As a gay, I never understood what the problem with women is. Still don't.
There are so many men I know, who I will defend as genuinely great people. Nice, attractive, unassuming, will treat you with the same respect you give them. Sincerely good people you'd want in your life. But they still strike out, and fail with girls. For whatever reason, their relationship bucket is always dry, and in the low. Their interactions with women almost always go nowhere. And their romantic life as absent as a bad student. And I know these guys well enough to know they're not doing anything wrong, and not different than everyone else. And there's certainly nothing wrong with their character; that I can vouch. But still, little luck in terms of romance.
Women, however, I could never be as optimistic about; especially when it comes to men. Still can't figure out why, but they always end up with men who are awful choices for them. Men who are rude, aggressive, egotistical, attack people at the drop of a hat (i.e.: over slight insults), backstab others, entitled, do not take no for an answer, delusionally think they're better people than really are, competitive in contexts unwarranted, unfaithful, don't use condoms, territorial, putting down others; and are just obvious disappointments waiting to happen. And when those disappointments *do* happen, women are always oblivious and shocked by it, as if they weren't easy to see coming. And after a while, they end up cynical, and increasingly less willing to give men a chance, while also wondering where all the good men went, even though those good men are almost always the ones they keep rejecting.
I'm talking of heteros, obviously. LGBTs here have the same issues, but not as overtly. Either way, there's still so many great guys I know who have trouble getting a girlfriend, while so many women fail at accurately recognising greatness in people. I'm in my 30s, living in my 3rd city, and this has always been a constant.