I have a learning disability...

I have a learning disability. I can't process large amounts of information because my mind processes things at a much slower rate than other people. This means I'll never be able to get a high paying job because my mind is incapable of learning anything complex. I'll never be able to learn a skilled trade, I'll never be able to learn tech skills or any kind of upper level job skills. Why shouldn't I just kill myself?

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You're still smart enough to write for Buzzfeed

I'm retarded and slow. I make a starting 75k working IT support. Im resented by my team because they're clearly better at this than me but I'm the one with the lead title. It is what it is, though. I got in and I'm making money. You can do it too.

Is this a learning disability or are you just stupid?

I was thinking of doing IT Support if Web Development is too complicated for me. I'd be happy to make 50k a year. I just wanna make enough money to live on my own in the city in a decent neighborhood and save some money.

Being intelligent certainly helps but connections is the real key to success.
Heck, by your description, you should fit in quite well as a manager.

Either way, intelligence isn't the only marker of salary or success.

If I got a 2 year Associates degree at a community college and a certificate would that be enough to get an IT support job?

You’re obsessed with the things you can’t do, and vastly exaggerating the situation, instead of focusing on what you can do.

Those are the same thing. The word you were looking for is ignorant.

There are two and four year IT programs. two years basically teach you microsoft and cisco. four years teach you network engineering and systems analysis.

>You’re obsessed with the things you can’t do, and vastly exaggerating the situation, instead of focusing on what you can do.
This might be true. Because when I'm learning something with coding and I run into something that confuses me I just get frustrated easily and feel like, if I don't know something this elementary then how am I ever gonna learn something complex.

In games and studies I usually find myself in the upper 20%, and I think coding is probably very daunting.

even listening to someone who has very, very remedial knowledge in coding talk about it sounds complex.

not to be rude, but have you even been tested or are you pulling this idea that you’re disabled out of thin air?

No, ignorance isn't the same as stupid.

OP says he's slow and can't process high level concepts because of a learning disability. I'm honestly asking how that's different from just a low IQ. i tend to associate a "learning disability" with something outside of general intelligence, like dyslexia or ADHD.

If you can Google you can work IT support.

You need a degree or lots of experience. I managed to muddle my way through college and got a degree which is what helped get me this job.

I think you were misdiagnosed or took a shitty IQ test lol.

>not to be rude, but have you even been tested or are you pulling this idea that you’re disabled out of thin air?

I suspect he's making excuses.

I don’t know anything about living and working with learning disabilities. on that subject I guess OP should see a psychologist?

No I am just retarded. I didn't take any iq tests. I fail at basic things and when things get complicated I smile and nod. Im good at talking the talk, though.

I've been diagnosed with ADHD and Aspergers. I've always been a little slow.

So you're full of shit. Fuck off.

I don't understand what you're saying. I was tested from a young age for these things. That's what you were asking right?

You sound like a funny guy that knows how to maneuver his way up the food chain, no actual retard could graduate HS in normal classes let alone get an IT job and promote to team leader.

You don't have a learning disability that precludes you from learning high level concepts. You're just fucking lazy.

I didn't move my way up the food chain. I was hired outright from outside the company to lead. One of my friends is the hiring manager. It helps having friends in high places.

then you have no evidence that you’re retarded. and you seem more interested in your story of things than reality, when it comes to this issue.

Sure I do! I barely and I mean barely passed college. Every single one of my jobs I've ever had I didn't deserve. I did braindead data entry in college, I smiled and nodded my way through my first IT job, after college I spent six years as a programmer being given progressively easier and easier tasks because my team(s) didn't think I could do it, my previous job I was only kept around because I was willing to put up with the overtime and bullshit not because I was smart. Now I'm here. Still retarded. I feel like shit every single second of every single day, user. Thank you.

since retard means low iq you have no *good* evidence that youre retarded without taking an iq test. you sound more delusional to me

You've accomplished a thousand more things than I have in my 29 years of life.

I don't understand. How is none of that evidence? I'm too stupid to accomplish anything in any of my jobs.

Luck. Pure luck. I've friends in the right places and been in the right place at the right time. That's it.

subjective markers which are just reflections of your poor self esteem

to actually be deemed retarded you have to take an officially valid iq test administered by a licensed psychologist and score abysmally.

the term I should have used is statistically valid, but even a shitty test can be statistically valid.

anyways an iq eval should be like $500, or maybe $0 if your insurance will cover it.

but also you might have a learning difficulty like dyslexia or something. they should test for that as well, if you’re having trouble learning.

Read a few things.. ever think you just arent cut out for programming? Most people are good at a few things and god awful at a huge majority of other shit.
I've job jumped a lot because I'm a restless soul, im 30 and married and I do just fine but I've done fucking evverything. And ill tell you, I was good at some jobs, terrible at others. I moved a lot. I fit in some places and was hated others.
And my self.esteem fluctuates accordingly. If you suck at programming that doesn't mean you're retarded. Retards don't pass college.
But I feel it's more likely you kind of just programmed in highschool and stuck with it because like a deer in the headlights you didn't know what else to do and stayed throigh something you're awful at and that's the only reference point you have.

Just try something else man, go work in a warehouse, see how that goes.

Then I guess I gotta take an iq test. I took one of those online ones but got overwhelmed so I ended up just clicking through randomly. I think I got like a 95 or something.

Nobody has ever diagnosed me any sort of learning disability. Then again maybe nobody ever cared.

so the one invalid iq test you halfass took didn’t even say you were retarded

Couldn't I have also gotten lucky on that too?

you can take a real iq test administered by a psychologist. you can use an 8-ball to answer your question. it’s no skin off my back either way.

but I think if you tell a psychologist you’re having trouble learning, they may be able to actually help you. (provided it’s a good one).