My neighbor is a nigger and always listens to rap music with a large bass sub woofer so you hear the bass carrying over...

My neighbor is a nigger and always listens to rap music with a large bass sub woofer so you hear the bass carrying over through the apartment walls. He never works and he has a small half breed son with a white wife. My manager won't do anything about it because he's black. What can I do about it?

Attached: YHYEMie.png (729x749, 977K)

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I would suggest moving, you sound like a terrible neighbor.

Fex ex his sons severed head in a box.

Play some kkk music to scare the nigger away.

You sound like a stupid racist. Just move. Thats the answer to racists and non racists alike.

Talk to him about it reasonably and hope that he's nice.
Otherwise break your lease and move you fucking retard.

>buy a bb gun
>take orange lid off the bb gun
>leave it somewhere for either the kid or the nigger to pick it up
>tip off your local police station

now user just sit back and enjoy the show

Put a jobs wanted sign on the perimeter of the property.

My neighbor is white trash and always listens to Toby Keith with a large bass subwoofer so you can hear the bass carrying over through the apartment walls. He never works and he has a small white trash son with his second cousin. My manager won't do anything about it because he's also white trash. What can I do about it?

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Unironically this


Read noise ordnance laws, and in you're apartment contract. Research and contact the owner's of the property. Layers will help you get out of any contract penalty because of the unreasonable living conditions, you may even be able to acquire damages.

read your lease agreement. speak with attorney. have attorney scare the fug out of feckless property manager

Stop being such a racist prick
find out who he's listening to
go over and make polite (non awkward convo)
Make it known that the sound bothers you because you have a condition
enjoy your day :)

Get a job.

Flush it down.


Find out what the sound ordinance is (usually 10 PM to 8 AM) call the police nonemergency number file complaint and then follow up each instance, with a written letter to the property owner as well as the manager, here’s the important part, it must be mail certified mail, return receipt because you need proof that they received the letter, after three time, if they fail to stop or evict this problem tenant, you give 30 day written notice, again, return receipt mail and you move out. You should get your deposit back and if they sue you for the rest of your rent, you have proof of the inability of the manager and owner to ensure the quiet enjoyment of your rental which is grounds to terminate the lease (and you win).

Projection 101

Call the cops every time.
Sooner or later they'll send one to tell him to cut it out.
Keep calling every time and they'll eventually escalate until he cuts it out cuz they're tired of you calling all the time.

It's not a race issue; it's a class issue. Move to a higher class neighborhood?

I am like 99% sure you can catch shit for badgering the cops like this

You are 100% wrong

Time to make some tree ornaments, op.

>because he's black.

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