Soooooo they want whitey to stay now?

Soooooo they want whitey to stay now?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You can't stop whites from moving out of your shitholes.

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Pretty sure you can't force people to stay.

but white people are evil
white people are destructive
white people are racist
white people

white diversity quota, lol

How the fuck is that not unconstitutional?

Too late, we're all going to kill ourselves now and opt out of this broken society
Enjoy your shitskin rap utopia

Pretty sure it’s an old article and not related to anything happening now

>whites leave school district
>niggers can't pass state tests
>schools lose funding.

Must be a spectacular problem if the government is actually going proactive on the problem before it arrives.

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This is so they can maintain the state testing score average at a rate where they can still apply for funding.

I.e. it's damage control.

This guy gets it.

>They're going to build a wall around Ohio to keep whites in


Equal protection under the law means that black students deserve equal access to predominately white learning environments.

>that's where you're wrong, goyo

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Who could have come up with such an insane interpretation of that clause?

Bitch the commies tried to keep people from fleeing eastern Germany with tons of barbed wire and armed troops and failed many times.

Absolutely, and checked.

Archive: archive DOT ph/Z3lHA
(7 months ago)

Whitey got dat tax dollahs

>>Who could have come up with such an insane interpretation of that clause?
(((Black-robed god-kings))).

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It's how public school districts work. If you live in a certain area you are supposed to go to a certain public school. However you can choose to go to another public school outside the district. In Ohio there is a law that states if the original district disputes the student leaving the other school is not allowed to grant them free access. They can still switch schools but would have to pay their own tuition.

This particular school is accusing a better school of poaching all its white students and is throwing a hissy fit because if students leave so does funding.

It’s a total mystery.

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Right here, only the good die young. This world is full of mindless sheep let them have their cowards world, can you not see that death is your reward? Or would you rather keep living a cowards life hiding and waiting for the inevitable disgusting cowards death? Fight white man, fight and die because every minute you don't is another minute wasted as a blindfolded coward.

>Too late, we're all going to kill ourselves
Nice try Mossad.
Actually we are going to murder everybody else so we can leave in fucking peace.

Happy hannukah thou.

I lived through it down in NC. My "school district" included a few whites from the white side of town, and shit tons of niggers who actually lived near the school. A fucking 30 minute bus drive every god damned day. The kid across the street from me, also white, went to a completely different elementary and middle school, also public. Didn't see him in class til high school.

>but diversity is strength goyim!
Oy vey what a shoah your shekels are going down the gutter! Perhaps you'd like a loan?
>hehehe stupid goyim

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Nah it's too late for that
And I'm just some white dude not a jew

white flight is a hate crime

Interesting -- care to elaborate on your experiences? Especially now that you're wise to some of the ways they scam/cheat/manipulate the system?

>Liberty officials say they don't have all those answers, but race appears to be one factor. Some families have directly said or implied that Liberty has become "too diverse" too quickly, but others have said they value the diversity, Nohra said.

>By contrast, Girard schools have a significantly higher proportion of white students. They also get higher state marks than Liberty in categories such as academic achievement and growth and improving literacy among young readers, according to last year's district report cards.

>diversity so strong you need to force people to experience it
Oy vey

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If you go to public school you'll be assigned to a school district nearest your house, but if you live in the suburbs of an otherwise ghetto area you might be close enough to another school district to be accepted if you beg the school board.
People in green area, both whites and nogs, will try to get to district 1,3 or 4. Then there's programs in most cities that bus the apest nigs from district 2 all the way across town in short buses to district 3 so districts 3 can experience some diversity in their racist all white schools
Your only hope to escape the nog is private schools or catholic schools but private can cost 10k per year and catholic 2-3k so white families middle class families are forced to send their kids to blacked schools or have only 1 or 2 kids so they can afford private

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Private schools will become more popular, I suspect.


I mean it was 25-30 years ago but I'll relate what I can. I paid attention to those "GATE" threads a lot due to having a similar program called "Academically Gifted" here. None of the more interesting stuff like the psychology surveys that I can recall though. What would you like to know?

No, they want to force all of the races to live in the same region and have to put up with eachother, and only in white countries.

>What would you like to know?
Just your experiences in-general.
I'm a bit of an outsider: I was homeschooled all my life excepting one semester when I was helping my grandparents look after my great-grandparents.

What does that even mean?

>diversity so strong you need to force people to experience it
Top kek, this is literally the best part of it. White people are so evil, you need to force them to be around the "good ones" because they eat babies in their sleep.
Liberalism is truly the philosophy of the moronic.

They mean schools in the district. They are not allowing whites that live in their district to go to a whiter school in another district.

White students can leave the location of the district if they want.

Or move to a white county surrounded by white counties.

the (((nose))) knows

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>I was homeschooled all my life
lucky bastard

Well I remember a girl named Starr in kindergarten copying off my paper, and she was either too shy to answer or really didn't know what color an orange was when asked. My older brother came home from kindergarten a couple years prior, on his first day. Said some of those kids had really dark suntans(had never met a negro.) I came home on my first day and said some of those black kids were really stupid. This was in the 80s so it wasn't as bad as it is now, but for the MOST part, only a few of the negroes were really that bad. There weren't really a whole lot of fights in elementary, I guess because everyone was still just a kid. Middle school is when the bullying and fights really started.

Where I live they give you a voucher for your child to attend private school of you're low enough income.
I live with public housing directly behind me. The bus stop my kid has is the same stop for the whole neighborhood. There's a bus that drops off 1,000 noggletts that all come out wearing khakis and white collared shirts from a private school that all run off into the section 8 apartments.
Those parents aren't paying for that outright.

id's bure goindidend :DD :D

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My school was in the ghetto. I mean condom wrappers flowing across the playground like tumbleweeds. I guess it's good someone was wearing a rubber though. I do remember one day they had like three whole classes out picking up trash, figured that was weird but it only happened to me once. This was also in elementary. I went to one birthday party for one black kid, I was the only one who brought a gift, and while I was there his normal black guy dad almost got in a fist fight with his nigger neighbor. Never got allowed to go to another one so I figure that was my mom getting smart.

Gotta keep those numbers up. White Man’s Burden 2.0.



>>>I was homeschooled all my life
>lucky bastard
I am; bad or good, I have more luck than average.

>I came home on my first day and said some of those black kids were really stupid. This was in the 80s so it wasn't as bad as it is now, but for the MOST part, only a few of the negroes were really that bad.
Interesting; this seems to correlate with what I've read regarding the destruction of the black family.

>Never got allowed to go to another one so I figure that was my mom getting smart.
Yeah, a lot of [smarter/saner] moms will do that for their kids.

Something similar, but in reverse, is happening in Oklahoma City schools. Poor minority students are fleeing crappy urban schools to enroll in newer schools in more affluent areas. The superintendent said some inner-city schools are only operating at 22% occupancy, while the better schools are bursting st the seams. Even black and Mexican kids don’t want to go to school with each other.

Middle school is when the bullying started. This one nigger had to have been fucking sixteen, had a mustache in 7th grade, damn near 6 foot tall. Didn't like my skinny under 5 foot white ass. Mostly just talked shit, flapping his duck lips every which way. One day actually hit me, not hard, and the weird thing was a whole gaggle of black girls came to my defense. Blocking him from me and swinging on him and cursing at him Still no idea what to make of that.

They know if they don't their graduation rates will plummet and it'll look like they're a shitty school. Kek

This is why they hold advanced courses at ghetto shithole schools.

It's the funding bro. %'s stay too low too long and they lose their money. And no elected official wants to be in the hot seat when a school gets shuttered and teachers get fired.

Huh - Interesting/weird.

I grew up in a mostly white area with some of the best schools in the state, so I never really understood unfortunate zoning until my uncle told me about how cutthroat it gets in the bigger cities. He's from a nice suburb in LA and gets people he barely knows asking for his street address so they can get their kid into his zone's school.

>I paid attention to those "GATE"
Quick rundown? I was in one of the programs too but was kicked out for being "most improved", then years later was sent to a leadership conference at the capital despite not being a top student(only ones allowed)

What happened pol ;_;

They do if the funding is there. I had academically gifted stuff which is likely just my actual age level work, and in the normal classes i was doing all the nigger tier work. I was bored out of my mind most of the time because I was way too smart to be even in the advanced shit, and having to listen to niggers try to read out loud was torture. There was only one white guy who worked in the entire building. Guidance counselor. All the rest were female, teachers principal etc. Roughly 50/50 black/white. There was some overlap in the age of the teachers but MOST of the white teachers were older than most of the blacks. Why that is I've no idea.

Yeah I was relatively well liked aside from that black faggot and some of the other bullies. Like two "wealthier" white kids and a couple other niggers. The "rich" white kids liked to pretend they had money but I know that if they did, they wouldn't have been in that fucking school.

that proves it, whites don't need non-whites--they need whites.

I don't want to derail too much and there will likely be another gate thread before too long but it seemed like it was basically a way to funnel the really smart kids who can be controlled into better schools and higher positional jobs, while at the same time funneling smart kids who were more independent into shittier schools to greatly lessen their advancement possibilities in the professional world. As well as some other stuff I'm sure, but I don't recall atm.

thx user

Hm, that's a really interesting insight.
And, given the manipulative nature of the government, is somewhat plausable.

The little nigger kid in my nephew's class told him, age 4, that he hated the teacher and wanted to kill her. wtf is wrong with that race?

>gate thread
Stop making shit up you cheese faced penis fish.

>you need to live with niggers and get stabbed

I had a teacher that was very forthcoming with this info. And it was obvious - we were quarantined from the rest of the school. We had seperate busses, recesses, lunch, and held classes in the portables behind the school.

Meme flag fag.

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Look at their music now to their music then. Look at the rate of single parenthood in their communities. Look at the welfare states. It's almost as if its by design.

memeflag, ad hominems, distracting away from valid discussion. I see the shills are here. I must be over the target.

I'd be surprised if a teacher could be that forthcoming and not get fired, even with tenure. How long ago was this?

>stop allowing white students to leave district
lol what do they need permission to change schools?

You live among Terrone?

Old as in this year..?

So I don’t have to explain what the fuck an expat is to lobster bothering fuck sticks. Happy now?

post nose and benis
just to be sure

>ad hominem
>meme flag
Where the fuck do you think you are you quavering pile of day old sphincter grease? This ain’t fucking Oxford Union (like you know what that is). The people who beat the shit out of you in middle school weren’t wrong. This flag make you happy? You know what an expat is right?

this is a new story from 8 months ago, why are you reading about it now, and how did you come across archived news? do you just google anything to do with "white" and then post the results?

>1 post sage

then attendance plummets. As you choose between a substandard civic education or being shot by a nigger on the walk home from school

Genocide is the solution.

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>"Our board is not making a statement that we want to increase our white population or that we want an all-white school district," said Nohra

"guys dont get us wrong we dont WANT wh*te kids. we hate them just as much as you. we just dont want to lose their funding :)"

>cheese faced penis fish
>quavering pile of
you have the worst style of insults ive seen on this board. like an edgy 13yo trying his best to be graphic and failing

Oh I hadn't even considered the implications of bigger cities where people have to walk home. That's a great way to get killed in niggertown before you make it back across the tracks.

Go fist a chimp and lick your fingers you improbably distended anus.

fuck that just leave lmao what are they going to do sue you? lmao send your kid to a different district, and tell them to suck your fucking dick.


same thing here
could see a high school from my house, and instead went to the one across town for unclear reasons

Even sweden is laughing at you Ivan. Too much vodka in your breakfast?

Now you know why I use a memeflag. Well, maybe you don’t. The wad of congealed jism you call your brain is drying out.
Cringe my balls you lutefisk chugging cock mongler.

They can force you to do just about anything in the usa.

Why do blacks and Hispanics fail so hard, no matter what state/region of the country they're in?

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Blame the parents
Source: Am a spic, a smart one mind you
Inb4 you have to go back

Makes me think of an african country.


Which exists where?

I fucking love off-brand merchants

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The fuck are they gonna do to stop them?

that's weird. here in the northeast, school districts and towns are really small, everyone just goes to the schools nearest them.

Usually in the rural countryside. I went to a public school but my school was in the sticks outside any city, we had no minorities. Usually it goes something like this;
>Home school
>Private school
>Rural public school
>Next district over public school
>Dropout of school
>Public school