Be me

>be me
>think girls with dyed hair pretty
>think girls with chokers pretty
>don't approach girls with dyed hair cause I assume there is a high risk she's a SJW tumblr degenerate piece of work
>don't approach girls with chokers cause I assume there is a high risk she's a slut

How right am I? I mean, obviously not all girls with dyed hair are degenerates and not all girls with chokers are sluts, but I'm talking statistics.

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Other urls found in this thread: sexual promiscuity

I have dyed hair and a choker and I'm not a slut. I am liberal, but more centrist.

That said, I wouldn't give you the time of day.

>I have dyed hair and a choker and I'm not a slut. I am liberal, but more centrist.
Interesting. I would need way more data for this to ever be relevant but still.

>That said, I wouldn't give you the time of day.
It's funny cause I've seen girls say that online, to anons they don't know the first thing about IRL. I would obviously not straight out say the kind of stuff I say here. I'm smooth. Chances are I could come at you and you wouldn't see me coming even if I hit you with a MAGA hat.

>People who view themselves as smooth operators
>Literally always as transparent as a window

Dude just pretend you don't care about anything.

Also try to treat people you talk to like human beings and not bit actors in your epic narrative.

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OP asked for statistics. What is the purpose of your post?

So he was pretty much correct?

>>don't approach girls with dyed hair cause I assume there is a high risk she's a SJW tumblr degenerate piece of work
>>don't approach girls with chokers cause I assume there is a high risk she's a slut
They're degenerates, but your goal shouldn't be to form lifelong bonds with them. Just fuck them and leave.

>People who view themselves as smooth operators
>Literally always as transparent as a window

What kind of retarded reasoning is that? You think someone who has game is unaware they have it then?

Folks like you always crack me up, thinking you're some kind of mentalist who deduces everything there is to know on someone based on a couple of sentences posted on an imageboard dedicated to chinese cartoons.

Well for the SJWs I wouldn't want to cold-approach one because she's gonna file a fucking suit that's for sure.
For the sluts I get where you're coming from but nah, I've been there, done that. I'm looking for a decent woman to settle with now.

Chokers are now a "sign" of SJWs? This is news to me, a married woman who has only had one sexual partner in my life for over a decade, and I also happen to own chokers among other forms of necklaces.

>Chokers are now a "sign" of SJWs?
No, dyed hair are. Chokers are a notorious sign of sluttiness.
Sure, you might be a good wife and happen to wear chokers, but that type of anecdotal evindence is meaningless when facing the reality of approaching girls you don't know. That's what I wanted to discuss statistics.

Nah people who have game are just usually pretty transparent while trying to game people.

>Folks like you always crack me up, thinking you're some kind of mentalist who deduces everything there is to know on someone based on a couple of sentences posted on an imageboard dedicated to chinese cartoons.

I guess no one is allowed to make broad assumptions on this here website anymore, better pack it in literally everyone here, shows over.

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>Nah people who have game are just usually pretty transparent while trying to game people.
That literally makes no sense. If their game is good it doesn't show. If they're transparent they don't have game. Anyway, keep in mind I have no interest whatsoever in pulling any bs here as an anonymous person.

>I guess no one is allowed to make broad assumptions on this here website anymore
Oh, you're allowed to make all the broad assumptions you want, just let me laugh at how baseless they are.

Where did you hear this, Jow Forums? How did you graduate high school without understand the basic concept of
>correlation =/=causation
Especially when it comes to fucking jewelry that is a returning fashion fad from 1999

Your pics are cringy af btw.

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nah dude, fake recognize fake

good post, really shows how much Jow Forums can stay on topic

>Where did you hear this, Jow Forums?
What planet do you live on to not be aware that pink and blue haire SJWs and choker-sluts are well-known cliches that go far beyond this website or the likes?

>How did you graduate high school without understand the basic concept of
>correlation =/=causation

Could you at least make the effort of reading my entire post before answering?
I took the effort of precising :
>I mean, obviously not all girls with dyed hair are degenerates and not all girls with chokers are sluts, but I'm talking statistics.

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My girlfriend does all this, and she's based, a bit of a loser but I blame her family for that and I'm working on fixing shit with her.

For one, people her age can't read analogue clocks. She also said it was bullshit she'd have to hide her tatoos at a job interview and her mom jumped in saying tattoos don' tmatter, her senpaitachi fucking dumb.

>people her age can't read analogue clocks
Considering 1 out of 5 us can't even read that makes sense.

Dude. Dyed hair + chokers + tatts? I mean, I'm sure your gf's great but the risk to reward ratio of cold-approaching a girl who combines all these is a pretty bad one.

Yes, let's pull up the statistics. I'm sure universities have their best researchers on this.

Well it wasn't exactly a cold approach to be fair, she was dating a friend and when they broke up he said I could go for it if I wanted so I talked with her on messengers for a while then dated her, we have a daughter now.

Her tattoos are fucking dumb and she doesn't see how society, especially people hiring her look at that shit. She did all her tattoos her self cuz her parents let her play with a tattoo gun as a kid. I'll beat our daughters grandpa dead if those dipshits let her do such a thing.

I learned in kindergarten, relearned in 1st and 2nd grade both, to read analogue clocks in math class, there was one in front of all my class rooms.

The girl I dated before this is 25 now, and I bought an analogue clock without numbers just to force her to learn it. I also taught her how to play chess.

>I'm talking statistics.

Please, show us the statistics on girls with dyed hair and chokers. Show us that you actually have some objective basis behind this meme life you're living and that it isn't actually some deeply embedded autism.

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I am literally making the thread asking for statistics. Why would I do that if I had some myself?

>thinking there are statistics about chokers being related to sexual activity and hair dye to political/social viewpoints

Oh I wasn't asking about actual scientific studies. I'm sure there are some but that's not something politically correct enough to be published.
More like guys with a lot of experience on this.

Anectdotal observations from a bunch of angry, redpilled virgins who are begging for any excuse to hate women is probably not the kind of data you need to be looking out for, user. Get the fuck off of your computer and go outside you imbecile. Do what none of the faggots on this board have done; actually talk to a girl wearing a choker or with dyed hair. You may be surprised to find that the board full of incels had no fucking clue what they were talking about.

>I'm sure there are some but that's not something politically correct enough to be published.
Its not something that anybody outside of this dumpster fire of a board gives a shit about, OP. There isn't some secret cabal surprising data on green haired sluts because it isn't PC enough you moron. Jesus. Whats wrong with you?

>angry, redpilled virgins
That's not what I implied by "guys with a lot of experience on this".

>Do what none of the faggots on this board have done; actually talk to a girl wearing a choker or with dyed hair.
I thought I made it kinda obvious I actually approach girls and that it's the reason why I wanted to know about these "tells".
I also know some girls with these attributes and they don't fit with the cliches but that doesn't mean shit when trying to make generalizations.

>Its not something that anybody outside of this dumpster fire of a board gives a shit about, OP. sexual promiscuity

>There isn't some secret cabal surprising data on green haired sluts because it isn't PC enough you moron.
Just people in the shadows making a large number of studies about anything and everything determining patterns in people. Have you ever read the declassified archives from the FBI?