Wtf, I love Israel now!

Attached: IsraelBased.png (1230x672, 1.21M)

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so there's no problem with russia arming iran arming hezbollah then?

madruo thinks the us will back an attack on venezuela by brazil and columbia

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-12-30 20-42-27.png (530x407, 257K)

russia wants to put a nuke bomber base in venezualia

Attached: Screenshot at 2018-12-30 15-28-25.png (775x594, 192K)

really makes you think

Attached: 1506982183931.png (960x720, 279K)

hohols are scum
donbas republic are /ourguys/

This is why I support Russia.

Israel is the closest thing to a neo nazi country I can think of.

>"loves israel"
>looks at flag

Yep, checks out

They are fake Nazi's. Whites who ally with Jews are traitors.