We met 6 months ago sharing interests in Computer Science. He's kind of helped me with confidence and job searching, but has become pretty condescending. Always going on rants and pretty much disagreeing with everything I say to the point where it feels less like talking to a friend and more like being lectured about how I'm wrong and all the reasons he's right. At the beginning of our friendship he made a few Jew jokes, which I let him know I wasn't okay with. One thing he has held onto is my size. Just yesterday he was watching a video about an 11 year old UFC kid which he said could beat me up. I ask him why he even bothers bringing this up as we're talking about programming. He just talks about how funny he thinks it is and that I'm being insecure. I tell him, I've been bullied and beat up before and that most people would find that offensive to which he replied most people would be able to win in a fight with an 11 year old. I tell him, okay I guess I could, and he says he'd like to bring popcorn to watch. At this point I tell him you're fucking retarded and he says this is coming from the guy who can't write a linked list in his senior year. I tell him that has nothing to do with what I'm talking about , that he's emotionally stunted, and a 27 year old should be above behaving this way. I tell him now you know how I feel when you made that remark and he denied being offended, I tell him that obviously isn't the case considering he random thought up the linked list insult. At this point I hang up the phone and he texts " good luck man, I hope you can workout your insecurities". Should I just block this guy? I don't see him in my life, and don't want to be around someone who picks on me either for being Jewish or scrawny, especially when they're twenty seven.
Should I block this friend?
Yeh, he's massively weird and just kind of a dick. Block him.
Massively weird?
He isn't wrong in his conception of you being weak if you let yourself be walked all over like this. Either show him up more often and then cut him out, or just cut him out of your life now. Take some pride in yourself, and dont let people demean you like this. If you do, you just open yourself up more to more bullshit like this.
Guy sounds like every asshole douchebag I've met who's used the facade of being a geek or a nerd to hide the fact he's an absolute waste of human space.
As anyone would say, tell him to fuck off and stay out of your life.
Idk I definitely got his feelings when I called him a fucking retard and emotionally stunted.
>At this point I tell him you're fucking retarded and he says this is coming from the guy who can't write a linked list in his senior year.
Hahahhaha holy shit btfo
He was fucking around with you lightheartedly, then you took it seriously and insulted him personally.
Sorry to say but it really sounds like youre the sperg here. If someone is ribbing you, you need to respond in kind, not get offended and make it personal.
He sounds like a sociopath.
Saying even an 11 year old can best you up, then saying it would be entertaining to watch isn't light hearted.
So it's true then?
Honestly I wouldn't give a fuck if someone said that to me. But if its true maybe you should work on that.
I never claimed it's true, I'm saying it's a pretty immature thing to say. You sound more ignorant than him.
You sound like an overly sensitive soiboi raised by a single mom who never learned how to socialize or act around other men.
Guys rib on each other, it's absolutely normal. Getting offended and taking it personally is the worst thing you can do. Get a thicker skin.
I definitely have two parents, nice sense of humor, moron. You sound like an annoying Neckbeard with lack of social awareness and no idea of self respect.
Get a thicker skin is something people say when they lack understanding people's point of views. By your logic getting offended when someone is called retarded is a lack of thick skin.
See, this is why no one likes you.
Yes, block him. He's a cunt and doesn't seem like a genuine friend in the first place.
What a fucking braindead bitch.
Don't listen to him OP, it's not all black and white. Everyone of us has limits that if crossed cause us to get angry. Some are larger, some are smaller. When people meet it's how their limits mesh that matter, so it's more complicated than thinskin or thickskin , unlike this aborted mass of pus thinks.
You're Jow Forums for shit's sake, L2Bantz nigger.
This comeback is so stupid and immature, I'm just going to report you as underage.
OP here, if I was the same poster, I would of just outright told you this explanation. There's no reason to pretend being someone else.
By the way he's right, you are a fucking idiot.