How has autism affected your political veiws?

I think I may be on the spectrum. What do?
>no work
>no relationships
>poor hygiene
>hate talking to people when not on benzos

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Other urls found in this thread:

You just have shit social skills, shower and go talk to people

What about not being able to hold a job down for years?

Speaking like a robot - monotone..

Autism is a myth

How? Isn't it more prevelant than ever?

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Not being a leader to hold down any job, neetbux would help. I'm starving sometimes.
>nothing accomplished

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Not being able. Not leader.

I am 10 years above your age, it doesn't get better user

point on the diagram where the autism touched you

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What do then? I'm living with my father who can pass any time. I have no neetbux. What do?

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Second one, brain.

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Same as you but I'm about to finish a compsci degree at a shitty school. Hopefully finding a decent bugman job and having some money will help me to compensate somewhat for my social deficits.

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Check my time stamp.
Jow Forums c'mon

extra-ordinary claim.

Good for you user. I've got an associates degree in criminal justice. Never put it to use though. It's either neetbux for me 8fni get approved or go back to school for compsci

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Show how autism is myth

More than 200,000 US cases per year
Babies (0-2 years): rare
Toddlers (3-5 years): common
Children (6-13 years): common
Teenagers (14-18 years): common
Young adults (19-40 years): common
Adults (41-60 years): common
Seniors (60+ years): rare
Female: common
Male: very common

Attached: 2018_prevalence_graphic_hero.jpg (685x385, 56K)

For an official diagnosis, your child must meet the standards of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association.

Not a real illness.

tell that to social security, because they must be have wasted over $100,000 on me by now

If you are decent at math you should definitely consider compsci. You should also consider getting a gym membership, I used my leftover financial aid money to pay for gym and I put on 10lbs of muscle in the last year, it has greatly improved my self-confidence. Watch youtube videos on the basic compound lifts (benchpress, pull-up, squat and dead-lift), once you understand those you can systematically learn to work through every individual muscle group with these videos:

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Reminder that autism is just code for being a chad

I'm actually horrible at math. Good advice on the gym though user

Can you guide me though the process of getting approved user? Please?

My shitty public college requires a minimum two semesters of calculus and basic probability for the compsci degree, if you can manage those you should be fine. Other than the algorithms class, the actual compsci classes are much easier than the math.

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Exactly. I had trouble with algebra 2


You fake autists on here should be ashamed for taking neetbux. Go find a diagnostician who will reverse or downgrade you then call social security and let them know the good news. You are stealing from hardworking taxpayers and actual autists. Literally taking food and shelter away from people who couldn’t even be a Walmart greeter.

How fucked are femspergs?