I was reading about Heather O'Rourke. Redpill me on this man.
I was reading about Heather O'Rourke. Redpill me on this man
ET is a metaphor for fingering kids
I read he raped his 13 year old cousin.
Rapist kike pedophile.
He raped Heather O’Rourke, River Phoenix, Shortround from Temple of Doom and Goonies, Drew Barrymore, and Corey Feldman off the top of my head. He has probably raped a lot more kids.
Why do you think all his most famous movies are centered around little boys? Sure did like working with Cory Feldman too
Yeah. River Phoenix was murdered as well. It’s another reason Joaquin has a grudge against Hollywood (but is probably still a slave to it because he’s a money whore).
Murdered? The drug overdose was a cover up? Steven Spielberg killed him?
The kike establishment killed him, he was passed around to dozens of Jew producers. When he started to become a hot property and threatened to break free they had to shut him up.
Yeah he was either given bad drugs or was given a high dose on purpose. River was known to be able to handle his shit and the stuff he was planning on doing that night shouldn’tve killed him. Also there was talks of him quitting drugs and the business.
Think about it
>Be already born into wacko cult family
>Go to (((Hollywood)))
>Get diddled by Jews
>They addict you to heroin
>The only way to get more money for heroin is to do more Jew movies and get diddled by more Jews
>Decide instead to an-hero and break the cycle.
Fucking hell. I always thought Spielberg was a cool dude....
He’s a pedo that uses the Holocaust to insulate him and his pedo friends, like JJ Abrams, from scrutiny.
t. Kappy
>Thinking jews are cool
user, I don't know how to say this...
You're gay.
Heather was a boy. Was getting to bloated from the hormones. Had to fake her/his death. CDAN is a psyop.
Spielberg is a female.
River is a female. Wasn’t murdered. Still alive.
Cool psyops CIA. Mind if I distract myself for a few hours while I chase this wild goose?
This is seriously retarded shit
Spielberg rapes kids just like almost all jews do, the ones that don't rape kids are just too brain damaged retarded from their infant genital mutilation
If that's true, why does not he fall to the ground like Harvey Wienstein?
Harvey was an act and a sacrifice during the height of pizzagate to distract the people and the newscycle.
Harvey is completely fine.
Ever heard a kid call someone "penis breath"? Probably not. Kids love to insult each other but a name like penis breath is not in their likely bag of swears. It is however something SS likes to have his child actors say. Makes you wonder why.
spielburg is a pathetic piece of shit dude
I feel ashamed
I don't think there's a single famous person in Hollywood that wasn't diddled or diddled. I have hope only for Keanu and Gibson, I have zero hope for the rest. Not even Jackie Chan is clean.
Also ANY suspicious death of a celebrity, politician, or journalist has about a 90% chance to be homocide covered up.
I've read Hollywood blinds that claim that this guy was known as "Grandpa" on Jeffrey Epsteins child rape fantasy island
He probably did what most of them do.
he pushed her shit so far up that it became impacted. studio would only let the parents go to the studio doctor. one of the execs had a pair of shoes made out of her skin. did i leave anything out?
him or woody allen?
Was Woody Allen's Korean wife also fingered by him? Woody Allen, who had already suffered Yellow Fever 40 years ago, would be the ancestor of Incels.
>Woody Allen's Korean wife
you mean his adopted daughter with mia farrow?
Yeah she was born in South Korea though. But I do not know how the nasty Pedophile was able to adopt an Asian baby girl.
Maybe related to those two Asian chicks who were in the pizzagate emails to Podesta
he was married at the time. actually i think mia had adopted her before they were married. not sure tho
who the fuck is that guy?
Terry Richardson
hollywood photographer, had a happening with all kinds of celebs on his dick or posing naked.
Good lord.
look through all of his fappenings, really opens your eyes to the apparent fact that all of hollywood are gay/pedo/whores
Ew he’s grimey
Keanu was totally diddled. He was David Geffen's boy toy for a while, and there are probably other Jews who diddled him as well.
yes, but the fucker has nailed some of the hottest bitches in hotown
DG is the king of it all. That's why he barely is ashore anymore.
Geffen and Spielberg were partners in Dreamworks.
Spielberg and Michael Jackson were close, and Geffen and Michael Jackson used to hang out all day at Disney Land just to meet little boys. Disney Land knew what they were up to and kicked them out after a few days of doing this.