As a gay, I never understood what the problem with women is. Still don't

As a gay, I never understood what the problem with women is. Still don't.

There are so many men I know, who I will defend as genuinely great people. Nice, attractive, unassuming, will treat you with the same respect you give them. Sincerely good people you'd want in your life. But they still strike out, and fail with girls. For whatever reason, their relationship bucket is always dry, and in the low. Their interactions with women almost always go nowhere. And their romantic life as absent as a bad student. And I know these guys well enough to know they're not doing anything wrong, and not different than everyone else. And there's certainly nothing wrong with their character; that I can vouch. But still, little luck in terms of romance.

Women, however, I could never be as optimistic about; especially when it comes to men. Still can't figure out why, but they always end up with men who are awful choices for them. Men who are rude, aggressive, egotistical, attack people at the drop of a hat (i.e.: over slight insults), backstab others, entitled, do not take no for an answer, delusionally think they're better people than really are, competitive in contexts unwarranted, unfaithful, don't use condoms, territorial, putting down others; and are just obvious disappointments waiting to happen. And when those disappointments *do* happen, women are always oblivious and shocked by it, as if they weren't easy to see coming. And after a while, they end up cynical, and increasingly less willing to give men a chance, while also wondering where all the good men went, even though those good men are almost always the ones they keep rejecting.

I'm talking of heteros, obviously. LGBTs here have the same issues, but not as overtly. Either way, there's still so many great guys I know who have trouble getting a girlfriend, while so many women fail at accurately recognising greatness in people. I'm in my 30s, living in my 3rd city, and this has always been a constant.

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At least us heteros don't spread aids.

Nice bait but unfortunately I'm still bumping it because I agree.

Did you need fuckin advice on something?

I'm a fag myself.
Yeah, I don't tell people, but I partially can't stand women. I don't hate them or something but I could never see myself in a relationship with one.

It's almost like I have a preference for men!

Men hate women
Women hate women

Now how on earth would somebody get the idea that a dick sucker likes men better than women? Seems unlikely desu.
Also sucking dicks is gay you homosex.

oh well. I'll be ok either way.

"The only unforgivable sin is to be boring."

Most women have little to no agency in their own lives, and need a man around who will start shit (either good shit or bad shit) to feel functionally complete. On the orher hand, independent women won't be satisfied with a listless pushover, and need someone bold to look up to and aspire to be like.

Tell that the Ez E

Omg I dont have a gay. Still a bit disappointed in women.

Hate fuck maybe? But I dont hate them.

Where did you get your gay?

You have it nice dude, I wish I was gay. I hate women but they have wet holes that I cant live without

I'm a woman in a 7 year relationship with a man who had great qualities (nice to people, incredibly smart, funny, etc) and when I started out in this relationship he showed the same qualities yet my female friends wanted me to leave him to have some fun, but never did.

I don't get women either, I couldn't be happier with what I have.

who has great qualities*

It is not a gendered thing. Men do the same thing women do - date horrible people who are clearly terrible for them just because they find them attractive, or want to save them from themselves, or whatever reason.
It is not a gendered thing. It's a people thing.
My boyfriend dated a bunch of party sluts before me, and was surprised he got cheated on. My best friend who has BPD and is clearly a terrible partner (like you can tell from miles apart) never had trouble finding a boyfriend. My friend who wants to stay virgin till marriage and is super serious is still single at 25.
And guess what? My boyfriend is jealous of me (I barely talk to any guys, don't party, don't have social media, he's my first partner) because other women mistreated him.

Some people are boring, or can't flirt, or are bad at dating. Some people are just unappealing.

He contracted it and kept it to his damn self unlike another demographic who will stay quiet about it and fuck 5 other dudes in the same day raw because that’s all gays care about is sex.

>ITT: If the internet existed in the 1970s

How do find gay friends who are
>Not flamboyant
>Attractive enough to never want me sexually
>Willing to deal with a depressive

While I don't disagree with your general point, I think it's different for guys since they have to do the approaching. Like tired and jaded women turning down the exact type of man they says they want is different from a guy just giving up on approaching women as a whole.

Make friends and find out they're gay later. If you can tell they're gay before you're even friends with them they're faggots and they'll just annoy you.

>as if they weren't easy to see coming.
easy for you to see coming. they weren't bragging to us about how great they are at pretending to be the sorts of guys you're friends with. they certainly weren't letting the facade down and being themselves with us either. dogshit people pretend not to be dogshit to get what they want.

Attraction is a bit more complicated than that.
Like - the guy I'm with now is not the kind of person I thought I'd ever end up with. But he's awesome, and we're happy together, and I'm crazy attracted to him.

No I get that, I'm just saying that when guy's hit the wall they give up, but when women hit the wall they seem more hypocritical because they're turning down "good" guys while complaining that there are none.

No, because that "I'm actually gay and have an interest in you" shit gets disgusting after a while. Fucking find a better way to get your shame-y experiments off than that

>I'm talking of heteros, obviously. LGBTs here have the same issues, but not as overtly.
Only because no one cares about queers. Lesbians are like the biggest offenders of domestic violence of anybody. And gay guys are rife with hookup culture and anorexia.

I can't say I've ever had any of my dickloving friends tell me they have an interest in me, maybe you just give off a gay vibe.

Lez here. I feel the same way about a lot of women I know.
Heterosexuality is a fucking meme.

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Are you dense? Gay people give off gay vibes, yes. This inquiry is about ones who don't try to hide them

Despite what you might hear, genders are actually different cultures from each other, with different views, standards, and values like you would see between two countries. And when different cultures intersect, you tend to get miscommunications and collision.

Wait, so you're a gay guy, who wants platonic gay friends, who won't be attracted to you?

Yes, is that weird? Platonic, masculine guys who still do guy stuff; none of the fake lisp and frolicking

I just, you're in such a small dating pool I don't even think that's possible. At least to aquire friendS plural. Why not just get straight friends?

They don't seem to have the will to have depth. I like to talk with people, not at them. Straight people are all surface and get aggressive if you try to get any detail out of them

That's because feelings are gay. For real though just pay attention, us straight guys have to pretend not to have feelings, lest a woman realize we're human.

women want a man that can be dangerous, they dont want polite. the man needs to be able to protect them should the need arise.

guess shes regretful, which makes her argument not very compelling.

How does it feel to have your sphincter torn open by a babymaker?
I heard gays are 7
75% more likely to die in a lethal car crash that heteros. Would you consider yourself a mediocre driver at all?

Unfortunately this

I think it's actually the answer to op's question. The "good guys" women say they want are good in part because they have feelings, and that makes then unattractive.

Just because a man is a great friend to you doesn't mean they are a great partner for a woman are you pretending to be retarded or did you actually miss something this obvious?