What's stopping us Jow Forums?

What's stopping us Jow Forums?

Attached: 311.jpg (700x517, 93K)

That would be a logistical nightmare though.


I legit do not think that this would be enough bricks.

It's grassroots activism.

no, any spicnigger crossing, will make the wall with the rocks and sand already there. add water and cement and we have ourselves a wall

That's dumb. Bricks are tthe way to go.

buying at no cost?

If the wall were 2 bricks high:
Border = approx 2,000 miles
5,280 x 2000 = 10,560,000 feet
Standard brick is 8 inches long so that's 15,840,000 bricks for a single layer.

311000 people with 100 bricks = 31,100,000 bricks

Would the wall even be made of bricks

It's called a motivational projection.

Bricks rhymes with spics. Someone make a clever slogan.

The average masonry brick is 3" x 9" so this wall would only be 10' high, one layer thick and 110 miles long.

that's 10% of the boarder.

The word is "border" you illiterate dipshit.

Attached: 1528709245280.png (645x729, 68K)

>Buy 100
>no cost

Tf you smoking bro

>(((conservatives))) now turning to socialism to COPE
Like pottery

They sound the same, who cares? You knew the meaning right? That's the point

well. if its that easy start organising it.

It's called memeflag who can't into maths.

white people pay for Israel's wall no questions asked

when they want a wall for their own country they are shit on from everyone else including their own women and called named

This is the state of the modern white cis male in the USA

Attached: 2wsq0a08voi11.jpg (600x400, 54K)

the wall isnt made out of bricks retardo

a person who receives regular meals when staying somewhere, in return for payment or services.
a person who boards a ship during or after an attack.

I like mine better. It is grammatically and literately wrong, but it gets the point across.

But it's wrong. "Boarder" is not even a word. Technically it could mean "someone who boards" but that doesn't even make sense.

Who would give them the legal rights to build on federal land?

It made enough sense for you to know what was meant.
Boarder and border make the same phonetic sound, it really shouldn't matter which way it is spelled.

not to mention even if it was full height a simple brick wall would be extremely easy to break through by just about anyone

But then they could be charged with destruction of a national land market and put into actual prison as the criminal scum they are..

This. That graphic is retarded. I’m not a math nigger but that’s 30 million bricks? I’m no math nigger but the border is 3000 km, which is about 10,000,000 feet, a brick is usually 8 inches long. Sooo yeah your ‘wall’ would be like 2 feet high. Gj

>Need sleep
National Land Mark

Best idea on Jow Forums in 4yrs!

Attached: marylin monroe jews did it.jpg (341x501, 98K)

People like you are the reason ebonics exist.

My German Autism also makes me point out that you still would have no mortar.


Make the spics hit the bricks

That's a compliment. Thank you.

If u kant reed this u r dum and subhuman

So just buy 100 more bricks? Then more and more until you build it as high as you need. Won't be done in one day, but still. How much does it cost to buy 100 bricks?

I would love to see such an attempt IRL

It would be the funniest shit ever

People would die

I kind of like the idea of a giant hodgepodge "citizen's wall" where anyone can just bring whatever they have access to: cinder blocks, fieldstone, steel beams, whatever, and they just show up and start building it. You'd have mobile tent cities moving down the border, big festive atmosphere, Guacabowle vendors, "AMERICA FUCK YEAH" graffiti spray painted on the wall, etc.

Attached: US_border_customs.jpg (720x480, 38K)

Hell yeah.

Here's my engineer's diagram for the wall. What do you all think?

Attached: trump_wall_blueprints.png (800x600, 15K)

How many cookers would need to be installed? That's an extra cost.