
I've been so horny lately and it turns out that I'm ovulating which makes me go crazy for dick, so it makes sense. I keep mentioning to my bf how horny I am and keep teasing him with pics and videos but he still won't fuck me...

>We've been together 4+ years, we're both fit and no I'm not an ugly duckling

I'm starting to get more and more passive aggressive towards him each day but I'm starting to feel bad, he does work full I being a bitch or??? please help ;_;

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How often do you have sex? Have you had a serious talk about it?

Sex is an important part of a relationship, you need to talk to him why he doesn't want to fuck you any more.

Yeah, something‘s up. Probably too much resentment has built up over time.

Maybe he's just tired from work? I mean you've went 4 years with this problem of yours, I don't see it as a big deal

Just ask him if he wants sex or if he's done with it
I'm seven years deep in my relationship and fucked up my bad knee twice and I still managed to dick down my girlfriend, I don't understand these guys
It's a show of affection, desire and possession for your girlfriend, what could possibly be better?

either hes getting his fix elsewhere or he completely lost affection to you or (doubt it tho) he completely lost libido somehow, be it through work, bad diet, lack of sunlight etc

sorry to say

t. 26 kissless virgin

Your girlfriend is a very lucky girl

If he is ll, then you might wanna spice his drinks with pills from the sexshop..make sure he isnt allergic. Give him ginger tea everyday, make him eat raw honey, and have romantic nightouts . If those wont work, youre not attractive to him or he is cheating on you.

We do smoke weed almost every day and I know excessive use can lead to testosterone loss but I know soooo many horny stoners (myself included) it doesn’t make sense.... I told him to go to the Dr about it but he refuses

Wtf youre a weed junkie? Stop it with that shit. Now. Go to a gym, at least it will help you release the endorphines so at least you wont be begging for his affection

We go to the gym at least 3x a week lol, we just live in a very shitty city with limited funds and entertainment

>excessive use can lead to testosterone loss
this may happen to some, but i seriously doubt that it is the majority of users
t. been consuming cannabis via various methods daily for 17 years, no problems with t or sexual function

if he refuses medical attention and wont do anything to fix the issue, dump him and find a new one

Ho... yeah the weed is might be doing it. Unlike cocaine weed is a depressant drug not a stimulant one. Talk to him and consider either stopping or getting less sex.

I smoke weed every day with my girlfriend and our sex life is active and satisfying for us both (last we spoke of it a few weeks back)
Stop with the excuses; if we pull away from thinking this has to do with science, then it becomes about the reason he's stopped
That's the critical point. Talk to him, sit him down, get the discussion moving.

Fuck off nixon

Hey its not me having a low libido boyfriend. I used to smoke weed with my boyfriend when we first met, and we had sex at least twice a day when we did. For 4 consecutive months. Then we decided to quit weed, because i had college diploma thesis to make.. best regards from Nixon

probably because he views sex with you as a chore, or a workout. Nobody likes a dead fish unless you're raping a dead body.

This might be true but not my fault entirely :(
I want more than nothing but to ride him til sunrise but he won’t let me ever get on top. I’ve literally begged him to just let me do it and he can tell me how he wants me to do it but he still refuses (he believes his cock is going to fall out and jam into me) so I’m forced to only endoure missionary and prone bone...

Is there any way I can get him to not feel this way??

Youre allowed to get angry sometimes... say you fucking want to ride him, its a major turnon of yours.

become selfless for like 3 days straight, please him sexually while receiving nothing in return. Initiate sex, and be coy. randomly lead him into the bedroom when youre both not busy and suck his cock and make him cum. because "you wanted too". After doing sexual favors for him after 3 days, he should return the favor before the end of the month. If not, youve got yourself a lazy, selfish lover.

Typical couple's counseling advice:
"What can I do to make it easier for you to XYZ?"
In your case, XYZ = have sex with me when I am horny?
Talk it out, negotiate and come to an agreement.

Buy new lingerie, don't let him know, invite him over and be wearing it when he walks in, offer to do all the work tonight and blow his fucking mind

Get him hooked on your hormones again


Has his cock fallen out and jammed into you before? Mine comes out of gf when she's on top sometimes but luckily haven't actually gotten hurt because of it (it's a legit thing to be paranoid about).
That said, what's your opinion on the guy not thrusting much when you ride? I do the work a lot of the time with my own gf and I do love it when she's on top but I feel like I have to thrust, which is actually part of what leads to it coming out. If I'm pulling back from a thrust when she's moving up then it's too easy for it to slip out in a heated moment. I don't know women's opinions on them having all the movement while riding, I hear grinding feels good which is fine by me.