Fuck Summer

>crippling anxiety of being sexualised in any way irl due to trauma
>not a problem normally since hoodies make life easy
>summer however is greatly troubling
>too hot and risky to get a heat stroke wearing a hoodie, too anxious to reveal too much skin
>constantly wear extremely tight sports bras to bind chest half way but chest still visible when wind blows and pushes my shirt to my chest
>only wear black shirts which hold heat in
>long pants usually
>hunch my back like an emasculated basedboy gremlin to somewhat hide chest more
>people still stare directly to my chest and I get stressed more and more
>can't help but larp as a male every summer
>I'm not even trans, I just really don't like my chest being visible in any way to male strangers (and sometimes females even)

What do I do? Is there anything I could do to hide my chest better without damaging it or overheating too drastically?

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You gotta deal with your mental problems.

No shit, Mr. Obvious.

Feel your current pain OP but I found the things I tried to conceal only brought more attention which freaked me out all the more.

The only think I know of that makes you invisible as a woman is to be really overweight but my metabolism is such I cannot gain weight. So, I just wear normal summer weight and color clothes and blend in. There is always some girl around that is letting everything hang out and the guys are staring at them.

Why make the thread if you know what you need already?

There's already a lot of dykes here, so they don't stare at me until they realize I'm female and see my chest, they then don't quit staring. What I don't get is how there's a lot of promiscuous women already here dressed in very revealing clothing, yet they still have a need to stare at ones dressed modestly, even just the shape of the breast alone always catches their attention. It's frustrating.

Thread is about how to not have people pay attention? Or stare at me? I know it's trauma and all, but what can I do about it? Besides finding ways to not interest people. There's also a lot of creeps who got reported for sexually assaulting women in this country, hence it drove my anxiety further down.

>Thread is about how to not have people pay attention? Or stare at me? I know it's trauma and all, but what can I do about it?
Get mental help so you can get to a point where you don't need to cover up.

Literally all women have boobs, people aren't all just extra interested in yours for some weird reason. Other people aren't the problem, the problem is your perception, and you can fix that.

Just become fat and nobody will ever sexualize you again

oversized clothes?

You shoudl wear more white. I bet many people are staring at you because you wear black in summer with long pants. I always look at that kind of people and ask myself "how do they not melt?"

Also, if you specifically do not like them looking at your breasts, wear shorts so they look at your legs instead.

>Thread is about how to not have people pay attention? Or stare at me?
Cut off your tits. Don't know any other alternative other than oversized clothes or therapy, you crazy ho.

You're missing my point. Part of the stare is because you are trying so hard to cover up and they then try to see if they are correct once they assume you to be female.

If you blend in like all the other women, a glance would be about it before they are distracted by a scantly clad woman.

get tops that have some kinda crap happening with the fabric around the titty area. obscures the shape of the breast and if people do look anyway it's not like they can see shit so they must be looking at the shirt

Cram an athletic sock down the front of your pants. Problem fixed

wait wait wait....

>There's already a lot of dykes here, so they don't stare at me until they realize I'm female and see my chest, they then don't quit staring.

...and you're okay with this?

It doesnt bother you if females stare or sexualise you vs males by comparison ?

>get mental help
When I have money, I can try. But I feel the therapist won't take it seriously. I think all women, who don't dress like overly promiscuous clothing for attention, don't like being stared at. At least the girls I've talked to in the past don't. Just feels creepy.

If people aren't interested, why the stares? I do see normal guys porbably won't stare but rednecks, desperate virgin types, general other lowbrow types often are primitive and stare often.

I actually have a difficulty not being underweight, I think I'll never be fat, funny enough.

I do wear those, but once the wind blows towards me, the chest gets revealed.

I suppose legs being stared at is less creepy... Thanks. Can't wear white though since my body would just probably be see-through. But I'll try other colored clothing like blue, red, etc.
Oh and I sometimes wear an army jacket, surprisingly no one looks at me when I wear that, they have 0 interest.

I'm not trans. I would happily get a size reduction though but there's health risks and my bf would be against it.

I see, thanks for explaining. However I noticed something weird. When I wear a black shirt and short or long pants, people stare at my chest or me. If I wear a literal army jacket uniform with badges, no one peeks at me at all. So I am very confused.

Do you mean t-shirts with weird artwork on them with a lot of details?

This one amused me.

I think you misunderstood due to my formalating. Dykes don't ever stare at me, only men do. Often old fat men or... Immigrants, for some reason...

Never had lesbians stare at me, but if they did, I wouldn't be intimidated. Because they most likely would be weaker than me, so instinctively I wouldn't feel threat. I work out daily and have muscle. And I'm aiming to eventually be stronger than any average female and maybe even some guys.

Im a male, and i sort of feel you op

You might think, thats fucking stupid right.
No its not, i have slight gynecomastia which makes my nipples puffy and sticking out. Sure, thats not rape, but trust me
I was afraid of taking off my shirt in public since i was ~~7 or something. Not because i was obese. But because i had literal tits.
Shit, i still have em, but due to lifting and gaining muscle on chest it looks less like bitch tits and more like man chest. when im wearing shirt. Still looks like shit tho.
Always wearing loose black shirts or hoodies to hide my bitchtits.

What changed?
I stopped caring. Literally. Now im wearing relatively tight shirts that hug my back and chest and show off my vtaper, traps, arms. I even go out of home shirtless TO PRACTICE being visible and i STAND PROUD with my chest forward.

Put yourself out there and face the fear of judgement. All your problems come out of fear of judgement, and trust me literally no one gives a shit, and even if you have amazing body the biggest danger on the street is some random guy thinking to himself "damn what a fine ass"
And thats it. Unless you live in some shady area where risk of rape is high you have nothing to worry about.

Therapy is a meme and wont HELP you if you dont want to take the problem by horns and break its neck.

Look up snake_diet_wizard on instagram or snake diet youtube.
Its primarily weight loss channel, but people show up there with variety of issues.
Like that one chick that is literal MODEL, but has to wear wigs because she rips her hair outhead and looks like chemo patient. But shes recovering.


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>Stronger than some men
I'm a fat nerd and I'd fuck you up, chicky. You're going to think you're tougher than someone and get your teeth packed in one day. It's happened to me and with your ridiculously arrogant attitude it will happen to you too.

+1 to this

being stronger than average female is still VERY weak, and you will lose in fight with almost any sedentary male
sorry sweetie, thats how it works.
Krav maga would be your best bet if yo uare concerned with self security.
Or sprinting, to get the fuck away from harms way would be even better.

As a male, being stronger than average means like 80kg squat, 100kg deadlift and 50kg bench press.
I put up twice as much in the gym and im still relatively weak, in powerlifting standards

Female user here. Come to Argentina, we're in winter now.

>What I don't get is how there's a lot of promiscuous women already here dressed in very revealing clothing, yet they still have a need to stare at ones dressed modestly, even just the shape of the breast alone always catches their attention. It's frustrating.

Ok you're probably not gonna believe this, but as a guy I don't intensely stare at every woman's breast I see in the streets. Most of the time I'm just absorbed in my thoughts and don't even pay attention to anyone around. Maybe, just maybe you are somewhat paranoid in thinking everybody is starring at your chest.

just focus on positivity and good

I doubt it's hard to get stronger than the average male when the average male is an emasculated basedboy. I've literally beat up males throughout my whole teenhood, doubt scrawny losers who sit at their pc all day can do much. I used to work at a place where I had to carry heavy objects and none of the males were able to do as much as me because they sat at their computers all day playing games.

I notice them directly staring at me, but maybe I'm a bit more anxious than I should be. I've considered this. However, the country I live in suspiciously have extremely high cheating rates, and happen to stare. I wasn't stared in any other countries I've visited with low cheating rates. Had a lot of male friends constantly tell me stories of how even the slight showing of breast shapes turns them on very hard. Every male friend I have seemed hyper sexual, so that added to my anxiety I suppose.

I'll try, user. Thanks.

Thank you greatly for the whole story, user.

Unless you have insanely HUGE boobs I can guarantee you not everyone is staring/ogling at you. You may be assuming they're checking you out when they're just glancing down for a moment or something.
Its a little narcissistic of you to think you garner so much attention from everyone honestly

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You have serve mental issues. Get professional help for that, there's no reason to be rude to others on here who are just telling you there advice? I feel bad for your bf who has to put up with your stupid shit. Men WILL stare at your boobs, that's fucking simple biology. This tread is stupid as fuck, your asking for advice on why people stare at your boobs? Fucking retarded lady. Get help

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Problem solved now tits or gtfo

Not really narcissism if I specifically never want to be stared at. But... Thanks? I suppose.

Men didn't stare before until porn grew into what it is today.

They recently banned those here, it's funny.

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I actually have a similar problem. I had some bad luck and grew up terrified of sex. Plus, the only time I feel right with my body is when I'm lifting 2 hours a day 4-6 days a week and biking everyday. I often find myself wishing I had no sexuality

>Men didn't stare before until porn grew into what it is today.
Not true at all. When and why do you think was created?

Have you ever bough by dressing like that people are trying to figure out if you’re a female or not? Depending on the situation and what exactly you wear and it’s shape they might even be trying to gage if you’re some sort of threat.

Really it’s better to fit in fully if you want to avoid getting too much attention but I’d recommend reading the book of “not giving a fuck” something like that. It’ll probably help you out.

>Men didn't stare before until porn grew into what it is today.
... have you acknowledge of history? for fucks sake there's a reason why nun had to wear so many clothes

Don't compare two very different people. Christians didn't have full body veils, no europians did. Men used to get slapped hard by women if they were caught staring back in the day, in any spot that was sexual. Muslims have different cultures and values.

I guess so. Thing is, I don't get stared at when it's not summer and I'm able to wear hoodies, I don't get stared at in other countries, I don't get stared at if I'm literally wearing an out of place army jacket with jeans. I'd say an army jacket of a different country's flag on it on a female is much more out of place and weird and should garner attention, rather than a female wearing a black shirt during summer. So it doesn't seem to add up, perhaps? It has confused me.

Just a few nuns vs all Muslim women wearing hijabs and burkas. Europians, at least, had more self control than they do today. Their fathers taught them well, and they knew otherwise a woman or a nearby man could hit you in the face if caught staring.

Either talk to a therapist or get a double mastectomy. If Brad Pitt can deal with it then so can your bf.

Many girls with a baseball bat or some kind of instrument would like to have a word with you.

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Its not always what you think, I mean I don't actually know, my experience and a little common sense. They have their own thing going and guys are going to stare no matter what, that's what they do.

Stop wearing all black in summer, its exacerbating the issue. Blending in plainly with everyone else may help reduce it.

I'm sad it took this long for this to be posted. What the fuck is this world coming to?

Are you serious? You can't be this fucking stupid. Porn has nothing to do with this. It's simple biology, men have been looking at boobs for ages. You keep telling yourself it's porn but it's you who is the problem. Men check at girls all the time visa versa

>wahh waah people are giving me attention :(
These are the female problems.

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Unironically, dress in the full body covering that Muslim women wear. Nobody will question it, it covers you up, and apparently the fabric breathes very nicely and doesn't get hot.

kill yourself, frog

You go kill yourself, redditor.

I’ve been here 10+ years and dislike reddit.

why are you stalling? just do it.

>using redditspacing
Not fooling me, redditor, go back to there to protect women and other minorities.


If you see a fucking psychologist like you should they will probably tell you to do this thing called exposure therapy. What you are doing isn't a long term solution, eventually you're gonna hit a point or a time when you can't do it anymore or when the problem grows even larger.

What you should do is slowly overcome your fear. Start small, maybe dress normal and walk a block down the street or drive somewhere. Then keep adding distance, keep getting bolder, and eventually you'll get used it it. It won't be that the fear is gone but that you've become braver and more confident in yourself. This is the only solution to your problem.

no one needs protection from you. most likely you’re weak as fuck and your mother doesn’t love you.

And you most likely are a shitskin. You're welcome for my replies.

again, you’re way off the mark, stupid. and the feeling is mutual

These guys would (or have been) PLAYED by some chick.

Go back to bed silly chillins, you've said enough

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So were you.
Maybe that will teach you not to make random assumptions about people you don't know in the future, you fat piece of shit.

Because it's a female

I'm not a tranny. Trannies should be locked away until cured.

Post more pics.

Thanks, I suppose. Still kind of odd however how whenever I wear an out of place army jacket, no one bats an eye. But we wearing a black shirt does garner attention.

Men literally got beat if they stared at women, by the female's partners or others back in the day so the culture back then didn't allow it. Sorry, but not all countries were filled with primitive ape's who had no self control. It's called living in civilized countries that are the opposite of the middle easy or Africa.

The fact that you're an autistic newfag frog poster makes anything you say invalid. Shut up.

Stop with the bait, please.

I went to a psychologist before. Problem actually has decreased before I even saw a psychologist, every psychologists so far either just gave shit advice to try and turn me trans or gives useless tips that do nothing. I know for a fact I won't get worse, but I can't deny that it's the healthiest thing to be anxious about it either. I will try out your advice, of course. Thanks. What's your definition of "normal" however?

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You are fucking stupid. You have to be a kid because you have such a retarded outlook on Men checking out women. Where are you even getting this facts? Because I know for a fact you can't be old enough to remember this bullshit of getting beat up for checking out a girl. That's fucking stupid. Get professional health for your past trauma because what your concerned about will never change. Fuck off with this retarded fucking tread.

>where are you getting these facts
From honest guys I'm friends with, including childhood friends. They talked about just seeing a slight shape of a breast or legs turns them on very hard and they start thinking of primitively raming them. As for being slapped, I asked grandparents and parents, and random boomers I'd befriend temporarily. Perhaps "beat up" wasn't the appropriate term, as it was more rare. But they defiantly got slapped. Hell, you can see it in their culture, if you observed it via history retold by people who lived through it, their media, movies, shows, books, cartoons even constantly depicted a female slapping a man very hard if she'd catch him peeking.

>fuck off with thread
it's called not reading it and actually ignoring threads, why did you then pay attention, click on it, and replied even, only to bump it and extend its lifespan? If you don't like it, go away, shoo shoo.

Get help. You're a narcissist.

I'd say women who wear crop shirts that show the tits constantly falling out are much more narcissistic if anything. Why are you making a claim without examples to prove your claim? I'd genuinely listen and take the criticism.

Because you think everyone in public is thinking and caring about what YOU do. That makes YOU a narcissist. The truth is most people are concerned about themselves to pay attention to your "world-class" breasts.

The reason some might stare would be to think, "Wow why is this chick wearing black in summer, and why does her chest look so weird? Anyway..what am I having for lunch later?"

>I have trauma that makes me paranoid of being stared and sexualised because I was sexually assaulted when I was young
>nah bro I just want attention
Doubtful. Female rape victims often are known to become scared as soon as a guy is alone with her or looks at her for too long. Men raped by gay men develop severe fear of gays as well.

Being told by some anons on here that men allegedly don't care much about my types somewhat calms me down, I'll try to view it that way. However I know rednecks do more than just stare. They're more primitive.

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If you want to stay a victim for the rest of your life that's your choice.

Congrats, you have giant tits that Men look at. Next.

>rednecks do more than just stare. They're more primitive.
yeah rednecks are bad but my god the worst are Mexican guys (they'll yell and if I look will grab their crotch) and most black guys always say some nasty shit to me if I pass within 5 feet of them and no one else can hear.

Bitch are you truly this stupid? Porn is the reason guys stare at your huge tits? I swear cunts who had 1 bad sex experience turn into absolute dipshits

ive got some bad news for you, user
even after all the effort you exert to hide your tits and make yourself unappealing, people are still eyefucking you. seriously. everyone is someones fetish, and what you do is likely construed as "shy" instead of "traumatized, pls dont look at me".
so i have a better idea for you. learn to use a firearm, and legally carry one on your person. you can do away with the whole hiding yourself thing while being confident that you can handle any trouble that may come your way. sure, people might look at you. but if they try anything, you can put a hole (or three) in them. fuck being afraid, and fuck having to do a bunch of dumb shit to obfuscate your body every time you leave the house.

Sounds like you need another session.

Thanks for sharing, heard of this often actually. Pretty sad.

They're honestly not giant, no. They're medium, things I wear intended for sports turn them small by squeezing them in.

T-thanks, user. Coincidentally I began weigh training some weeks ago again and jogging.

training your body and learning to fight unarmed is good. but you really should be armed. if you are a euro, my sympathies. if you are a fellow burger, go get the ball rolling on your concealed pistol license. go to a shooting range and look into classes. rent a pistol, shoot a few rounds. find out what is required to carry a concealed weapon legally in your area and get to it.

Its not porn, its third wave feminists who propelled the sexual liberation degeneracy and made it normal to behave like sluts and manwhores in modern society.

Well, yeah, technically feminism allowed porn to deteriorate into what it is now as well, I do agree with you there. It was basically a snowball rolling down the mountain. But most likely it did indeed all begin in the 1960s with feminist retards.

Guns are illegal where I live, haha. Hah. Oh well. But there's alternatives like training thick legs to run fast and far, building stamina, and generally knowing how to avoid. There's some self defense book a guy wrote who was stabbed several times but survived.

Can we stop having these "I'm a grill" attention whore threads.

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men have been masturbating in their young years since they could use their hand. Before videos there were porn mags, before that imagination.

>hunch my back like an emasculated basedboy gremlin
>can't help but larp as a male every summer

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>Guns are illegal where I live
learn some form of martial arts. carry a roll of coins to reinforce your fist. maybe some pepper spray. just find out what is legal in your area and arm yourself with whatever you can

The board would be dead. Look at how many replies normal threads get that aren't baiting white knights. 5 tops.

nobody can give you constructive advice without knowing more about the issue we're dealing with here
so to have a better assessment of the situation I suggest you post a pic to really get an idea

but desu you're treating symptoms instead of the actual problem and it won't improve much at this rate; well, it will, very slowly, with aging

Here’s the thing OP, I understand you don’t want to be objectified, no one wants to be or should be. However, you do need to be comfortable with yourself and your body. If male strangers are constantly staring, say something to them, be direct with them that they’re making you uncomfortable. Don’t be rude, just direct. I’m not saying go outside in super revealing clothing, but don’t make yourself suffer by wearing hoodies in summer. I hope your situation clears up. Best wishes!

lmao thank all the women around the world wearing like sluts and prostitutes bb every summer it gets worse and worse.

Also how big are your tits only beta males stare and lesbian looking girls

Shut up, you still don't have factual evidence backed by science to back up your claims. Your fucking stupid, men from a distance check out women? They don't stand right next to you and lift your shirt up? Like wtf that's the only way you can get slapped. Secondly in media it's only when the guy was out right disrespectful to a man's women? Men that get violent towards checking out their women are fucking insecure or violent. Who gives a shit, if anything that's a compliment to the guy. I'm still responding because I can't help but be fascinated by your stupidity, actually believing their is a problem in society all because your crazy and hate when men stare at you. The fuck is wrong with you.

Take anxiety meds (xanax or something) so you don't worry. Do your errands early when no one is in the stores (or at least way less people) so not as many people even have the chance to stare.

The fuck are you talking about bitch, it's all you retarded womens fault for wearing like prostitutes then complain about muh sexualization fuck off mongoloid hypocrites, now you deal with men staring at you, you idiots got yourself into that but since 99% of females are retarded you don't realize that, you listen to shit music depicting women like no more than flesh, you literally wear like prostitutes, you have 0 brains and self respect for yourself why would others do you dumb sluts.

Also are your friends 12? if they see something that mildly appear to be a boob and they get hard and enter ape mode then they have a big problem and are as retarded as you sluts.

why become scared instead of hateful? If a gay man raped me I would kill that motherfucker on the spot, poke his eyes, bite his neck and if he rapes me in the end I would start hating gay man and probably become homophobic as fuck


Thanks greatly for the tip.

Medium to semi small? I suppose. Something in between.

Thanks, although should be noted that Xanax is horrible.

I skimmed through most of your lowly put effort into ramble. My friends are 20 to 23. And I do agree autistic women dressing like whores shouldn't be surprised they get sexualised or stared at. However I don't dress like that, I am modest in what I wear.

Idk, most guys who got raped by gays were children and didn't know what to do back then or were simply too weak. By most guys, I mean ones I knew personally. However one of them became a male gay prostitute and doesn't realize it's just a result of him being molested as a kid. It's sad to witness. He now has several stds and has worse depression than before because he keeps indulging in that life style.

>Medium to semi small? I suppose. Something in between

Then you are just paranoid no one is staring at your breasts, the problem is inside you and no amount of help from outside will help your situation, just realize you have a problem, in modern society as I already said women dress like whores and usually have no problem so you shouldnt have any,just dress like a moral person and you will be fine, men are gonna look at you regardless of what you wear if you are cute enough and even id you are ugly they will look at you because you are ugly, people will always chek you out no matter what for different reasons but you are delusional if you think they always look at you with sexual intentions, ofc men love attention from good lookong females and sometimes they look at you in hopes you look st rhem too or shit like that anyways fix yourself bb

I see, thanks for the detailed elaboration. I remember when I was a small kid, I wanted my hair cut short just so boys stopped liking me. Didn't help how I mostly am friends with guys, and almsot all of them have extremely high monster libidos. I don't know how common it is for guys to have that high libidos, I figured it's a large number due to seemingly every guy telling me the same, but maybe my friends are just really weird, idk. Thanks again.

I bet ur ugly as sin OP so nobody wud touch u anyway

I know you badly want attention but you won't evoke any emotional response. Thanks for bumping by the way.

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Tits or stfu

Not really "friends" if they talk about their sex wants with you so much. Sorry op but they just want to fuck you and dont seem to actually respect you if they that candid

They only talked about it when I'd ask "so how horny are men really? So how often do you masturbate really?" I asked from straight to Bi guys, from white to native American to blacks, from teens to grown adults, whoever seemed to trust me. The only guy who told me he has a much lower libido was an underweight, sickly pale weeb classmate I had once. None of them disrespected me in anyway, to clarify, or even hinted if they liked me, I'd assume they didn't because I always wore hoodies so there'd be nothing to be turned on by, and we were close friends. Or maybe they just really hid their attraction well, if there was any, but I'm 99% sure none of them had a crush on me besides one guy who acted anxious around me (and later admitted to my suspicion that he liked me) .

My bf said he was secretly constantly hard around me back when he watched porn frequently (when we were still friends) but after he quit consuming it daily, he stopped being so overly horny around me. I had no clue until I asked about it because he never acted sexual around me nor hinted at anything, besides saying "I have a crush on you, we should date after we both graduate school".

I don't know, from my experience and what I've been told, or overheard other guys talk about, or what guys told me other guys told me, it all showed an image on majority of males being easily turned on by anyone who's breast shape is visible and wear pants above the knees. So that made me anxious.

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hey op how old are you? I'm nid 20s but when I was younger I hated ny body getting more womenly even though I was always a modest A cup until ny 30s where it decided to up to a B/C (fucking one of them is a C and he other a B what even is this bullshit)

I used to cover up a lot even in the summer. I had some body dismorphia in addition to hating how female features made me an object and treated differently. You can still be a tomboy and wear whatever you like but my advice is to embrace your features because being confident in who you are is how you stand your ground against the shit that is this world.

also there is option for reduction surgery when you are older, unlike enhancing them their are no implants so you aren't putting foreign objects into your body, it's just fat removal. plus I'm pretty sure you could out it somewhere else if you wanted. they can do fat transplants into your ass and face.

typo sorry, they grew in my early 20s. bot 30s, I'm 27.

A quick glance isn't the same as staring
Some guys do it without even noticing it's honestly a reflex

sorry but your "quick" glance isn't as fast as you think. I can feel when a guy is looking. they aren't subtle.

I'm just making sure your not overexaggerating like a lot of people do

not op but guys are more obvious than they think they are. about everything.

Take a vacation to a beach far away and try to get used to wearing a skimpy bikini. Maybe even go topless.

I have this a lot, yes. I'd catch a guy staring at me literally the whole time until he'd finally walk away even.

Thanks, I'll keep it in mind to calm myself down next time. However as the user who replied to you earlier said, sometimes I see a guy staring at me for a very long time. I was even once with my bf and he noticed someone kept staring at me the entire time we ate dinner, so he gave them an intimidating death stare and the person literally left the restaurant. He's very tall and big, so that comes in handy I guess.

Thank you, user. I honestly want chest reduction surgery but then I'd be underweight and it would harm my healthy. If it's true you can move breast fat to elsewhere, that would be ideal. But I'm not sure if that is possible. Also, is there anything that helped you accept your body easier, or should I just keep telling myself "stop thinking about it" over and over?