Women hate being fetishized and sexualized by men

>women hate being fetishized and sexualized by men
>Men love being fetishized and sexualized by women
>Neither party is happy because both parties do what the other doesn't

How come?

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>>women hate being fetishized and sexualized by men
what? explain female clothing, lingerie and makeup

Women like that. They just don‘t like when that‘s all they get reduced to.

females love being sexualized it's makes their ego fucking rocket. Feminism and other shit tell them not to like so they hide it, but they like it. other wise they wouldn't dress sexy, use makeup etc

You'd think that the right thing to do is give what you'd like to receive, but sadly this is not the case.

Women love being sexualized and objectified, but only by certain people, the rest gets metoo'd

Men want to hump all the women

Women only want to hump the #1 man

Not difficult to understand

Nah, women get mildly insulted when low SMV guys don’t like them either. Women can’t function without someone giving them attention for being alive.

Women like to be sexualized, just not by men. Cant you read? Guys don't want to just "feel sexy"; they want it to lead to sex.

Also, despite it looking like it, the clothes and the makeup isn‘t for the guys. It‘s how girls compeed between each other.

Pretty much. What's worse is that because women of metro areas are so absorbed into this way of thinking, it leaves the guys to question everything and start doing the same things women do; compete over who has better hair or nicer shoes. It's the gayest thing ever and most of them can't see it because they're in it, too

I'm a Man and I would hate being fetishized and sexualized by women. I'd much rather be respected and valued for my own personal worth as a human being.

I only like my girlfriend fantasizing me. Other women can GTFO. Bait thread af.

>women hate being fetishized and sexualized by men
They do by guys they like.
I can be a fucking creep and my gf will love it.

I don't believe a word of this. Like I don't even believe you're a male user.

I mean, guys have their own competition. I guess the point of compeeding in areas that you would categorize as feminine (hair, shoes) is that a lot of those guys are pretty even in term of social status, achievements, wealth, career and so on. It‘s basically all that‘s left to distinguish yourself. Again, i do think that most of this isn‘t to impress women but to be „better than the other guy“. It‘s like the joke about running away with a fat person when chased by a lion; you don’t have to be fast, just faster.

yes compete for MALE ATTENTION

>women hate being fetishized and sexualized by men

Hahaha. You will learn.

No, the rivalry is between the women.
Men don‘t really care. They like girls in a big variety of shapes, colors, styles. As long as they are young, healthy, well groomed and have a somewhat nice face, they‘re happy. Wome are the ones who tear down every girl in the room, scanning her for „imperfections“.
See, biologically women only get one shot to get inseminated by the most desireable guy around. They HAVE to be the one that stands out most if they want the superior genes. Men on the other hand, if that one was snitched by some other guy, meh, who cares, i just inseminate the 5 other ones and hope for the best.

You're welcome to believe whatever you like, but that doesn't make it a reality, buckaroo.

Women just want manly men who know how to build things out of wood. It's a hardwired instinct.

Attached: carpentry.jpg (632x474, 69K)

Women want capable men; wood doesn't enter the equation unless she's some wood fetishist.
While being a skilled carpenter would show that you're capable, it's less about the act and more about what it implies.

A lot of women are dissatisfied with men who make good money if they do it sitting at a desk. It's not the same as a skilled building trade.

Attached: carpentry.jpg (600x400, 93K)

not Jow Forums

This user gets it. No one wants to be treated like a piece of meat 24/7. Guys whine about it too when it happens too much to them

Women like being fetishized and sexualized by men.
Just not by everybody, all the time.
I like that my boyfriend wants to fuck me silly, but I still like that he loves me as a person, with my interests and passions, and he values me and what I have to say.

If society didn't care about anything you are beside your cock, you'd be annoyed too.

Societal expectations and media using images to sell shit.

I mean I see girls complaining all the time that they get complimented or people look at them in public, I'm pretty sure they really would rather not have the attention

>If society didn't care about anything you are beside your cock, you'd be annoyed too.
you underestimate how low my personal value is and how high my sex drive is. The only reason i dont fuck every human on this planet is because children are expensive and stds exist

You only say that because you're not getting any.

>women hate being fetishized and sexualized by men

No I don't.

women really don't actually dislike it. they just don't like how much trash is thrown at them, they want all good attention.

None of that shit is for men. Is it for themselves, and at most "man".

Men want the attention of all women, and view all women as possible sexual partners.
Women only want the attention of one man at a time, maybe a few more, and view only specific men as viable partners.

This isn't difficult to understand.

>people like being fetishized and sexualized by people they are attracted to
this isn't rocket science

>muh generalizations
>muh universal truths
>muh armchair philosophy

I don't know, when a girl is very obviously attracted to me it just scares me and I feel uncomfortable. It makes me nervous and I don't like that feeling. I don't know what that makes me, also girls are pretty much retarded when they have crushes. Guys are more subtle and sweet about it most of the time, girls are like "I wanna fuck you" and expect an enthusiastic yes and throw a borderline shit fit if you reject them or take too long, as if you are insulting their attractiveness. It's scary too because they will make up shit. This one girl straight up lied to a bunch of people at my school that this dude had sex with her when he never even touched her.

I mean this is just my experience. I think it's cute when guys have crushes but girls get insane.

You sound like a faggot. Just because a bunch of bitches are drooling over me doesnt mean I have to fuck them. This is where women go full retard because they think some guy looking at her tits and ass is him reducing her fully down to a sex object when in reality the bitch may just have large or attractive assets that stand out to men.

This, I say all kinds of weird shit to my girl and she still rides this dick.

>Guys are more subtle and sweet about it most of the time
Do you really believe that's true? You just don't notice the bad ones because they're not aiming this shit at you. Almost all women have had to deal with pushy, overly aggressive guys who don't take rejection well

i dont think for a second that this autismal egoblast is coming from anyone attractive

Bitch please. Women can drool over my cock as long as the day is and I bet I can still find some silver lining to be happy. Not like you who probably has to write an article every time some guy looks at ass.

Not that user but I have a gf, get laid on the regular, and would still fuck dozen of women en masse if I could with no risks. Fuck outta here.

>Men love being fetishized and sexualized by women
I can't imagine this ever happening to me.

Nah, men act like this when they get reduced to be the hot boi:


You're confusing fucking a lot with being reduced solely to your sexual attractiveness

>girls are like "I wanna fuck you"
No woman has ever been like that with me.

lady if a bunch of guys and girls would reduce me to my sexual attractiveness and it was a good thing i would be a very fucking happy man. But im also a virgin who's never had that so i might just be biting off more than i can chew
[spoiler]not the guy you are replying to btw, i don't want you blaming him for something i say[/spoiler]