The creator of freemasonry was nimrod, it seems to be lucifer in flesh

The tower of babel, the architect was "nimrod", the first mason architect

Attached: tower-of-babel-pyramid-dollar.jpg (430x249, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Who cares

It is indicated that the date December 25, is in fact date of birth of nimrod

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>lurking... keep up with your faggotry... Ive got nothing else to do and sleep wont come

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You know someone in Freemasonry right?

not that I know of.

>The tower of babel, the architect was "nimrod", the first mason architect
[citation needed]
[citation needed here too]

and just golly.
Go read the Book of Enoch (Coptic Canon) and get back to us.

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this one was for

I'm not religious, in case you think that...

Fucking Canadian

Nimrod the son of Cush?

So you’re saying Ethiopians were the first freemasons

I think u mean Kush

Literally what’s the difference? Cush and Kush are the same thing, though Cush is more commonly written

>We Wuz Freemasons n Sheeit
Nimrod was a Mesopotamian not Ethiopian, Babylon is in Mesopotamia.

Attached: tqQRQhM.jpg (500x500, 47K)

Abraham sacrificing his son, Ishmael. Abraham cast into fire by Nimrod. From Zubdat-al Tawarikh, a 1583 Turkish manuscript.

Attached: Abraham_ready_to_sacrifice_his_son,_Ishmael_(top);_Abraham_cast_into_fire_by_Nimrod_(bottom).jpg (250x405, 145K)

I mean if we’re gonna take the biblical account Nimrod was the son of Cush and Cushites both now and in the past were black. Deal with it. Fun fact, Andromeda is also Ethiopian!

So it was the $cientologists spamming us in Nov/Dec, and now Mason posting is back.

What, do you cults all take fucking turns recruiting or something?

>He Wuz Bleck!1!1!
Das rite, I wonder what was this nigger doing in the ME.
Wasn't he supposed to be in Africa?!

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good rebuttal my african friend

masons are niggers.
yeshua was only a mason so he could be like "you guys are fags, fuck yall"

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It must be sad to have rape and mudhuts as your legacy...So will you guys start building shit of your own or cry and beg for gibs whilst still robbing and raping like literal feral fucking animals...

Being in religious in not relevant.
What are your sources?
Are any of your sources either:
1. Generally accepted historical and / or religious texts?
2. Peer reviewed research?

in other words.
Are you just talking shit or is there a scholarly basis for your statements?

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I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

i don't dig the mason game, anyone who conceals truth is only serving satan

is the masonic godhead lucifer/sophia?

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quite an enormous conspiracy

you should be thanking masons
because the biggest secret they have kept
is that ur a fag

Can't into meme arrows

yeah i thank them for being so obviously gay it's like a big sign that says "don't play the game"

so instead i sit on fortnite and tell kids the sins of the governemnt and the corporations so they too can be wise as serpents

yeah they're so gay and that's why they know you're like the second coming, the single biggest fag

the only second coming i'm doing is in your mom's asshole, faggot

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you dont have to lie, king of the gays

So you be saying blacks are nimrods
I agree

here this nigga exposes you masons and shriners as the children of the nigga

you sure love gay buttstuff

He's trying to make all Christians look bad by running around and showing what a big cocksucker he is


i actually look much more credible than you two which is why you'll never master this board

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i wouldn't call him an architect, more like
a builder. he was a founder of human
government and in his previous incarnation
as cain he founded the first cities.

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it's lilith posing as venus.

Whatever you have to tell yourself to cope, fag

the archetype of civilization is the carnival
don't be consumed by the circus

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there is no posing, there is only pagan

it's venus ishtar gaia world tree dragon all in one black hole sun won't you come???

synchretism is the tool of the annunaki it's how they used the sapien race to conquer the neanderthals and enslave us completely

Sounds weird OP. Wanna know what’s weirder? This.

fact: I'm the only swede worth talking to on the internet

>synchretism is the tool of the annunaki it's how they used the sapien race to conquer the neanderthals and enslave us completely

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the go to insult for all sub 90 IQ is projection


Sounds a bit Jow Forums-like

I'm actually not surprised that a dumb gay faggot like you got educated by ancient aliens rather than by reading a single book on Sumerians.

more projections? you can do better!

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>being such a giant faggot you crop jesus head and put it on gay porn actors bodies

Fun fact that black dude hates Jews. Why does he have a David star o his neck you retarded fuck?

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