I found this qt girl on ig. How do I start a conversation with a random person who I know nothing about...

I found this qt girl on ig. How do I start a conversation with a random person who I know nothing about. I'm a loser with no friends because I'm depressed and pushed them all away so honestly I just kinda wanna be friends but she's real qt so if anything more happens then that's a plus.

I think she maybe has a bf

Attached: IMG_6743.jpg (938x1600, 263K)

Just make jokes about shit

Same lol, making friends is too fucking hard

"The pastier the tastier!"

Should mention pic not related

Playfully joke around about what her hobby says about her as a person. Works every time.

There's not much info about her on her profile I don't really know her hobbies. I know she's italien. I'm Italian too maybe I could say something about that?

Grab onto absoultely anything she can relate to and make jokes about it

Then once you get the "hahahaha" or the "omfg" you ask her to dinner

Note that "lol" and "ha" don't count

Alright thanks dude

Oh would it be weird if I message her just randomly? That would maybe seem like I was looking at her profile and seem creepy idk. Should I wait until she makes a new post and then message her?

Yeah, wait until you have an excuse, but don't wait very long

>kinda wanna be friends but she's real qt so if anything more happens then that's a plus
>There's not much info about her on her profile I don't really know her hobbies.

Makes me feel like friendship is not *truly* what you're after. Especially since you seem to be entirely going on looks.
Nothing wrong with that IF that's the case, just don't lie to yourself about that stuff to avoid it getting unnecessarily complicated.
Either way, just say hi, maybe ask what she's up to, keep it light and see where it goes.
Unless you instantly hit it off really hard (don't count on it), keep it short and sweet.

>I know she's italien. I'm Italian too maybe I could say something about that?
Don't know what you had in mind, but "Hey, I heard you're Italian... neat." seems like something a socially retarded person would say.

Since when is "wanting to talk to someone" not a good excuse to talk to someone anymore?

I'm just saying I'm fine with both because I've pushed all my friends away at this point and need new friends. Other than looks she just seems like a pretty nice person from her captions on her pics.

I didn't really have anything in mind. The other guy just said talk about hobbies I don't know much about her and we have that in common.

Well I followed her a couple days ago and she hasn't posted in a while so if I just message her it might seem kinda creepy to just message her. I don't think it's creepy but she might

I'm not here to right the rudder in the ship that is society I'm just telling you how to talk to random chicks on chat services; or rather, what works for me

The less thirsty you seem the better

since the internet

Yeah, fair. Though if you don't want to seem thirsty, messaging a random girl on Instagram probably isn't your best bet to begin with.
Not to discourage OP, but depending on the girl, she might have random dudes messaging her on the daily.

Yea idunno dude. Wait a bit if it would help you. Makes no difference in the end.

She's not super slutty (from her pics at least) I doubt she has guys messaging her all the time. Probably occasionally though.

Yeah but since we're talking in the context of doing that already we gotta put that aside. And if he doesn't have another way to talk to her he might as well take the shot.

You're right. Either way, best of luck OP.
Oh, and don't try to push it too hard if she's uninterested. This should be common sense, but I can't say this enough.

I don't have autism. If she doesn't reply or doesn't seem interested I won't message her.

Well, then you're good to go. :^)
Godspeed, user