South American refugees

Should they get priority status if they are female, below 30 and have a BMI below 23?

Attached: 1511129350225-1.webm (800x640, 3M)

Only if they're >=75% white.

no, they are nuts and their children will be nuts too. You might as well call far our replacement with any other foreign group. Stop thinking with your dick and go and find a nice German girl.

only feminists think sex is political.

Big booty brown latinas.

Why? I don’t think webm related is 75% white

Attached: 1511351441811.webm (800x600, 2.53M)

They would all be vê venezuelan so the BMI would be around 14

Conquering armies take the vanquished's women and dispose of the men. Not the opposite way around.

You just want all the venezuelan qts all for yourself Hans I’m on to you.

Attached: 70BA4044-9766-4E29-8921-090E9948FCED.jpg (750x643, 149K)

"muh dick"