a slut who’s fucked many other dudes. I’m not insulting you, but just stating logic

>lots of people are adults without relationships for very many reasons,
It's a bunch of older millennials that got fucked socially and economically, not because it's a "non-issue".