Why do modern young males refuse to grow up?

Why do modern young males refuse to grow up?

No marriage, no responsibilities, what gives?

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What's the incentive to do so?

>Why do stupid leafs post the same moronic topic everyday, hoping to get a different answer?

I thought women wanted to be strong and independent? You know, step aside and let the women unclog the shitter or whatever.

Wow, he looks like a good boy. I want one.

A minority of men are "naturally ambitious". The majority only "grow up" when they have to to support a wife and kids.

Study orangutans, when there is the smell of piss from a more dominant male, it can delay their puberty by up to TEN YEARS

societies that don't believe in agriculture, that crowd their people into cities, this is their divine punishment.


Women are devious and protected class in civil cases
Vidya & porn are of amazing tier quality distraction
Children tell you to fuck off before 10 yrs old…& will never give 2 shits when you are old & alone.

sorry to be so blunt , doesn't mean some should pursue the dream

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Why are the Synagogue of Satan Hyksos Christkillers allowed to print money? Do you think the world should be enslaved by the line of Cain?

Effeminated, weak and whiny.
Have mental issues and constantly hate in disguise of love.
A hypocrite who refuse to face reality, because of their cowardice towards the pain of real world. They escape into another world to fulfil an unfortunate and misguided idea of justice, social justice, to make themselves feel good and feel less of an useless good for nothing.

Their existence will only create stronger men, the same kind of monsters they fear.

I spent over a decade trying to get in a relationship and was rejected 99% of the time. Why bother trying any more? Why not just stick with the things that make me happy?

this is one of the funniest responses to this question I've ever seen

Not going to lie. That's a badass man cave.

I love the responses here. Too fucking real. The archives of these threads will be in the library of congress in 150 years.

It's the end game of consumerism.

Because I enjoy having freetime and money too much.

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This basically. Decade plus of trying to attract a quality partner. At this point, I'm old enough that the only shit I'll ever get are used up roasties and their children from other men.

What possible reason would I squander any of my resources on that shit?

Going to lie. You don't sound like a stupid faggot.

whats the point?

Those neckflaps on the big boi orangutans only appear if the male doesn't smell a larger male's piss, for weeks. Obesity is just another part of the modern day "arms race" between men and women and their hormones.

Study the orangutans, PLEASE! Study study study. There's even an easy way to remember the basics: Soÿ Sumatra, Based Borneo.

you seem like ya got a bretty cool sense of humour user.....happy new year user!

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The value of men has dropped in society. Men have no clear role beyond deferring to all things women... and of course apologizing for being men.

It's been sad to watch.

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you got me curious now user...will check into

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female education and careers, wages are stagnate because of this and women have other "important" things to do than have kids unless "the one" comes around till he does they can just freeze their eggs (they cant) couple with the internet inflating their egos. Men are not wanted and are told they are not wanted they have bread and circuses to keep them busy Also since men dont really have authority anymore most relationships are dangerous to men
Tl;dr Strong empowered women and men who are unwanted and discouraged so they resort to escapism

Sucks to be you that you don't get a man cave and have a gal at the same time. Glad to see you're a triggered little cunt. Jose or Tyrone fuck your mom yet?0

>No marriage
Fine, women suck and marriage is a raw deal. Besides why would I want to spend my time around a person I am probably going to argue with over small shit. Then there is the fact that women today are just plain ugly, I don't know if it is the corn feed diet or something else but women today just seem uglier than before.
>no responsibilities
I have no idea what this means but if it is financial then wouldn't it be better have a man who is single and has no debts to pay rather than a man with debt? Or does it mean children? Because this would also be a bad thing business wise as children are a distraction for men who need to focus.

Added bonus
Why would a man have a family if he has no job or a job that pays very little? You can't have a shitty economy and jobs if you want people to reproduce and have families, look at the 50's and 80's and how good economies created good families.

It really comes down to two things. Destruction of the middle class and poverty.

Before, generations had at least the middle class to look forward too if they grew up and took on more responsibilities. Now with much less advancement room for people in young age groupings in multiple areas, a larger amount of men see little point in taking on more responsibility if there is little to no reward.

I'm sorry I was too distracted by all the cool stuff in that picture to think about what you said.

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That bedroom looks pretty legit and I would probably enjoy hanging out with this dude.

no jobs

Since I'm married with two girls, I'll post this again.

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Getting kind of late, though.

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10 francs?

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this is the look of the based and redpilled man

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Fuck white people

Bend over.

Or if you manage to land one, it is far too underpaid for the toll it takes on you, you are treated like shit by the boss you are making rich and soon find yourself in a gloomy situation where life is slowly taken from you while you are given enough human points to survive the life siphon for a while longer.

Mind your own bussiness you fucking boomer

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Don’t know, but thread posted is related to a man child.

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> Women are given too much power
> Enables shit like #MeToo aka Salem Mk II
> Women can bullshit sexual assault stories on innocent men with little to no reprocussion
> Porn and Video Games continue to become more and more realistic/advanced
> Shit economy doesn't give incentive to anybody besides the very top tier of jobs
> Many women are given distorted views on their nature via single parenting, (((Media))) and other venues
> Men are constantly reminded that their normal sexuality is evil and vile and the only way to not only be accepted but rewarded is to either effectively castrate themselves or engage in degeneracies promoted by the LGBTAIKUSIGQY

Either they leech off the state or they get exploited by it. The very reason communism doesn’t work - the next step is more regulations to overshadow their incompetence and become more and more authoritarian until the gulags reopen

They looked at the world and found it empty and devoid of any meaning.

>Why do modern young males refuse to grow up?
Little or no guidance from parents, they expect the system to raise their kids despite knowing full-well that they weren't taught life skills in school themselves. The system is geared towards catering to a broken individual, so people strive to be broken enough for gibs without being disabled completely.
>No marriage, no responsibilities, what gives?
Women no longer accept the roles that justified getting married in the first place, by the time they settle-down they're either rode hard and put away wet or too old to produce viable offspring without autism. Responsibilities are geared towards the bare minimum, which appeases one's subconscious need for instant gratification while pursuing their wants. However at the same time, controls are in place so that average people almost never break out of their wealth class to a higher tier. This brings me back to marriage, the other reason it is still in practice is because a single adult at entry-level pay is basically a slave. Combining incomes, splitting bills is just enough to possibly break into the middle class if they're lucky and retain the same job for a minimum of 10 years.

You can be a man and also be young at heart. It all comes down to priorities and moderation. If this stuff interferes with life than I would agree that self evaluation is necessary. I love vidya and retro as well but I don’t let it interfere with my career or social life.

I an really not that interested about marriage anymore. The last two gfs I had, I was together with for two years each. I was going to at least propose too (although I was more reluctant with the second one) but both of them suddenly decided to whore it up at a moment's notice. Really funny how this randomly happens.
At least I know that the first one is living in some poorfag district in some German city and she's cohabiting with three niggers, lel.

>posting daughter on pol
lol yikes

>Getting married in 2018
Are you on drugs mate?

Bunch of useless, narcissistic faggots

Women would rather be Chad Thundercock's 100th side chick than some average Joe's one-and-only. They would literally rather suicide than settle down, so technically we're saving their lives by not even trying to get married.

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>No marriage, no responsibilities, what gives?

No hope, no honor, no justice.

>Why would a man have a family if he has no job or a job that pays very little?
Jow Forums unironically believes that there are 100k/year jobs for every white male.

this looks comfy as fuck

Leave it to an Aussie

I'm emotionally stunted and can't connect with anyone.

He says, posting in Jow Forums

SAGE think of a new post. I’ve seen this one over and over

im 33 living with my parents because whats the point of paying $1,000 in rent every month when you can just save up for your own house or inherit your parents one?