A racial tier list

I'm a complete brainlet when it comes to phenotypes but this is a pretty straight forward list.

Attached: Racial Tiers.jpg (2504x3216, 1.14M)

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Neah bro, Pacific Islanders are way above indians, at least they can sail....

T. Got assblasted in the bigger thread because his opinion is shit and made one for self-validation hopes

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>not poo tier


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This. Either you are a poo or you are simply retarded.

This is the official list, nigger.

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Spotted the ape lover

Not the OP but he said he's a brainlet and there's like half a dozen different races in India afaik. You wouldn't consider "American" a race any more than you would "Indian".
That being said the guy in the "North Indian" image looks like the nigger race that they have, the ones that look like Australian abos. I think "North Indian" is meant to refer to the Iranian-types.
It's pretty retarded to use directions to describe race. Someone should come up with a better system so guys that look like picrelated don't get put in the same category as OPs list

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Truth. India is fucking massive and their caste system results in there being such a discrepancy between their "classes" that somebody simply being Indian tells you practically nothing about them.
I know some based Indians and some shit-tier Indian degenerates who look like they're both from entirely different planets, it's insane.

I’m not really sure where I fit into these lists as an Ethiopian haha

I look kinda like this guy but younger and not as dramatic

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fuck if you look any thing like this you are fucking ugly ethiopians in generally look like shit

Flag checks out

I’m a different kind of Ethiopian than the beta Israelis since Ethiopia is kinda like the Jugoslavia of Africa, but do they really look that ugly?

Don’t know much about them

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Since when are hispanics and jews a race?

ethiopians don't look ugly, a lot of people love the caucasoid features on dark skin that ethiopians have, thats why a lot of models come from there

just ignore the fat pasty mouldy skinned beta incels on here, seriously, get some good friends and be happy, this place is toxic and will turn you into a hot garbage like the rest of the people here

>t. Pacific Islander
Remember the time when Tamils conquered your abbo territories lol

they are ugly and smell horrible nobody really likes them but they are here
most rabbis say they are not jewish

we are a race


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You are the ultimate rapebabies race. The original mutts.

Dw I’m not taking this website to heart but it is interesting to hear different ideas, the quality of said idea can be determined later
Yes, I did hear somewhere that they are hated in Israel, the thing with the basketball coach in America too.

But what makes them less Jewish then say, ashkenazi Jews(besides being black)? Ethiopia is much closer to Israel than Germany for example and Amhara is a Semitic language as well. What are the rabbis reasoning?

You've never been to a "Native (not) American (not)" territory. Some still live in caves.

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Actually this is pretty accurate.

>we Jews are a race
Neanderthal Arabs mixed with Cromagnon whites. That's why Israel's average IQ is 98. Two points lower than Americans.

Attached: Jews are white no white.jpg (480x720, 243K)

Israel IQ is low because it's full of shitskins. Ashkenazis jews have a good IQ it's useless to deny it.

>Israel IQ is low because it's full of shitskins. Ashkenazis jews have a good IQ it's useless to deny it.
Ashkikes have two points lower than Western European whites (Scandis, Anglo-Saxons...). They just measure their IQ to all races in one nation and then say, "look we the smartest!".

So that adds up. Their Neanderthal Jews are 2 points dumber than our mutts, and their "whites" are do points dumber than real whites.

Attached: white race genocide 8.jpg (600x450, 82K)

>south indians in ok tier
atleast jews have good dentals

More accurate.

Would include another bunch of Indians in the 'inhabitant' tier

they really going with austroloid. I cant anymore

>More accurate.
>Would include another bunch of Indians in the 'inhabitant' tier
Yeah, they all belong there