Faggots, faggots everywhere

This was in an ACE hardware store.
You can't even do manly shit without being subjected to faggotry anymore.
It's literally everywhere.

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i would have turned 360 degrees and walk straight back out

god can't come and nuke the earth like he did sodom quick enough

faggots get the rope

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why are you so triggered over faggots

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lmao watch it make them lose business. never support stores that do this shit, there's always an alternative. home depot is pretty based imo

russian federation always has room for you user

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you have a bright pink ID
>they are onto him still

market magic will take care of it all. they care about dollars only


Call a manager, point to this, hand him your ACE card, tell him you'll never be back again. If you're white he might care.


I am so fucking happy my country is normal. Well, at least where I live, I don't know what's going on on the eastern border.

If it's any consolation, I'm a homo and I don't find him sexy or appealing either.

I have to use some coupons on some Moss Out there. I will be looking. Will complain/vote with my dollars.

Managers working in the stores likely don't give a shit about what you have to say. They're there to make a paycheck not stroke your dick

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i think that guy was on shark tank.
he was weird as fuck on the show.

this will be coming to Bunning’s pretty soon

Holy fuck this makes me hard. Got any moar of this model??

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Shop Mom amd Pop, faggot.

The Gay Agenda Blueprint
A Plan to Transform America

The startling shift in American attitudes toward gays and same-sex marriage is not the result of chance or random events. More than a quarter century ago, gay strategists laid out a plan to transform the nation—with astounding success.

In the November 1987 edition of Guide, a magazine for homosexuals, the two men authored an article titled “ The Overhauling of Straight America .” There Kirk, a researcher in neuropsychiatry, and Madsen, a public relations consultant, laid out a blueprint to fundamentally change Americans’ attitudes toward homosexuals and homosexuality. In 1989 they expanded that blueprint into a 398-page book titled After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s.

why does he have a banana in his pocket

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What's even worse is this store is in an area where the population is probably high 90's percent white.
I never see anyone in this store but the whitest of white conservatives. Almost everyone is either a navy vet, fishermen, old retired white or white family buying a grill.
I have met the owner and i couldve sworn if i showed him this he'd say what the fuck is this faggot shit.

Do those stores still exist in metropolitan cities in the US??

Because ACE is for faggots. Go to Home Depot queer

The “bible” of the homosexual agenda

Their goal was to make homosexuality acceptable and to forge negative opinions of any who disagree. The article began by stating: “ The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights. To desensitize the public is to help it view homosexuality with indifference … She likes strawberry and I like vanilla; he follows baseball and I follow football. No big deal. ” (We quote from the Guide article rather than the book, which at times is quite vulgar and graphic. Interested readers can find the article in whole or in part online.)

One person described “The Overhauling of Straight America” as the “bible” of the homosexual agenda. It is quite a contrast to the Bible of Christianity.

The authors, relating to the culture of the late 1980s, were realistic. They continued: “At least in the beginning we are seeking public desensitization and nothing more. We do not need and cannot expect a full ‘appreciation’ or ‘understanding’ of homosexuality from the average American. You can forget about trying to persuade the masses that homosexuality is a good thing. But if you can only get them to think that is just another thing … , then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won. ”

To understand how startlingly successful their blueprint proved to be, consider this: In 1987, the year that article was published, Gallup polls showed that only 33 percent of those polled thought that same-sex relations between consenting adults should be legal, while 55 percent thought such action should be outlawed (numbers don’t total 100 percent because some offered no opinion). By 2015, the numbers were more than reversed—68 percent believed such sexual relations should be legal and only 28 percent were opposed.

Same-sex marriage was so off the radar that it wasn’t even asked about in Gallup polls until 1996, when only 27 percent approved and 68 percent were opposed. Today, Gallup polls show that 58 percent approve and 40 percent disapprove—another startling turnaround in attitudes.

Gallup polls in 1989 showed that only 19 percent of Americans believed people were born homosexual, with 48 percent believing it was due to environmental factors such as upbringing. By 2015 those numbers had dramatically shifted to 51 percent believing homosexuals were born that way and only 30 percent attributing it to other factors. (This is in spite of the fact that extensive genetic research and many studies of identical twins where only one was homosexual have disproven genetic determinism.)

Ace hardware is literally the most mom and pop franchise of hardware stores ever. Go to any rural area in florida and they are all white conservative owned.
Their business model almost makes certain the store is mom and pop.

> agree
I don't see why they need to.
If I need a new lawn mower, do you think I care more about gay friendly advertising, or about which store has the best mower for the best price?
I think it's reached a point where the gay community doesn't need more "sticking up for" support.

lol. They sold out of Trump socks. Plenty of faggy ones in stock:

>i work there
And we dont carry 24x30 air filters.

Step 1: “Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible.”

Authors Kirk and Madsen say that “ almost any behavior begins to look normal if you are exposed to enough of it … The way to benumb raw sensitivities about homosexuality is to have a lot of people talk a great deal about the subject in a neutral or supportive way … Constant talk builds the impression that public opinion is at least divided on the subject, and that a sizable segment accepts or even practices homosexuality.

Consider this quote: “ And when we say talk about homosexuality, we mean just that. In the early stages of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed … First let the camel get his nose inside the tent—only later his unsightly derriere! ”

When we are exposed to anything repeatedly, it becomes routine and normal. What initially might shock someone eventually can become acceptable. And acceptability is the ultimate goal. What at one time was highly offensive to the vast majority of Americans is now no big deal. They’ve been lulled into complacency.

“ Where we talk is important, ” wrote Kirk and Madsen. “ … The average American household watches over seven hours of TV daily. Those hours open up a gateway into the private world of straights, through which a Trojan horse might be passed …

“ So far, gay Hollywood has provided our best covert weapon in the battle to desensitize the mainstream. Bit by bit over the past ten years, gay characters and gay themes have been introduced into TV programs and films … On the whole the impact has been encouraging. ”

Step 2: “Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers.”
“ In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be cast as victims in need of protection,” Kirk and Madsen wrote. Of course this does not address the issue of whether the gay lifestyle is right or wrong. It is an attempt to emotionally manipulate others with the motive of getting them to accept values they otherwise wouldn’t agree with .

“ If gays are presented, instead, as a strong and prideful tribe promoting a rigidly nonconformist and deviant lifestyle, they are more likely to be seen as a public menace that justifies resistance and oppression. For that reason, we must forego the temptation to strut our ‘gay pride’ publicly when it conflicts with the Gay Victim image ,” they wrote.

“ … This means that jaunty mustachioed musclemen would keep very low profile in gay commercials and other public presentations, while sympathetic figures of nice young people, old people, and attractive women would be featured. ”

There's no way gay men want to be depicted like this. It isn't tasteful at all. Who is doing this?

Step 3: “Give protectors a just cause.”
“ A media campaign that casts gays as society’s victims and encourages straights to be their protectors must make it easier for those to respond to assert and explain their new protectiveness. Few straight women, and even fewer straight men, will want to defend homosexuality boldly as such … Our campaign should not demand direct support for homosexual practices, [but] should instead take anti-discrimination as its theme .

“ The right to free speech, freedom of beliefs, freedom of association, due process and equal protection of laws—these should be the concerns brought to mind by our campaign. ”

Again, this tactic is antiquated now. Law and due process should’ve always protected all citizens equally. The real issue is whether there is a true Creator God who authored the Bible and if that God has the right to determine right and wrong and what is best for those He’s created.


Step 4: “Make gays look good.”
“ In order to make a Gay Victim sympathetic to straights you have to portray him as Everyman. But an additional theme of the campaign should be more aggressive and upbeat: to offset the increasingly bad press that these times have brought to homosexual men and women, the campaign should paint gays as superior pillars of society. ”

This approach can be considered mission accomplished. Kirk and Madsen also pointed out the benefits of “the celebrity endorsement.” It doesn’t matter whether the celebrity is straight or gay, the important thing is the endorsement of homosexuality as normal.

Of course, most celebrities are part of the entertainment world, where values are overwhelmingly liberal and opposed to biblical standards. Is it any wonder that so many celebrities have “come out of the closet” in recent years or proclaimed their support for gays?

My God those bobs. Fuck I want to suck

> took the helmet and clothes from the kids section
I'd definitely watch him

I think you care what your faggy friends tell you to care about.

no idea. It's probably some white women "ally" depicting this
i want just a normal dude in the advertisements

Step 5: “Make the victimizers look bad.”

Kirk and Madsen continued: “ At a later stage of the media campaign for gay rights … it will be time to get tough with remaining opponents. To be blunt, they must be vilified … Our goal here is twofold. First, we seek to replace the mainstream’s self-righteous pride about its homophobia with shame and guilt. Second, we intend to make the anti-gays look so nasty that average Americans will want to dissociate themselves from such types ” (emphasis added throughout).

I like how hillary was anti gay till 2012 lol
Literally nothing matters

I think I’m going to fucking puke

Gays gentrify a bunch of neighborhoods, and therefore shop a lot at hardware stores.

Your fault for going to a hardware store. Hardware stores are pretty well known as places for homosexual cruising.


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Sometimes true. But men of principle like yourself, telling them you won't be back, and meaning it, and showing exactly why...it might. If that same manager has that same experience 5x that week he may change his mind.

Read my previous comment

Shut the fuck up.

> I saw something I didn't like in my safe space
I'm glad a rainbow in a hardware store fucks you up so bad. What other parts of life do you struggle with?

Gas them twice

It matters. When his boss asks him why they aren't selling any fag socks, he'll know. Then that guy will tell his boss, then fagsocks will have to change their approach or get out.

>14 candles

Because he's happy to see you. :^)

I honestly thought it was an actual dick bulge initially, which was the intention I'm sure. Absolutely sick.

Freudian slip. Fag detected

Careful there poo, before you find a loo, hold in your stool you silly fool!

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Same with trannies. The remaining cards in the deck of desensitization are bestiality, incest, and pedophilia. Our Jew-owned media will shuffle up and deal.

I'll tell you one thing I don't struggle with, and that's worrying about emus.

>I presume you're not a pedo
Presume again, cupcake.

vote with your feet, homogay

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More like 540, guy.

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At least its honest and says "freak" right next to it

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>This was in an ACE hardware store.
welpp, another place not to shop anymore

homos should be outraged

who normalized fucking bikinis was it (((them))) ?

Should have put a hot guy up there 2bh. Nobody wants to see that ugly homo

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cause all the managers and PRs come thru leftists indoctrination in colleges

this will go on untill you fix your education system - its the route of all the corruption

I am.
He looks like someones retarded middle aged son. They gave him a banana so he'd stop asking for the cordless drill.

yeah... it's not that bad.. execpt if it was just the water bottle as a sexual inuendo... but the banana takes it over the top and makes it complete filth

also... if it is filfth ... so they are proud of being filth??

freak i meant

Ace hardware is gay anyways.

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Checked babby

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they WILL bend over

they WILL expose their stinky anus

they WILL spread their cheeks

and I WILL lick their sphincter clean


I live in California and they don't have shit like that at my local Ace hardware.
Just hardware store stuff.
I don't know what gives.

Village People

ACED and redpilled

>freaker feet usa
> in their collection

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Lurk more newfag

I would walk out. If my hardware store started doing a fag parade, I wouldn't go back. I know a few contractors that won't even go into my local home depot because they have a faggot pro desk guy.

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This, each ace is individually owned, so it’s up to the owner how the store is run, same with True value hardware stores

The ace down the street from us, Laurel Ace Hardware, has a bunch of trannies working there. They also don't have 1/4" fender washers but have literally every other size. We go to Grand Lake where this is not the case.

Hubris will be punished. It's a matter of cycle.

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Change his mind? I work at Walmart and even the salaried managers cannot just decide to stop the sale of product, especially is the reason is just for the product being gay. Corporate decides all that shit

This is at one at the beach. We have undergone a drastic demographic change once the recession hit and old family businesses went under. We are the beach you can thank for the Salt Life brand....
I fear that the aces in rural areas will be subjected to this once more hippies start developing around our state parks where only conservative white families live.

>it's not like we are going to force homosexuality on you in daily life goy
...oh wait

i just realized i can go outside screaming "the jews are trying to turn me gay!" and it will be literally true but all the normies will think i am a psycho despite that.
really makes you wonder how many "psychos" are actually just saying true shit that is too far out for us to understand?

You have a gun don't you?

>home depot is pretty based imo
owned by a Jew, but, yeah, good store.

I was just thinking yesterday how constant hard work gets guys in such shape that they dont really care whether they fuck a pussy or an ass, ass being more readily available (+less stringsd attached) in a community of hardworking men, say endeavors like football or construction work, seamanship etc.. The example of the Greek athletes comes to mind.

Either way that shit is gay af.

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>cia niggers glow in the dark
You can spot them like a bulb underwater.

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You pickle kisser


>If it's any consolation, I'm a homo and I don't find him sexy or appealing either.
i'm activating my homo vision to determine if you are correct...ANALyzing...
you're right he has the body of a twink but with a ratty looking beard and a basedboy face. would not let him pound my asshole.