Anyone else depressed? HOW THE FUCK IT IT THE NEW YEAR ALREADY? It seems like only two months ago, Aussies and Euros were laughing at us Americans for not being in the New Year, but it's already fucking 12 MONTHS. Not only 12 months, but where the fuck did 12 YEARS GO?
Reminder that you aren't redpilled until you are grateful and happy to be alive. Depression is part of the blue-pill. It's what keeps you down more than anything. It's why nu-males have to fake over-exaggerated Nintendo Switch smiles in their pictures because inside they just wish they were dead and it actually is a mockery of true happiness. Count your blessings. Be grateful for the gift the Lord* has given you. Attitude changes everything. Everyday can be a great day!
The media wants white people to be depressed because depressed people, people without ambition, people without a bright outlook are much less likely to have children. And regarding Gratefulness; If your life is a gift from God then you'll be more likely to be grateful of life than if your life is just a product of two upright apes fucking as the nihilists would have you believe. Depression is blue-pilled. Gratefulness and Joy are not found among the left.
(*The Lord as however you describe it. The cosmos, fate, yehweh, nature, the universe, etc)