What does Jow Forums really think of jordon peterson?

What does Jow Forums really think of jordon peterson?

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juden peterstein is a bitch

He didn't call out the Jews for destroying Western Civilization.

He is effective, which is why the shills try to convince you he's not good:

he's a BITCH

He can't name the jew, the jew gave him fame, the jew give him food, the jew will provide and protect.


Controlled op.
Gives the illusion someone is standing up to the cry bullies so no authentic grass roots movement pops up and ruins the agenda.

Jewrdan Kosherson. Climb the hierarchical penis washing ladder.

I’m not a huge fan of Vox Day but he has devoted the last six months of his life to tearing Peterson apart and what he’s been saying is eye-opening.

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I'm curious what people from a right-wing perspective think of him.
I think he's a hypocrite who excels in speaking imprecisely enough to give him wiggle room to pretend to be a victim when people call his views and arguments shitty.

I'm not a fan.

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I'm glad I came across his videos on Youtube

The Jim Jones of the millennial right.

partly based but mostly a faggot

Why are you goddamn niggers spamming trash ecelebs one after another?

He fears the rise of the white man

Juden Peterstein is another obstacle on the way to enlightenment, just like his good friend Ben Shapiro.
He'll get people stuck in the web of civic nationalism and neo-conservativism and keep them trapped there.
I'd rather have a conversation with a die-hard liberal than a civ-nat trump supporter who unironically believes democrats are the real racists. Or believes in political parties at all for that matter.

>Jordanetics podcast that completely dismantles him

Fuck off Jordan

He's a prison bitch

>muh individualisms

He’s smart and has great advoce for our lost generation but his book was very overrated and he’s extremely weak on Jews

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I like him. He's fuaraded on the Jewish Question but only because he knows the fallout would be insane.

In one video he'll speak of the importance of IQ for a race and how that ensures a group, like the Jews often get a lot of high end positions.

In another video he'll talk about how large groups with power need to be careful being guided by religion..

Never in the same video. He knows the issue with powerful Jews and the religion behind that. Pol rips him for not saying it, but it would be very difficult.

He speaks the voice of reason in an age of ignorance and is praised for it.

The problem is he says 'There are only 2 genders' which everyone a decade ago 'okay... and?", but today it's 'OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE HE SAID THAT, SO EDGY AND COOL!'

He's preaching normality and being praised for it, something that is so simple like 'the sky is blue' and everyone freaks out over it. He is being called the voice of a generation but he's preaching things a five year old should know.

I think his worldview is a valid and true one, but it's not a worldview I can agree with. Not in these circumstances, anyway.
Nah he just has that aspie thing where he doesn't know how to think like a normie so it leads to confusion. I've listened to more of his stuff than 98% of the people, maybe more - he just has definitions for some words that are different from normie definitions and doesn't seem to clock that he needs to specify that. For instance, he takes a more empirical view of the word "truth" than a logical view. It's the same for religion, etc. etc. It leads to some hilarious or depressing confusions, depending on how you think. I actually gave up on watching him mostly because he would:
A) repeat the same stuff all the time since most of the people watching had no prior experience with his thought
B) the people he argues against would invariably fail to get what he means (whether the blame for that belongs to both or just him is another matter)

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"Free speech is good and don't forget to wash your penis fellas."

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>Condemns communism
>Doesnt talk about the jew

He must feel so conflicted

This, honestly.

His advice is simple, but a lot of people out there are really simple

Retarded nigger monkey. Wrong on: "the west", Postmodernism, Marxism, National Socialism, etc. Shill for the status quo.

I bet the thought of his sexy daughter eating meat turns him on.

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I dont think about him at all......

I'm divided. He's a good goy but he helps to wake up people against feminism at least so, while I dislike him, he has a positive impact on normies because of that.

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he was ranting about George Soros on twitter earlier today

so he's ok im my book

U r gay

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To be perfectly honest, I don't think he's that bad.


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Ghastly charlatan.

Wash your penis

Now, you've gone way too far. Meanie

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When he came out against Kavanaugh he exposed himself as a halfwit quisling.

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overrated and a hack. He's just regurgitating shit that's already in his field, nothing new.

I got a lol out of one of his youtube videos where he estimated his own IQ to be around 150. IQ 150 is more like Martin Shrkeli, not this fucker who would be more like the 120's and 130's.

i like his book and his lectures, they are pretty good for people who are lost in life

his views on extremist leftism are good too

A genius

He's fantastic on self help

on politics he's a voice of reason and I do like his take on it

Is Jordan Peterson Jewish?

One of the smartest and most moral men of our time

>Definitely a jew.

Wash your penis.


Clean your sister


Get a hobby faggots.



Actually quite based and redpilled. Pol thinks he's a shill because he won't call out the Jews. Poltards are really quite powerful behind their anonymity, am I right? Maybe they're just angry because someone has come along who is telling them to get their shit together, and they don't want to.

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he's blocking your path if you listen to him.

I want to tongue every part of that woman's body starting with the feet


What's stoppin you?

He isn't a neo-nazi autist, so is naturally hated

His lectures are interesting from a neuro-psychology pov. Nothing more.

No shit, that tends to happen when the majority of higher learning institutions have been infiltrated by Marxist fucking shits. The non Marxist fucking shits have to keel toe the line and obey their commissars. Jordan will see the inevitability of white identity in the future. He should really debate Jared Taylor on this.

wash your penis bucko

besides the autists and shitposters shitting on dr. peterson, he seems like an actual nice guy with the correct intentions, people had mistaken him for some paragon of the right because he refused to bend the knee to SJW students
when the spergs realized he wasn't some kind of hitler they started to screech (and i would say that there are some schlomo shilling hate because jordan peterson drops some mild redpills for NEETs)


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Fuck off dad

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effective at what? vomiting word salad?


Ya na he’s a cunt.

A good man.

Jordan not Jordon

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Last time I checked he didn't oust the kike, so you tell me

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Fuck that guy.

juden on suicide watch

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1. Reinforce and unite the old guard, Satanists are on top of hierarchy.

2.Divide and conquer. Alt right vs Alt-left.

3.Label the mass conciousness of the great awakening (Alt-right), find the perceived leaders and torture them with newest technology (EMP, Virus, targeted individuals) so they appear weak and crazy in the community so they can easily be rejected by society.

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Cucks out on the toughest of issues, which is typical. You can also tell that even with issues like Trump or religion, he walks on eggshells big time with this body language, tone, and word choice. He actually is red pilled on some things though, when it comes to taking agency and the difficult path instead of the path of instant gratification (except for antidepressants which he shills harder more than anyone I've seen). Absolute cuck on race, JQ, democracy, etc. For a normie he's pretty impressive I guess.

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>eat clean
>have a stable job
>still no girlfriend

>Hurr the women are telling you what's wrong, it's your fault.

What the hell, how do I become a normal individual if I had past issues with health and other things.

checked, you become normal by doing the opposite of this guy

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Anyone that doesn't call out the Jews is not "effective." This guy is clearly comprimised by the MOSSAD just like Alex Jones.

He is very over rated.

who the fuck is that rofl

Controlled opposition.
See video related.

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He's right that all the anti-semitism, racism, and misogyny will be the death of your movement

he went to the whos-who of globalism this year: the trilateral commission. anyone still a fan of his either doesnt know this or is just retarded

He's pretty interesting actually,
Do remember to think for yourself though

in what way is he interesting to you? i cant stand the constant word salads. he takes himself way too serious

He didn't say the opposite.

>i cant stand the constant word salads. he takes himself way too serious
then find the real eye openers and amusing factoids, like antidepressants working on marine invertebrates, and stop there. don't get too bogged down

He's right about some things regarding psychology, religion and philosophy. I completely disagree with his political views though.

He doesn't even ruin his career to talk about Jewish conspiracy theories, what a shill!

The same as Jow Forums thinks of everyone who is not a card carrying member of NSDAP: Joo!!!

This place is exceptionally one dimensional, shallow, and it’s become a parody of itself over the last few years

Holy shit, raaaaaaaaare.
Shouldn't you be starving? How the fuck did you get your hands on a PC?

Intellectual coward. Pussy self admitted gate keeper keeping people from the truth.

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Effective? Yes.
Towards controlling opposition in establishment's favor?

Remember Kavanough?
Remember Agenda21?

Peterson is genius
Peterson is genius
Peterson is genius
Peterson is smartest man to ever live

>Doesn't debate and BTFO his biggest critic Vox Day

Peterson is still genius
Peterson is still genius
Peterson is still genius

Hahahaha, I stole it from a white guy. Am I the only black guy from Africa that hates Jews just as much as all the other faggots in here???