>one bottle of strawberry vape juice, please
what do?
One bottle of strawberry vape juice, please
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>what do?
vid? wife hasnt seen it yet
Reeeeeeee like a 4 year old girl obviously
how does capitalism keep winning?
Here ya go sir, let's Make America Vape Again
Do my bidding
Ring it up, make change, provide receipt, have a nice day sir.
Someone has to know who he is. I mean obviously someone does but his name and details will come out pretty soon right?
Thanks fren
Wife and i had a good laugh at that REEEEEEEEEEEEing
vaping is just as faggy as being a leftist.
>inb4 it's for his wife
him allowing his wife to vape is even faggier since it's super easy to control women.
Vaping doesn't care about your race or political affiliation. Vaping just cares about you getting a sick head buzz and not inhaling cancerous smoke. Anyone who tries to stop someone from vaping is fucking scum. That clerk was a piece of shit for trying to deny that man the thick vape clouds that he is entitled to as a citizen of the vape nation.
sell him the strawberry vape juice but also give him samples of a couple other flavors because strawberry is kind of a disgusting flavor that you're likely to get sick of before you finish the bottle so i want him to actually come back with repeat business but i'm also not going to be a bad salesman and say the customer is wrong for wanting a product
this one is going on the house, sir.
Khajit has the ware if you has the coins.
call his parole officer
then call child protective services and report him for battery on his child