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Asian pussy belongs to the White man

Comes from the same Jew media that promotes BMWF. Makes you think huh? Now why would the Jews be so interested in promoting race mixing?

White pussy belongs to Black man

See what i did there?

daily reminder ALL racemixers are vile traitorous subhumans

Where did 'white man's whore' come from?
And why did it catch on?
I know they mean 'white chad' instead of 'white man', but still, I'm confused.

Yet another race mix propaganda. Disgusting.

>im closet gay
you coulda just said so user

>He still thinks this isn't the same Jewish Propaganda as ever.
Saged and reported

This. Fucking Yellow fever niggers.

white pussy belongs to white women who grant access to it only to her white husband

Didn't have to go that far. Now you have to live with typing that for the rest of your life.
Ah wait, you're probably non-white anyways. It's fine.

likely CIA tested and pushed phrases

Misgenation is a sin

Lied on the internet for (you)s?
I can do it too
US pussy belongs to Mexican cock
Anglo pussy belongs to the French
Swedish pussy belongs to anyone who shows up in Sweden

I believe races should stick to their own. Race mixing in any form is a cascading event that will only lead to more and more race mixing. The more and more white men that are with asian women, the more and more white women available on the market to be pursued by black, latino, and asian men...

asian boys are going their own way...
to euro girls

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Moses married an Ethiopian, unless Moses was black then you’re saying he was a sinner for such action. Which is it?


punishable by eternal hellfire

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moses was a filthy jew


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Moses was a kike.
Jesus literally died to apologize for how awful most of the old testament was.

It’s from a meme user. There was a tv show where this brown woman got shamed for liking white men and started crying about it. Saying how she’s a “white mans whore”. For whatever reason it became a very popular phrase on twitter, it’s a strange place. A lot of non white Women get angry at white women for using the phrase. It’s self deprecating but it is a statement of interest

tfw 7.75" white devil

How they poor little azn bois compete?

Moses was punished repeatedly by God.

The trailer for this was degenerate as hell.

Her dad literally hands her some condoms and has a “LOL, have fun” attitude

He’s literally okay with his little girl getting screwed as long as she wears “protection.”

Very cucked.

These so called white nationalists are taking the Jew bait. I've given up hope. Let them have their mongrelized basturd half breeds that look nothing like them. True alpha white men who know their worth dont resort to imported chank pussy.

I’m against race mixing.

I just had to point out degenerate this show is. The dad is creepy.

We need to start building wmaf breeeding grounds on an industrial scale.
I'm talking like gigantic complexes that mix the feel of an east asian meditative retreat with the efficiency of a traditional western factory and farm.
Where white men can almost religiously breed dozens of fertile asian women in beautiful terraced gardens.


Jesus died for past and future, no sin outweighs the rest.

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Why would anyone breed with gooks? I dont understand. They are hideous people who use makeup and surgery.

from 3000BC

That's not the particular focus for me. The bigger theme in question is the laundry fug list that this movie is talking about.

Asian families are extremely negative on such behaviors, especially the ultraconservative ones.

watching netflix in 2018

I'm 99% sure a Asian male is behind this thread & I hate this kind of stuff, we dont want to fuck Asians, fuck off!

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Fuck off i want to fuck asians and i love anime.

don’t twist scripture to fit into your faulty worldview, it’s dangerous. God ordained the marriage, even struck a detractor with leorosy for doing what you are currently doing


boipuccy doesnt count

low t incel manlets like yourselves arent considered men.

fuck your (((scripture))) anyway.

>twitter bots

How do bug women accept the fact that their son looks like nothing like the father? The cognitive dissonance must be brutal.
>"Just be yourself son, plenty of women want a nice asian boy!"
Must be the same when a short woman and tall man produce a short son.

Hello hapacel

I bet they lowered every average by 1 inch to make dicklets feel better about themselves.

for someone apart of the redpill cult, it’s quite ironic you dismiss the most vital. Keep falling down this rabbit hole and see where it’ll lead

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it could be worst asian guys they could be chasing bbc causing them to become a dumpster

>non-white checks want white boys.
No shit. Good White Guys are chads without being niggers. What girl wouldn't want that. They see white men for their high IQ combine with creativetity and want that for their off-spring. If I was chad enough to fuck the other races and leave'em I'd have like 10 kids by now. Non-Whites try to trick white checks into thinking white men are dumb and no good because they want to marry white men. You want to know who really has crush on you, find out who keeps bad mouthing you to their friends so there friends don't date you. If you get to know a few honest women they'll tell you about all the times an other woman sabotaged a man and said he was no good only to go on to marry that man. And more than half the time the girl with the crush is the only one who really wants the guy.

i know this is an asian male
its ok man your in a racemixing free zone

Meh, don't find Asians attractive generally.

Im gonna subscribe to Netflix just so I can jerk my cock to this show. For once the kikes did something right.

Your son will hate you.

RIP whitey lol


4 of those are Asian DADS wanting their daughters to fuck white guys. Asian men are fucking pathetic cucks, but w/e i like yellow poon most anyway

They know white is right. Can't blame them.

pic related

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why im planning white sons and hapa daughters.
Strong manly sons like me and adorable hapa daughters.

That's really endearing.

Why would you want to create a male offspring which is weaker than you & a very strong possibility of having a tiny willy by western standards? I think it should be classed as child abuse to be honest unless you move to a Asian country.

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>"Stop laughing you look like me."

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>brother of pure blue eyes, north atlantid stock is set to marry and breed with his Filipino gf
>going to have little Elliot Rodger nephews who may inherit my severe mental illnesses

I would be such a proud father to have a daughter like this half dutch half japanese girl

First of all every good father wants their daughters who are weak emotional and physically to marry the best man they can. I have had more than a few dad and other men try to introduce me to their daughters, sisters, nieces, etc. Why because they see or believe that I am a superior man to most men.

Asian Dad are just based enough to admit that the Asian guys are mainly aren't as creative and lack logical IQ. (Asians are high in spacial IQ. If you figure out the math behind a generator for them they'll figure out the best spacial design of the generator given spacial engineering constraints.)

Also, White men take care of their wives. Who the fuck wouldn't want a father figure to be their girls husband.

Heck, there are a lot of Black Father's who are happy to see that their little nigress has managed to catch a white boy. (Assuming there isn't something obviously wrong with the white boy)


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NO 4JEW stop making me want to race mix with asian girls again or better yet HAPIs fuck WHY WHY DID I LET RACISM STOP ME form asking that HAPI out. She was cute, a bit funny and smart.

Living the dream in Thailand,
I'm never going back to Europe


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Thanks Asian women, but you really should just stick to your own.

A nigger would have just acted like a muh dick unevolved faggot over it, so I’m down for us to join forces and destroy them.


where in thailand?
I am 2-3 months a year in pattaya :3.

Love Thailand dude, but europe has its benefits: good cars, and actually developed.

Couldnt be in thailand forever, 2-3 months is ok tho.

White people are really going away arent they?


Stay mad nigger

Imagine being retarded to the level where you believe all asian women like to fuck a white man based on texts from random thots or larpers on social media.


Niggers mad no one likes them

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Imagine being Indian.

Stay mad nigger



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Oh shit here comes the mulatto fatties.

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t. Nigger

Also there's tards that believe all offspring off Asians and whites will be murderers. All because the spamming of one angry Asian mans threads that littered this board a year ago.

I don't understand Jow Forums

>white girl/black man story
>>>>>>"WHAT (((((THEY))))) WANT

>Asian girl/White Guy
>"This is acceptable"
>"Asians are whites"

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Love it,
I get about 70 tinder matches a day over here

Being a nigger is unironically better than being white in this day and age. Gets all the gibs and immune to criticism.

>everything is equal

Being an Indian male is as low as it gets. Women would rather fuck dogs.

Oh I have been in Silom Rd. before. Lodging at that Novotel Hotel.
Was pretty nice there, 4-6 massage salons directly down the streets.

>I get about 70 tinder matches a day over here
iktf. What are you working in BKK?

I'm not sure who is actually white in this thread & not just larping as a white person to troll, but it's extremely easy nowadays to date White women. Literally you just need to start talking to them.

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this must be spammed to Jow Forumsasianmasc and Jow Forumshapas to the end of time, that'll teach them to spam Jow Forums with racemixing propaganda

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I'm a web developer I only work online so i can travel 365 days a year

