12 years have just passed since Saddam Hussein was executed. What do you think about him?

12 years have just passed since Saddam Hussein was executed. What do you think about him?

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Big mistake

better to have kept him in.

He was just trying to get by in a difficult world.

At the same time, Israel and jews are the ones running the show. They run America. We all know and only fools deny.


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So he gassed a few kurds? Big deal. We've all gassed a few ethnic groups here and there

a monster who was discarded when no longer useful.

12 years too late.
I knew i could save him.
How could i fail in my mission.

Given the shitfight status of the ME, he was precisely the leader Iraq deserved. And probably needed.
The US made a mistake in removing him.

When I was a teenager (when this happened) a little brown supervisor told me
>you have to have a heavy fucking hand to rule over these people
will never forget
Yeah he gassed some people that tried to kill him, a warning not to do it again.

Did nothing wrong

Based Broat.
Some things we'll always agree on. RIP Saddam Hussain. Good night sweet prince.

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simple as

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if he were still alive, ISIS would have never existed and the Middle East would be more peaceful.

Trash, like any other mudshit or kike

The War Nerd wrote an article on this topic.

It was a good read.

Major fuckup. Bush is guilty of a lot of things

Saddams younger group went around and picked up girls from schools to rape them.
No one could do anything because they were top of the food chain i.e politician tier

>t. An iraqi woman told me

>meme flag

Fuck off

Was hoping to see a major terrorist attack on USA by ISIS or full blown all out war on israel ever since saddam was dethroned

guess muzzies are good for nothing

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Leaf memer

importing middle eastern muzzies
growing "all muslims are not bad"
giving too much voice to muslims
liberals going apeshit if any mention of muslim bad

> guess muzzies are good for nothing
they are destroying west from within

>they are destroying west from within

uh huh satan

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when cowboys from 2 centuries ago did a better job of hanging someone than modern day Iraqis

>Gibbery gooo ablah ricky roo
what the fuck are you on about?

Eeeh relax guy

He was naughty to have openly threaten the kike's

In return Saudi kike's did 9/11

1.3m Iraqi shitskin ragheads got exterminated, that's a good thing.

Oh, Sadam?- don't care really, but glad he got hung for being a shitskin

I guess Iraq is now finally in a position that was better off than it was under him, but was it really worth bankrupting the most powerful nation the earth has ever seen?

A dead man of the past don't matter. People living in the present matter.

He only gassed kurds because Americans convinced them to rebel against Iraq in the Kuwait war. And then fucked off at the first occasion and left them to their angry gassing master.
If it wasn't for Americans meddling in Iraq in the 80s, it wouldn't have had any problem of this kind.


Back then I believed the media, not any more R.I.P

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Should have been exiled.

He did nothing wrong. White people love to carpet bomb shitskins, import them en masse into their own country, and then cry when they get stabbed in the streets.
Trump seem to want to stop this shit.

I have seen a video of sf raping him with the handle of a shovel.
His sons were well known rapists.

He wasn't a great guy, but better than the one before and the one after

When I was notbased and bluepilled, I believed the narrative and thought this guy was bad.

Now I see, just like with Gaddafi, they turned him into a boogeyman when he was trying to protect his country from the (((international bankers))) and was in (((their))) way for a plan of ISIS and Greater Israel. Obongo unironically committed much worse crimes than Saddam and he's paraded everywhere.

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What do Saddam, gadafi and Assad all have in common?
They tried to introduce a currency backed by gold

They also defied OPEC

Iran will be next

What do I think?
I think there's nothing on the internet I won't masturbate to.

A scumbag who would murder you all without a thought, still fucking stupid to overthrow him and sack all the military. Gotta keep the Military Industrial Complex in $$$ though.

his last words were "I will be vindicated! You need me!"
I say they were pretty accurate all things considered.

The Iraq war was one of the greatest crime of this 21st century and while it isn't currently a big topic of discussion I believe posterity will look extremely harshly on the USA and their cronies for this illegal, immoral, cruel and baseless war.

The memecurrency conspiracy is ridiculous, there are much more effective ways to prevent that without a full blown invasion. It's like using a hammer to get rid of a fly. Yes, they probably wanted the fly gone. But a hammer isn't even the most effective way to do it.

I want to point out that his Iraq had quality aesthetics.

vid related


"An Iraq without Saddam is like a wife without a husband"


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The rope is too long.

false equivalence if jews saw saddam as a threat he was more than a fly

unironically gud boy who dindu nuffin wrong like pic related

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>muzzies are destroying the west
>not the (((people))) importing them by the hundred thousand

Nice meme flag, rabbi.

Why was he actually removed?

The WMD shit was always BS, but the US didn't get much in the way of oil out of it

It doesn't appear to have accomplished anything except destabilise the region

Unironically what were the Neocons aiming to do?

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We ask our strongmen for two things in the middle east: Keep your shithole quiet and produce the oil. After that do whatever the Hell you want in your otherwise worthless Fred Flintstone wasteland. Saddam fucked it up and its been misery throughout everywhere ever since. And look, desu mouthing off and doing terrorism is just frat boy prank tier shit thats annoying and we can ignore it if you can keep ot in check but trying to take oil off the dollar was a dumb move, retards. Fuck that entire festering boil

> what were the Neocons aiming to do?

Serve the jews like the good goyim they are

And a war is more than a hammer, I don't expect you brainlet to understand an allegorical comparison (a me-ta-ph-or) but try thinking first next time.

The point is that there are more effective ways - not that Saddam is point for point... a fly. You estonian monkey, you literal baboon.

Actually there is real credebility in the argument that fiat currency posed a threat to the west.

No more America using the high us dollar to rip off countries that produce raw materials.

Trade between Arab countries would become much more stable, they wouldn't fear holding each other's capitol like they are now.

In a war, the countries federal reserve wouldn't lose value.
Let me repeat that. If someone attacked them, the country could still purchase war goods.

Consuming countries don't keep their oil, producing countries keep the gold.
This is a fundamental.
If a world power is buying raw goods, to keep a trade balance they must sell consumables (opium in China, alcohol, cotton clothing)

It would also cause the true amount and location of the world's gold reserves to come under scritiny.
When countries stopped paying debts in pretend money /promises of gold /market strength it would turn out that some countries actually had no gold at all

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

to create suitable conditions for the creation of ISIS. Think about it.. No other country in the region is as suitable (and vulnerable) as iraq for isis to rise.

Also, oil, gold, bases on iran's border, instability to create a kurdish statelet (when desired), and many more.

Saddan was US's pawn don't imagine otherwise but there was more for them to gain with him outed.

If he didn't fire scuds at us get would probably still be alive and ruling.
That was his mistake.

He kept Iraq in peace. His ways were dirty but the alternative killed a million and gave ISIS. He did nothing wrong in his entire life.

why would the Americans do that when they were SUPPORTING Saddam against Iran.

derp nvm

Don't forget the mythological significance of "ISIS" to the (((ruling elite))) and their masonic good goys.

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>launched missiles at jews

Why do people hate him again?

>Having oil in his country wasn't his only mistake

Well that and having a hive of greedy kikes as his neighbor

Removing Saddam and Quaddafi were significant mistakes.

necessary evil

>yay multiculturalism

said literally nobody ever

He was a true patriotic American. He was installed by the CIA, made himself out to be an enemy of the United States and allowed himself to be hanged for the sake of the American (((owners))).

piece of shit
once I have heard/read how he came to power, he is a truly awful man
that being sad, he is still better than american. American is pig

We agree that is something to deal with. But I am saying that there are more effective ways. All the things you listed take time. It's a long process. Sure, maybe they wanted to get rid of Saddam *exactly* because of that but there was fifteen other ways to deal with it that are both more effective (punish Iraq, keep the other in line) and less destructive to Americans (the cost of the post-war is bleeding the DoD/DoS) - enriching only a few ex-Baa'th execs.

>Trade between Arab countries would become much more stable
There isn't a whole lot to trade in the first place and tearing down tariffs would yield more wealth. I otherwise agree with what you said but that reason didn't make sense.

__ Bottom line is that you cannot make a compelling argument that this is what caused the war if you don't see the massive failings in american intelligence for what they are. Saddam tried to flex his muscles to scare off Iran, making them - and Western intel agencies - that he had WMDs. When the AIEA wanted to inspect (Bush ordered it more or less) - he refused, not because of "muh sovereignty" but because he was scared the Iranians would know there was zilch WMDs (except low grade chemical stuff) and in his calculations didn't factor in the fact that the consensus among western intelligence agencies was that Saddam had a 40% chance to have developed WMD. Now, Bush lied to his people and exaggerated the certainty but the point remains: this is a classic case of counter-intelligence, escalating a conflict to the tits.

Source video ?

I think he was executed without a trial with a british soldier shouting "where is your god now?" in his face and thats all I have to say about it.

Actually Iran was acting as an American hedgmon and started the war with Iraq.
Google it.

If he acted like he had a weak army the Iran Iraq war (which he knew was inevitable) would have happened much sooner.
The us has nuclear weapons and Has no right to demand to inspect anyone else's.

In fact his army did much better than the west expected and he didn't lose political power, forcing the us to invade directly

That's my understanding at least

Get fucked cunt stick that meme flag up your boyfriends ass

>executed by people in masks
wtf were we the terrorists!?!?

he wanted to move away from petrodollar, iirc.
cue SAS (sorry lads, you clearly fucked up.)


Should have left him alone.

this is the real reason

All the people in here defending him seem to forget that he did have weapons of mass destruction. There is a myth that he didn’t have any but after the Iraq war they dug up dozens of mobile chemical labs in the back of 18 wheelers for weapons of mass destruction that they buried in the desert.

Honestly I was too young (teenager) at the time to know much about him and never cared to learn since.

I'm very sympathetic to uncle Saddam now a days, but how were we to know we were born and raised in liberalism and propagandized from birth.

This but take it from hitlers death, I have a feeling we're already extinct since 1945 and we're just being slowly cleansed world wide.

>What do you think about him?
That guy was a pig and it was good that he's been killed. Just like Qaddafi. Khamanei and Putin will soon follow them.

People here would defend literal devil only to seem contrarian to the mainstream

Chemical weapons are technically WMDs, so you are technically correct - but the worst kind of correct. No one gives a fuck about low grade chemical weaponry.


So you're a retarded burger and should eat a bullet.

[citation needed]

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People like you shouldn't be allowed to vote and your opinions to be taken seriously.

America cleaning up one of its mistakes and in the process not making it better but rather creating more mistakes.
That's Saddam Hussein and the end he met.

His hanging was a false flag

He didn't fire shit at you. You just used the fight against Kuwait as an opportunity to get sympathy and new weapons systems.

Why not fucking both?

Tell that to the Syrians that had chlorine bombs dropped on them

its over. it honestly doesn't matter anymore just fuck off. saddam is dead and so are many people its not worth discussing this.

t. iraqi

theres no such thing as syrians

Bullshit girls didnt go to school in arab shitholes.

He knew too much. The neocons were the ones who armed him with all sorts of nasty shit and sent him against Iran on Israel's request.

The petrodollar was Gadaffi.

he was necessary to keep the Middle East stable , but he was still a piece of shit rapist like Ghadaffi so i won't miss him , though i'm glad we had Jacques Chirac that had enormous balls to say no to the war in Iraq.

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this is true, not directly from schools but saddams son Uday raped many women


someone red pill be on saddam wasn't he cia?