I'm finally prepared to leave this world behind. Everything is settled, accounts are clean, bills payed through the end of August, no debt to my name, 2 weeks notice given, etc.
The only people that can be considered close to me are my parents, whom I'm distant with, and my sister, who I see maybe once a year, and I'm still debating whether or not to leave a note.
Leave a note explaining how little they mean to you.
Jonathan Mitchell
Leave a note that says, "Fuck you all. Especially you. Yes, you: the one reading this. I hope you have a shitty life you pile of human garbage. Fuck you."
Elijah Scott
Hello there, I'll try you.
You should start the self-improvement thing. First go off this site.
Go to /sig/, read the OP message carefully, star to self improve, be motivated, fail multiple time, improve, be happy, succeed.
It'll be hard, be you'll be proud of yourself. We have LOTS of ressources. Yes, it's in Jow Forums, but not aimed only for gym people. Current thread : Welcome to the path to greatness, you're going to self-improve so hard, you'll never recognize yourself.
You deserve to live the best live ever, don't do the shit that you've planned, please, I believe in you user.
Angel Ross
Where you from ? Don't do that shit
Call this now 1- 800 -273 -8255
Ryder Nelson
if you’re going to, leave a note and make sure the note is not hurtful.
what’s your name?
Ian Myers
My issues are psychological technically, I just don't feel things the way people are supposed to. My last therapist couldn't decide if I was a psycho/sociopath or just on the spectrum.
Why does where I live matter?
I'm not trying to hurt them, I have nothing to say to them really. Other people like me leave notes, I assume as their final goodbye, but I don't think it'll sound sincere coming from me.
Hunter Watson
>sociopath, psychopath, or autism spectrum Biology studies are often bullshit and psychology studies even more so. Don’t let anyone call you names just because you don’t feel well.
Noah Ramirez
The labels don't mean anything to me, it's the problem itself that isn't worth bearing.
Lucas Flores
I see. Yeah, I feel very numb too.
My experience, and the proffesionals I do trust, say my numbness is from pure misery and bad nerves. I see no point in dying, though. I’m numb enough that the pain is at bay.
For me, I think it would be pointless to commit suicide when I could have been doing something to cure my misery and find higher purpose again.
Even trying to figure out why you feel so numb can be purpose enough in itself. You could also try all kinds of things to see if they alleviate the numbness, like skydiving or freaky sex. Depression is, so to speak, telling you not to try anything.
If you think it’s really time to check out, I think you’re not being fully honest with yourself. When I was a child I was very happy, and even just a few years ago I was experiencing a higher purpose.
Maybe you’re very different and the advice doesn’t apply, but I think most people are fundamentally the same.
Hunter Davis
Leave the Navy seal pasta.
Kayden Rogers
I've tried more than my fair share of "exciting" activities, including skydiving, but the novelty fades quickly and soon enough I'm just falling at 120mph thinking about how wish I wasn't conscious/existing/aware.
Wyatt Allen
what’s with the sarcastic quotation marks around exiting? you must have fallen with someone else from a short distance.
and you were thinking about suicide during?
Nathan Powell
You called these kinds of activities exciting, I found them lackluster once the novelty wore off, and always feel next to nothing if I try something a second or third time.
>with someone else It was two two-person jump (11k ft. iirc), didn't want to go through the trouble of getting cleared to go by myself.
>thinking about suicide during Sort of, I was thinking about not having to exist anymore, as opposed to dying, on the way down, even more so after the parachute was pulled and we drifted. There's also the fact that I don't believe in forcing other people to be a part of my suicide, so I wouldn't jump and not pull the cord.
We're kind of straying off the topic of notes, though.
Aaron Lewis
Maybe make out a will? Do you have any property that you want to go to anyone in particular?
Nathaniel Cooper
Don't have anything worth willing away nor people to will it to.
I wouldn't leave a note if you don't have anything in particular you want to say.
Juan Mitchell
Funnily enough, I am Russian. Why is it a waste of an appointment?
Camden Campbell
>appointment thread*
Just got off a call cancelling an appointment.
Charles Young
I was leaning towards this to begin with.
Angel Butler
its mad corny to me how people include caffeine on these things >"oh yes trip report I had 1.5 cans of Mountain Dew thats like x grams of caffeine"
Gavin Harris
> My last therapist couldn't decide if I was a psycho/sociopath or just on the spectrum. You know just like me that therapists are sometimes shit, just switch to another until you find the one you match with. When you will find this therapist, he will help you more than you think
Justin Thompson
>Should I? >What should I say? See you space cowboy...
Luis Bailey
> Why does where I live matter? Because I'll send you the right number and site that you need to help you and prevent you doing this shit
Connor Howard
Most therapists are paid so little that they're all shit. You gotta pay for quality, same as everything.
Michael Rivera
Adrian Parker
Suicide threads on Jow Forums are waste of everybody time. It is 99% attention whores and in the rare 1% case the op will be dead in few hours anyway.
If i was mod, i would make a filter for all suiciders OPs: shadow ban. It would appear as if you actually posted your suicide thread, but nobody else would be able to see it. That way all the suiciders would finally fuck off with 0 replies either to psychologist or to jump the cliff.
2 weeks notice. Needed help deciding on the question asked in OP.
If you don't want to see threads associated with suicide, maybe don't come here anymore? Posts sharing your line of reasoning have been posted on many such threads in the past and yet Jow Forums is the same. If you do become a mod, convince them to make another containment board.
Carson Carter
I don't care about the name either I just want you to go see an actual therapist that'll help you, we don't care about naming the problem, it's about getting rid of it, without having to kys, just go see a proficient therapist bro.
Ayden Miller
I'm not willing to spend a lifetime "coping".
Blake Garcia
Yeah I got you, but finding an actual specialist whiwh is renowed for his proficiency regarding your shit may just help you to tackle your problem within months and you'll be set free and maybe even look after this part of your life thinking about how dumb it is to even imagine comitting suicide. Also don't know about the method you want to choose but you're going to suffer far more than just by getting your shit together.