Trump points out obama has wall around house - Idiot US democrats lose their minds
They are claiming it's a stupid comparison. No. Obama critiques the desire to build a proper border wall structure. Or proper tiered defense atleast. And so trump points out that obama knows he's full of shit since has a wall around his own property. So he well knows that walls work. But let's talk more about that, also notice the hilarious responses in the article comments. It's half funny but also seriously dumb. Dangerously dumb.
This thing with that
>walls don't work
Is really highlighting a lot of things about american people. Atleast the ones on the US democrat side. In that, they are actually REALLY REALLY STUPID. At first i thought 2 years ago when they started saying. That they were just pretending to be retarded for the political agenda of being traitors to the US and allowing USA being taken over by foreign people. But now it's obvious that the ones who aren't directly that. Are just simply almost too dumb to participate in politics. They literally use the same arguments and want to argue that a border wall doesn't work. This is like 5000 year old 'technology' to make a wall or a much smaller several tier barrier system that you just don't want to pass. It's one of the easiest things in the world. For example look at the moroccan border fense. It's just a fense. You get over first one. 3 rows of barbwire. in an incline. Good luck. I mean you are not getting over that without getting arms and legs and hands shredded to pieces. Brig all the ladders you want. Or believe you are some kind of a mole. You can dig tunnel in a few minutes. No it takes weeks and months to dig a tunnel. Also the border wall construction can through construction dig down and destroy any existing tunnel and fill it with concrete when they hit one. Ruining probably like 15 years of narco tunnel building. It's not hard just matter of how brutal you want to be.

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OP is colossal faggot.
Too long didn’t read

Low iq shitter detected.
Also that mexico won't pay for wall. Is another one. I thought they were just pretending to be retarded. Mexico is completely dependent upon selling products to USA, if they can't do that their economy would collapse. All USA has to do is slap tarifs on what mexico sells to USA you'd have paid for it very quickly. And mexico literally would have no choice but to do that. And ofcourse the cost perspective. That a wall is a lot of money for USA, they are arguing over 5 billion right and have a shutdown over that. Look illegal immigration costs US taxpayers over 100 billion every single year. Schumer and pelosi also knows that. So that's another way the wall would literally pay for itself in a shitload of ways. And let border patrol deal with people who overstay visas and hunt them down and kick them out. Rather than worry about the border constantly and play cat and mouse with them there.
That they still are using this arguments i can no longer in good faith believe this is just to peddle the agenda. But it has to be because these people literally are that dumb on top of it.

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Don't over think it. They're like women. They form their position off of emotion, and then only use logic to try and support their position. That's why the media will tell them something that supports their narrative, and they'll take it as gospel. Look at the whole "it's Obama's economy when things are going well, and Trump's when it's doing bad" thing they've been doing for the past two years. The problem is that - like women - leftists are weak, and their place is under the protection of someone they serve. Those kinds of relationships don't really exist in individualistic liberal-democracies, so now they have to pretend to be big boys.

>They form their position off of emotion, and then only use logic to try and support their position.
There is no logic behind their positions at all. Go read like 30 of those comments on the article and you really get a glimpse at how stupid and/or delusional these people are. They refuse to live in reality with regards to these things.
>That's why the media will tell them something that supports their narrative
I agree with that. They don't care what the facts are. So someone in the media can say the DUMBEST thing like about that a wall won't work/doesn't matter/won't have any impact. Whilst you literally have these fuckers camping in tijuana trying to jump over the fence. What was it that 8 month pregnant honduran woman managed to climb some small fence. When they can get the borderwall done properly then they can focus on people who come via airplanes and ship. and people who overstay visa and really get them thrown the hell out.
And the ones they are supporting are just complete frauds these illegal immigrants. I've not heard a single reasonable reason why mass immigration to the US should be allowed. In every single way it's bad for US people. Chief of which is they become minority in their own country. So it's outright treason for these people to peddle this.
This is a subject that for 15 years or more, these people have had no good argument for. And it's scary that they are even bothering defending the indefensible here. There is no way that you can legitimately defend not having border security and kicking these people out. Nor mass immigration in general. ZERO. These people come with bad excuses in the first place. And ofcourse doesn't go to the nearest safe one or whatever.

This is nothing new. They always have some bullshit canned response to the locked door, secure border argument.

>US ARMY has stinger missiles
>Why can't every citizen legally own a stinger missle?

It's almost like things are different when you take scale into account.

Border wall vs fence/house wall is a fine comparison to stinger missiles/rifle if we're talking scale.

One of the favourite dumbest arguments they make of mine is when they say ah mexicans just want to come clean your toilet or whatever.
Why in the world should your country be majority central and south american? Just have them as guest workers, why do they have to be citizens?. But the other reason why it's terrible aside from the cultural and ethnic changes to your own country which you can't just turn around too much if they are overdone. Well not very easily atleast and is what produced the situation these people find interesting in the first place. is they say they will work for less. So you drive down american peoples wages. And then you pretend it's a good thing. Grats. HAHA. And ofcourse the ressources they use of various things are taken away from american citizens.
And the other aspect of it. is. Oh they just want to work so badly. Why do they not want to work in their own countries and improve the conditions there for all their people and strive for a vibrant and self sustaining private sector there gradually increasing wages and things. You know kind of like every other nations and people do and have done. Which their people didn't really do.

I’m amazed it’s gotten to this level of stupid. Even full disregard for the fact that democrats were all out calling for border security and even a wall from Hillary. Obama, Schumer, Clinton, all on the record multiple times calling for it.

It’s like playing CoD Nazi Zombies and saying “the zombies are just going to break down the barrier, so why bother building them at all” and hoping to get far.

Oh wow we have a live one. Please explain to me how it is possible to have such low intelligence?
This is the retarded shit i am talking about. First off it's a stupid comparison you are making with regards to what trump is pointing out. Trump is pointing out the critics who argue that walls are bad, just happen to move into a house and then construct a wall around it. Because everybody who is not a drooling fucking retards knows that walls are good to protect your own property, and deter people just sneaking around there. See you literally think you are smart. But you are so fucking stupid it blows everybody elses minds.
There is every good reason to have a very strong US border wall: The way it has been violated by drug cartels and south americans and mexicans just sneaking across in areas where it's totally delaptated. That alone would justify they build a fucking 3 tier barrier the first one being like 200 fucking feet high, and then 3-4 additional ones if they make it across the first one. It'd cost peanuts to what US is losing annually on illegal immigration. This delay on getting the wall constructed, now they have shutdown over 5.7 billion for wall construction? Well in 2 years not having it has costs the USA taxpayer over 200 billion. Congratulations morons. If you honestly think schumer and pelosi do not know this. You are really a twit. They also know that it was the US democrats who ran up the debt to 21 trillion where it is now. And then say 5 billion is too much to spend on a border wall. And trump is increasing the US deficit. What is even more annoying by your stupidity is that this mental defficient way of talking about things. Is trying to argue that you can't even stop people from coming in so you shouldn't do anything about it at all. Yes you should and you can and you should kick every single one out who is like that. This is a fabricated argument that is either delusional dishonest and stupid and all 3. or/and has traitor agenda.

Shitty phone poster here, so pic related will be described with words.

*Joseph Stalin sitting with book*
Today OP was not a phaggot.

>Orange man good

>It’s like playing CoD Nazi Zombies and saying “the zombies are just going to break down the barrier, so why bother building them at all” and hoping to get far.
Right it's extremely easy build a multitier barrier, it doesn't even have to be tall. I mentioned the moroccan border defense. First tier is small fense. Second is fence with high barbwire incline etc. I mean it's so easy you can get a 10 year old to design a conceptual design with say a 3 tier system that doesn't have to be very high. Where you just don't want to mess with that whatsoever. It's just matter of how brutal you want to be. And it's not expensive because it's just a fucking barrier that goes into the ground and a bit up in the air.
They are arguing that it's impossible to design! So you have to be literally fucking retarded or just massively dishonest to say that for 2 years straight. It's the same arguments they use 2 years later as when he first proposed it.

And ofcourse meanwhile they get stuck in those tiers or try to breach them. The border patrol realizes they are trying to breach, and might get lethal authorizaton as in. You don´t stop what the fuck you are doing you get your head blown off. You can even have an automated defense if you just want to walk away that is sitting on one of the tiers. It'll never run out of ammo because when people know it's distance activated. They'll never fucking try hahaha. It's just barrier with a little bit of design on it to make it very nasty to try to mess with and try to scale. There's so many tiny and inexpensive but extremely effective contraptions you can put on it, much much more low tech than what i just mentioned, like rotating steel elements with blades on at an incline in the top. That'll just make it like, no way i am even fucking touching that. And it'll destroy every single tunnel whilst they build it. fill them with concrete and then they only have to concentrate of any new ones being dug after which will take them literally fucking months to try and do. Now they have to go deeper. And again. Find it fill it with cement and collapse it over like a week.

No one's reading that you faggot.

OP reads like a leftist meme

That's because you are retarded. Why should we then care?

Go read the idiotic bongs commenting in the article comment section if you want to see stupidity.

>a physical barrier used solely for protection and not offense is comparable to missiles
This had better be bait.

Some of you are pretty cool, don't go to 2019 tomorrow.

I doubt that it is. We don't shame stupidity anymore. The reason politics have become so ridiculous is because you have a bunch of really really dumb and ignorant people who are massive amounts. Who just won't shut up if they have nothing intelligent to say or don't know what they are talking about. And they have to have an oppinion about literally everything. So ofcourse walls don't work anymore. And you can't build a proper border wall. It's an impossible task they say. Etc. Literally pretending you can use ladders or tunnel under it like it's the easiest thing in the world. And that you can´t design your way out of that with about 5 minutes forethought.


the tunnels are already built, hundreds of them

you gotta work on new years eve too? damn homie

>the tunnels are already built, hundreds of them
I fucking hate your very existence so much for you being so fucking stupid and at the same time not wanting to shut the fuck up.
Tunnel INTO THE GROUND when you are constructing the tunnels and you destroy every single tunnel in existence. that cross from mexico side to US side. Fill them with cement in a few weeks when you discover them. Then you have ruined years of tunnel work. It will take them ages to build new ones. And once you discover them. Will take you maybe a weekend to fill it up.

Dig into the ground when you are constructing the wall.

>obama bad

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He's pointing out obama is a total fraud for critiquing to building a proper border wall construction, rather than the retard single tier fence that has huge holes in it, which is the current state of it.



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why even come to a forum if you won’t read posts stupid fucking nigger


>I’m amazed it’s gotten to this level of stupid. Even full disregard for the fact that democrats were all out calling for border security and even a wall from Hillary. Obama, Schumer, Clinton, all on the record multiple times calling for it.
You know what should have been done all this time. They want border wall because a) they don't want to have their country being taken over by foreigners who just come in and refuse to leave, thus overwhelming the united states. b) they want to reduce the cost of this which is over 100 billion in trying to get them out again. This obstruction from US dems for 2 years whilst they now whine about 5.7 billion and have government shutdown because of it. This has already costs the US taxpayer 200 billion dollars. So they should probably not speak about trying to reduce the deficit. Meanwhilst you have 1/3rd on americans on means tested governmens assistance. Shitton of money annually. These people who recieve this. They run around on streets of US talking about open borders. They should take all those on that kind of assistance and say. Look you have time to run around in the streets. you have time to go down at the border start digging. Till such a time as you want to push for budget for escavators to do it. That's 113 million americans. go down there start digging so we can start to collapse the tunnels and prepare to build the actual wall. How fast you think they will stop running around in the streets? AHAHAHA. Basically.
>so you get welfare and stuff now.
>yeah, ok now you work for them to get them, since you get them from other taxpayers who is being ripped off paying for you aswell as 100 billion annually for the illegal immigrants.

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It makes no fucking sense that you have so many americans on government benefits. That they have all the time in the world running around in the streets talking about fucking white males. And you have a project where your border wall is massively neglected. And you have tens of millions of people not doing a shit than recieving taxpayer money and then doing this. Send them down there start working on that government project! Or take away their fucking gibs if they refuse. Also some of these people are so unbelievably fat so you do two birds with one stone. They get excersize and in better health which is a positive for them.
These people are so idiotic. USA is 21 trillion in debt because nobody wants to pay taxes, and have massive spending because of it at same time and huge amounts of people on government assistance. The gravy train is fucking over for the americans. Especially thanks to the mass immigration. And so they want to sit and fucking complain that trump wants to remove the 113 bill annual cost of illegal aliens. And sit and complain about 5.7 billion on a budget that then shuts down the government because they don't want to fund a FUCKING THING of any kind of border wall protection. Since schumer and pelosi are interested in getting as many central and south americans into the US as possible as future constituents who vote for them. So they can corner the republicans and shaft the white americans.

Anyways gtg happy newyear everybody. Hopefully in 2019 we'll finally start calling these literal dumbasses out for not having any foundation in reality whatsoever with the 'arguments' they have. 2 fucking years of sitting and saying
>walls don't work
And not even a hint of
>i was just pretending to be retarded.
And then they fucking do it again right before the new years.

isn’t the npc meme supposed to show emotionless souls? Isn’t drawing them as angry defeating the purpose of the meme?

Send them down there start working on that government project! Or take away their fucking gibs if they refuse. Also some of these people are so unbelievably fat so you do two birds with one stone. They get excersize and in better health which is a positive for them.

Americans are a special kind of human species in which the majority would never do anything to help their own country, if it means doing exercise, and decent work.

Literally, how has it become so bad? You were the ones that saved the world from Germany and even put a man on the moon. Just what ruined the USA so much?

>isn’t the npc meme supposed to show emotionless souls? Isn’t drawing them as angry defeating the purpose of the meme?
No. They get angry when you point out they are wrong. How most of the things they believe doesn't make any sense. And they never questioned it at any point or analyzed if it made sense. They say something like.
>diversity is great for society.
They are just repeaters what someone else tell them, why they are NPC's. They don't have independent analysis capabilities, or act like they don't.
Or in this case.
>you can't build a wall walls don't work.
>yes they do?
And they don't change either or come to terms with that they are incorrect. 2 years later same argument. Building a wall is impossible, they just use ladder or tunnel. So don't have any wall whatsoever. If you disagree and/or point out it doesn't make any sense. They get angry with you.

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The Pope also said walls were bad and the Vatican has some of the highest walls in the world.

This is why NPC it comes ofcourse from computer games. Where a low level 'AI' will attack and defend exactly same way, which is really stupid. or it will use the road and get mowed down instead of flank you for example.
>taking the road is always best thing
>but what if the road is blocked
>Americans are a special kind of human species in which the majority would never do anything to help their own country, if it means doing exercise, and decent work.
Right, they don't want to pay for it but thinks somehow it pays for itself. And have no problem asking for more. They want universal healthcare now the immigrants and fat welfare queens and kangs. They don't realize this requires like a 60% income tax rate just if you did it on citizen only basis. Right now they pay between 10-37% 37% is the highest tier bracket they have.
I think a lot of it has to do with mass immigration. They don't want to pay taxes because they don't want to pay for niggers and others. So they can't afford their bills as a nation. So they end up 21 trillion in the hole whilst pretending they are a rich country. No. Because individuals might be rich, but you need to pay taxes to pay your nations bills. So they have quite a few very wealthy people but at same time their nation is nearly bankrupt and 1/3rd of them is on some kind of government means tested assistance.

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I wanna succ his white penis

The comparison you make isn't that great of an example. After a certain number of rounds, it'd be most efficient for survival and points letting the zombies in and abandoning the barriers altogether. Since there are multiple barriers after opening up your location, especially in single player, trying to keep barriers closed would be suicide.

>The Pope also said walls were bad and the Vatican has some of the highest walls in the world.
These people know they are bullshit atleast like the pope. This is like NPC command central pope and celebs like that. They say something, then the other ones repeat it.
Pope also recieved the charlemagne award in 2016 look it up. For 'european integration', aka flooding europe and usa and other places with mass immigrants. aka kalergi. So did bill clinton in the USA for example.

Immigrants aren't zombies user throwing themelves against a fense non stop and their bodies piling up like in world war z movie. No they expect to just stand and complain and try to emotionally bait you into allowing them in. Aswell as want an extremely porous fense that is borderline useless. That just the mere notion of improving it slightly sends them into a frenzy. They see a shot landing near their feet they'll stop and go crying about human rights to try to lobby americans to dismantle it. He's just pointing out it's stupid to say that barriers are ineffective. When they are incredibly in general and is design oriented very easy to make in such a way that you'd not even think of trying to scale it. And have various anti scaling meassures aswel.
If you want a wall that is able to protect against zombies, it'd probably look at multitier with several walls after eachother and moates to stop the zombies from piling up and stuff like that including minefields. And atleast one of the walls would be huge or you'd have towers with sentry guns with heavy explosive weapons and mingun/gattling guns.

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>The comparison you make isn't that great of an example. After a certain number of rounds, it'd be most efficient for survival and points letting the zombies in and abandoning the barriers altogether. Since there are multiple barriers after opening up your location, especially in single player, trying to keep barriers closed would be suicide.
Have turret hardpoint mounts for a few of these babies able to be mounted along some of the parts of the wall tiers. And you are good to go.
M13D gattling gun 3,000 rounds per minute.
Zombie safe. haha.