Do women enjoy sex? Or do they just do it so the man doesn't bother her with any more sex?

Do women enjoy sex? Or do they just do it so the man doesn't bother her with any more sex?

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I'm convinced it's the latter but people say otherwise.

Physically yeah women enjoy sex

But as a whole women only fuck to keep a man attached to her

Depends on the sex. Most sex is really bad.

If you’re a woman. Even OK sex is still pretty good for a man.

I've gotten some honest answers out of women in the young teen years that agree and as they age, it seems like honesty about it is forbidden because guys would actually get the clue that they're being used, in mass

>Do women enjoy sex?
If you do it right. Have you never made a woman have an orgasm before?

To continue from here, women will actually have sex with a guy just to "get it over with". Because they deal with so many men on a constant basis, some just start assuming it's for sex and will open their legs to get rid of the guy, aka ruin the magic.

Thst‘s what i meant. As a man, you can‘t have sex unless you are atleast physically aroused (not taking pills into account). Women can easily have sex without being aroused at all. And they often do. Sex without being aroused is pretty shitty, i tell you.
And dor women it is so much harder to get aroused. Especially mentally. So many things that try to get in the way. You have to conaciously decide that you want to try to get aroused or it won‘t happen. Men don‘t realize that and they have zero clue on how to get a woman to that point.

I‘ve had orgasms that left me feeling shitty. It happns when you‘re not mentally aroused. Then it‘s just a physical reaction and it will feel hollow and draining. Making a girl orgasm is no indicator of how much she enjoyed herself.

>Men don‘t realize that and they have zero clue on how to get a woman to that point.
>You have to conaciously decide that you want to try to get aroused or it won‘t happen.

It's on you not us.

>You have to conaciously decide that you want to try to get aroused or it won‘t happen.

What the fuck, no? That is definitely not always the case.

I'm not trying to go for some Jow Forums shit here but it would help if women would give some fucking feedback.

Dated a girl for nine years and still had little to no idea what actually got her going because she was to embarrassed to talk about it and would pretend to enjoy shit she really didn't. So I'm pretty much just doing shit at random and the false positives fucked it up.

Yea ok. Their pussy gushing and their moans of ecstasy is because it is so horrible. Especially the part where they cuddle up to you with a big smile and glowing eyes to tell you how great it was. lmao

You a woman ? Timestamp or GTFO.

If yes :
What do women like the most in sex ? Except oral, already good at it, made cum my partner


(Most) women like romance but not sex, it's that simple. If sex happens to be a part of romance then they might enjoy it, but that's it.

As you say not taking pills into account, but if a woman had taken pills into account, tied a man to the bed forced pills down his throat or even doing the old style injection needle into his dick thing to force an erection on to him, i can assure you his sexual experience would be even more shittier than her just opening legs when when she really didn't want to.

It’s a balancing act between being aggressive and IDGAF enough, while consciously thinking “okay but forreal I gotta do X so she’ll cum too”.
Not really. For a woman the buildup of sex is way more important than the actual sex act itself. Why do you think they trudge through 250 pages of increasing sexual tension in a smut novel rather than just opening a porn tab and jamming a hand down their underwear while watching two degenerates hump furiously for a few minutes?

For a guy busting a nut is “sex”. For a woman the buildup & eventual payoff is “sex”.

The man’s job is to make her as anxious/tense/excited as possible for the actual penetration. The woman job is to react with the same vigor he has once coitus begins.

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It‘s on both you fool.
You either hinder or aid her in getting to that point of actually wanting to be aroused.

Yeah, surely not always. But often. Atleast in ltr‘s. Ofc it‘s different in ons‘s and in the honeymoon phase.

That‘s because you suck at reading her body language.
But sure, she should have told you. It‘s not easy being a woman and being sexual. Society always implies that if you do like sex as a woman, you‘re a filthy whore. Not wvery girl can get past that.

There obviously are exceptions. Especially if the sex wasn‘t in a ltr. But to be sure, girls are very good actors in bed since they know how fragile the sexual male ego is. Even a hint of „this wasn‘t absolutely mind blowing“ and they wilth like flowers in the sun. Not every girl dares to risk that.


I enjoy sex, but only good sex. It's hard to predict whether or not it will be good. Still only have had good sex with 2 people. The rest is either obliging a man because you led up to sex and don't want to make him feel embarrassed that you changed your mind, or just banging quick because it is easy, good exercise, and will put him to sleep.

Have you SEEN men? Of course it's the second. Well for heterosexual women that is, lesbians enjoy sex

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>girls are very good actors in bed
There is no acting a pussy drenching your dick after they cum. There is no mistaking watching them lose control of their body and the release. It's unmistakable. Especially when you know the feeling so well yourself.
I'm not wasting my time holding hands itt though. Think what you want.

Have you actually ever met a woman?

I almost made eye contact with one on the subway once, but that could've been a 15 year old boy with long hair. Why do you ask?

>Society always implies that if you do like sex as a woman, you‘re a filthy whore
Stop lying. Society calls you a whore if you bang a bunch of guys.

Yes, the HBTQ movement does this propaganda all the time. Now if lesbians are so good in bed, how come the statistics say that the average lesbian couple stops having sex after like three years?
How come most lesbian couples break up after a few years?

Just curious, never mind.

You obviously have no concept of arousal/orgasm nonconcordance. Anyways, i won‘t argue with you, since obviously it‘s possible that girl you have in mind did have a mind blowing orgasm and was enjoying herself like crazy. It‘s just not the norm is all i‘m saying.

You have no clue

I really hope the sarcasm came through there.

Those are old statistics, for all couples the magic fades off after a few years, but then they are married. Now that gay marriage is legal you will see this statistic stay persistent for a long time

And it isn't so much that they are good in bed, it's just that the male form is inherently and objectively sexually unattractive

>just not the norm
It has been for my past 5 partners. Just because you have fucked up orgasms doesn't mean everyone else does. git gud

This dykeposting meme would almost be funny if it women could be funny.

I wonder what is in that 'Girl loving girl' folder

I mean, the constante in your last 5 sexual encounters was you. So chances are that you‘re good in bed. Congratulations. That‘s rare. Usually guys are really bad in bed and they outweight the ones who do have a clue what they‘re doing by far. So don‘t blame women when finding a guy that doesn‘t suck when you have sex with him is like finding an unicorn.

>you're a bad driver because your car won't start

Lesbians have better overall technique, but they don’t have anywhere near the amount of sex straight couples do. And eventually stop fucking entirely.

Obviously, yes, since you‘ve neglected maintenance.

>a guy can't learn to use their dick
just stop hahahahaha

Or women are just fickle bitches who project their insecurities onto the men they're with, sabotaging their own enjoyment in the process.

I haven't fucked a million women, but I've been with enough to know that the common theme is confidence and comfort. A woman who has both of those will cum very easily, and very frequently, a woman who has neither? You can jackhammer her all day and she never will.

>You have no clue
I’m not gonna call a girl a whore for banging her husband or long term boyfriend

My car's an adult and should be capable of doing her own maintenance.

I personally do. I don't know if other women don't.

I had a higher sex drive than my ex. Even if he wasn't really good at it so he never got me off it was still nice to get him off and it felt intimate.
With my current boyfriend, it's amazing. We fuck every single day, as long as we can, it's so good.

How important is dick size in your estimation? I'm sitting at a solid 7 with good girth and it's always been enough for me, but I'm always curious to see what women say.

How do you increase a girl sex drive ?

C'mon dude you're way above average, I'm 5''7 to 6'' (depending how hard)

They're roughly the same size, current being a little bigger maybe but not by much.
One was absolutely terrible at it, the other is really good and never leaves me unsatisfied.

Size matters relatively as long as you're not tiny, if you can use it well it's good.

Be good in bed.

Here we go again.

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( ͡° ل͜ ͡°)

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which country is it from ?

It's the British journal of urology but I believe the data is international.

gonna pull this card...socially women are often conditioned to do it for the guy (an earlier poster said some women do it to "get it over with," I can understand this mentality), and that owning your sexuality (as a female) is impure as the woman on the highest pedestal is a virgin.

With a slight bit of projection I'd be willing to wager that your ex was that kind of person who never allowed herself to get in touch with her sexuality, either out of shame or out of the desire to please you taking precedent over her own desire for satisfaction.

In these cases where your partner isn't being open or doesn't know what she likes, speak with her and encourage her to explore that sexual side without any pressure to please you (if that makes sense). Comforting words such as "I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel" or asking specific questions "do you like it better when I lick you this way or that way? did you like it when I did this? how can I improve on x action?" can help further this conversation. Another activity to consider is watching porn together. Favoring "real" or "natural" porn over that unrealistic stuff preferably. You're familiar with sex so you can probably discern what's more and less realistic.

Can't speak for other women but I love it. My current and only boyfriend is amazing in bed, most of the time I'm left shaking after orgasm.


to add to my last thought, watching porn together can of course help give ideas, but more importantly produce the kind of organic conversation that can only come out of something that is usually an awkward thing. "Did you like it when he did x? It was kind of silly when she did y"

Basically, looking at avenues to break down barriers. As a general statement, the foundation of all good relationships is open and honest communication. If you have that then you're on the right path desu.

>the second half of this post

good words here. While every woman is case by case unique same as every man is, one can generally keep in mind that for men it's physical and for women it's mental. foreplay goes a long way to getting a woman to enjoy sex.

>The man’s job is to make her as anxious/tense/excited as possible for the actual penetration. The woman job is to react with the same vigor he has once coitus begins.

This. I know it requires a little bit of self control on the man's part to not just stick his dick in as soon as possible, but I can assure you anons that if she's really feeling good then you'll feel even better than you would if you were fucking a dead fish (especially so if you have an emotional attachment to her).

nice dubs

the best sex I've had was with the smallest person I've been with (and yes he was below average). I'm firmly in the "size doesn't matter, it's how you use it" club though I can concede that it's slightly easier if you're average to slightly above average, as for females there is a "feeling full" factor in sexual satisfaction.


Mine does, judging by the fact that she asks for it and praises my dick whenever it comes up (tehe pun intended)

I think your problem is you talk to women only on the internet and the internet is just fucking poison, this late into the game