Paradise: for how much longer?

> move to Alaska in 2020 to escape the overboarding regulations and taxations
> Shitskins keep flooding the US
> Trump is reelected
> beaner scum keeps pouring in
> 2024 or 2028 at latest: beaners vote in first socialist president, senate and house are majority Cortez-style democrats
> Establish socialist centralized stte like in Europe but worse and with 10 times the amount of niggers and spics
> States have no more say in taxation and regulation, federal government takes over
>Alaska becomes an overregulated and overtaxed shithole as welll

Attached: 1280px-Alaska_in_United_States_(US50).svg.png (1280x897, 270K)

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Isn't Alaska like 60-70% dudes? All from oil and gas workers.

And little eskimo qts get trains ran on them by all the touch-starved men.


i think you mean overbearing, or overwhelming. and are you an american posting from switzerland? whats the fuckin deal here? also, alaska is no paradise. it's a magnet for fleeing criminals, and most of the rest of the state is low-iq snowhicks. sprinkle in a few native dumb-as-stump walrus eaters. the only smart people are the very rare fisherman or oil engineer/climate researcher/geologist. consider that it's soul-crushingly dark and freezing half the year, and it's hard to declare it a paradise.

15% of Alaska are natives, who hold way too much disproportionate sway. Lisa Murkowski explicitly cited their opposition to Brett Kavanaugh as the reason for her no vote on his confirmation, despite the fact that polls showed a strong majority of Alaskans overall supported Kavanaugh. It only mattered what the 15% who are "natives" thought.

>Lisa Murkowski
Is it a Jew? Anyway, I hope you guys will replace her with a real republican / libertarian
>are you an american posting from switzerland?
I'm a Swiss, tired of my cucktarded countrymen
>Dark and cold
you can still go outside and do fun stuff like shooting wolves or whatever is out there
Just go to Bali for two weeks in the winter and you'll be fine
>Isn't Alaska like 60-70% dudes?
I'd bring my own woman

Attached: -1496955913.jpg (780x439, 116K)

You've never seen Alaskan Natives if you believe they're "qt" pies.

I'm worried for Alaska, I don't want it to become the next Oregon.

>the next Oregon
Oregon became shit because the commiefornians moved there. However, a of the US will go to shit, because beaners will elect a commie federal governemnt that will take over and disempower the individual state governments

isn't Alaska largely Vietnamese though?

all of this is true. there is nothing here but cold and dark
fuck off medpack- alaska is full. don't even look at it on a fucking map. you fucked europe up, sleep in your own goddamn bed.

>Oregon became shit because the commiefornians moved there

not really. i live in portland, after moving from commiefornia a few years ago. trust me--i'm not the problem. portland has always been a mecca for runaway teens and bohemian faggots. they used to flock here from all over. and if you were to ask some tranny (i swear i see at least one non-passing tranny every time i go downtown, even if it's just to the gym) where they're from, odds are he/she/it would respond that they were born in oregon or washington. portland's stole austin's (the libtard enclave of texas) "keep austin weird" slogan decades ago, and now that the whole country is shifting progressively toward the cliff of leftism, portland has become even more bat-shit. people love to cite the influx of commiefornians, but all that has really done is marginally increase the housing prices and cost to rent.

what has switzerland done that caused you to lose faith in it?

Im torn between moving to Alaska or ancestral ethnic lands in Europe. I don't really like America, where's it's going, or much at all, but Europe is also seemingly shitting the bed.
I feel like I'd have to majorly adapt to live in Alaska, same as Europe. About the only benefit to moving to AK over Europe is less benefit and I could keep my guns.
Europe, I might get culture, higher percentage of whites, and (potentially) cheaper living (if I go to a shithole). Not sure what I'll do

Less paperwork, not benefit. Too early for this

>after moving from commiefornia a few years ago. trust me--i'm not the problem
and you vote 2A republican in every local election?

Naw. There is functionally no law here and a billion guns/explosives you can buy in the store with no permit.

Where do you live now user?

wasilla spotted



In Canada, the Northern Territories (Nunavut, Yukon, NWT) are considered absolute backwaters. Nobody lives up there. The biggest city has like 10k people.
What is Alaska like? I can't imagine it would be any fun living up there.

Lots of outdoor activities and I can carry my gun and body armor anywhere.

yes. and down-ballot republican, not that it ever makes any difference.

My apologies sir.
In the winter: I wouldn't recommend a move to alaska unless you had a good job or support network here.
In the spring or sumer, a functional human could figure that shit out.
But not the medpack, or CA, or OR fucking faggots. Stay in your bed you made, and go the fuck to sleep.

I won't be moving for a few years, unfortunately. I'm in school, so wherever I decide, I won't move unless I have a job lined up. I enjoy the cold, but I'm not delusional enough to think I have ever experienced anything like an Alaksan winter.

Isnt it freezing all year? Isnt all the land covered in permafrost?

>a few years
too late by then probably.

No. Just winter.

What kind of temperatures in the summertime?

70s 80s

Depending on where you live (coastal or not), the temp isn't so bad. It's pretty dark from Nov-Feb, more so the farther north you are. The dark is the toughest part.

STFU chico man
70s 80s in a good sumer
some summers dont break 60

Your from here too. I hope I encounter you during dotr.

it's the darkness that fucking kills you. it's so depressing getting three hours of oblique sunlight a day for a couple months. the average high temp in january is 22F (-9C). the average high in summer is still like low sixties (17C). in the spring and fall it's cold, but you can enjoy the wilderness and stuff. during summer you're getting mauled by mosquitoes. anchorage is far and away the biggest city--it has 250k people or something. but the people are as i described in the second post of this thread.

I have land out in the bush that incurs no property taxes, right now I only go to Anchorage to go to Costco and get a seasonal dutch harbor job.

By next year I will be self sufficient enough to theoretically live on nothing but the PFD, because these people I share the same state with, they are evil. They got the funds to give free money, food, shelter to somali refugees but when the reincarnation of jesus himself is living in a tent on Christmas they wouldn't give him the steam of their piss.

My father said it best when I was a teenager, may he rest in peace. The collection plate is being passed around in church and a man in a neat pressed suit puts a wad of cash in it, meanwhile his kids are dirty and their clothes and shoes are in tatters, do you see the fucking issue?

>tfw you cant tell if its an american using proxy or a legit americanized swiss who became retarded

Dear lord If I find you in DLG i might just lose my temper at shoot you.
ive had it completely up to here with people like you.

That's why I said "unfortunately"

America won’t make it to 2050 at this rate, 31% of Americans believe another civil war is going to start once Trump is out of office.

I would put Alaska here, but I don’t know if their secessionist movement is still active or not.

Attached: 1ABD6BD4-F7BF-427C-A066-487AD4E9E79D.png (1711x1992, 313K)

Same here, it’s not great but it’s still in a better position than most cities. I live in Oakmont. Which is almost entirely white.

Sounds a lot like Utah. The valley is filled with people, but it only takes a 30 minute drive to be out of any large city. Plus, the pious Mormons do the same thing. They pay 10% of their total income to tithing, yet we have a massive homeless problem in Salt Lake. Meth heads who roam the streets, transients camping on parking strips etc. It's such a strange thing to watch from the outside.

Alaska seems pretty cool but I watched a documentary and it looked like there's a lot of scum tier non whites there (along with scum tier whites)
literal niggers in the snow wtf

My family is from the mon Valley. Mostly eastern euros who came after 1900. I feel avery weak connection here. It's full of drugs, niggers, and general degeneracy. I realize Europe isn't much better at this point, but at least it's white. I'd rather give my kids a chance at having culture, whcih I never had and this means moving to Europe more than likely

native alaskans have consumed nigger culture.
They are indeed snowniggers.

All Jow Forums posters should shipped there right now in the winter.

I’ve never been to Mon Valley and I’ve lived here my whole life. I didn’t know it was that far gone.

There are quite alot of blacks in Alaska because of the military, fleeing criminals, and easy shit work, like the Bakken oil fields but without the money

Im already here. Its winter.

I'm a security guard working graveyard in downtown SLC. I'm at work now.

Earlier in the night, I kicked out a belligerent transient in a parking garage. He was smoking something out of a glass pipe. Meth? Crack? I dunno, but I was scared. Wish I was armed.

Someday I'm gonna slip on ice and fall on an AIDS needle. SLC is pozzed.

Don't worry, dark skinned folks don't like the cold.

If you ever run into a woman with a feather shaped scar on her arm, tell her Zalgo is sorry.

Yeah yeah, I'm really threatened knowing that I won't be safe from drunk natives with hi-point carbines at an airport I've never had a layover at in my entire life. I'll nut in another native chick just because you said that bud.

Move to Geneva, your country is as good as it gets.

Im not native.
Stay the fuck out of my town.

Alaskan niggas keepin it real tho

Meh, I wouldn't worry about being armed. Get yourself a baton if you're worried. I've lived here for 26 years and homeless people rarely hurt anyone. They're usually meth heads. I'm 125 lbs 6'0 stick and I'm not worried walking my dog around this time of night.

>meanwhile in anchorage there is gunfire every night
I have a side home in spenard and dear lord what a fucking mistake that was.
Not as bad as mountain view.

Yeah. My dad's dad died to heroine and alcoholism when I was only 2, my mom's biological dad died in prison before she knew him, a couple of my mom's half-siblings are in prison or on drugs. Race mixing is pervasive down there and in the city, of course. I like to describe the economy and culture of the Valley as a bunch of trades people fixing each other's stuff, Walmart employees, truckers, and with the occasional educated person who makes decent money.
There's not much "home" left to go back to.

*from geneva

Yeah, Utah is pretty mild compared to a lot of places. Also, most of the crime is in SLC and the surrounding cities. The further you get from there, certain crimes goes down. You get into the mostly white, middle class Mormon suburbs and there's virtually no crime. To this day, I don't lock my door when I leave my place, because I grew up in a place where we never had to lock our doors. SLC is where the trash gathers, and it's a huge counter culture center, the most diverse county, lot's of college kids doing drugs, etc. I'd say Utah is a nice replacement if you ever want to ditch Alaska. It's one of the U.S. hidden gems everyone just passes over because of the Mormons.

>moving to europe
well don't come here it's fucking shit

The meth-heads are white and that's 40% of Alaskans. Majority Palins soon

Permafrost is the layer of soil that never thaws even in summer, found beneath the ground.

Not interested in britland. Maybe Scotland, but I doubt it. I'm thinking Hungary, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Finland, Iceland, Norway. No particular order, but I know it's hard to get into Scandinavia without being a Muhammad

Do you live in Alaska or just repeat movie cliches about it? What's the fucking deal here?