You’re likely an incel!

How come people with political views that align with Jow Forums tend to be the social outcasts they like to project on s0yb0ys?

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>didn’t read the image

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I can't open it, post link to the article

this needs to be the response every time a shill posts a vice article here. copy the file and the text of this post. we will not be derailed by jew shills any longer

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my penis disagrees, a number of women probably do too

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Nice try, Soros

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Really, Nigga?

Attached: 10-samuel-l-jackson-black-snake-moan-compressed.jpg (593x342, 43K)

>virgin shaming
stupid and terrible in the long run

Attached: Sex.png (1200x4168, 244K)

- and that's a good thing

HAHAHAHAHAHA what a losers

Im not surprised, everyone on the left has apparently either been raped or is a rapist

First off, Vice.
Second off, basedboy hipsters are mainstream now. That means that they will find girls to peg them easier than Jow Forums.
Also bait.

Attached: b434234a4535i2345t.jpg (200x200, 7K)

Slide thread from the kikes. Move along

fuck i meant s0yb0y

>surveys cannot manufacture anonymous data with
You do know why people don't take non-replicable science seriously, right?
Why, a survey I conducted showed that 73.5% of women between the ages of 20 and 24 vastly prefer Gundam to clubbing.

Yes, at age 17

Remind me why thats a bad thing? Since when is promiscuity good?

Why are all communists jobless, kissless, virgin NEETS?

Attached: commie kiddies.jpg (661x907, 198K)

This is a jewish lie. I got way more pussy after i went far right.

>Study shows
>Mit expert says
>Poll suggest

No sources, or vice is the source, dems looks like start losing the virginity at 8 or 10 years old ... looks like theyre counting being raped.

found the virgins

>survey of alt right columbia students
n=3 at best lol

>this article again
Maybe because some people don't want to lose their virginity to a random whore? Or maybe we are too busy building our lives to care?

Choice vs lack of.

>losing your virginity is now just a bragging right rather than having some impactful meaning

This, either the choices are terrible or there are next to nothing good available

Why does the Left always have to talk about sex? Is this some Freudian malfunction on their part or something?

seen this thread ten times today, give it up already

Effective cures to STDs/STIs has grossly reduced the overt negative impact of promiscuity.
Now it's all the psychological effects that are being swept under the rug.
When the town whore is rotting from syphilis, it's easier to convince your daughter not to be a whore.
When said town whore is instead pretending to be a happy cool wine aunt in public while being desperately alone in private (barring the occasional depraved pump-and-dump), it can be harder as not everyone knows the town whore's private life

Easy, because they are immature and still think that insulting their opponent's access to sex works as well as calling them racist. Also after that "attack" in Toronto they twisted the word incel into making it comparable to terrorist instead of voluntary incelibate as it originaly was

>involuntary celibate
Excuse me

The altright is a fake thing made up by Jews.

It isn't true anyway. Physically strong and socially popular males are the most likely to be competitive. Athletes, gear heads, scholars, partyboys etc. They don't show up with autistic pepe signs at rallies, but they vote right wing. They have the highest in group preference of all groups. Go to pool party. The guy in the American flag shorts, drinking beer and setting off fireworks, isn't a virgin, likes blondes, and didn't vote for Hillary. Think back to your own highschool. The only definitive leftist subgroup that was having regular sex were the mutt drama kids. Fruitcakes and screeching harpies.

If I were to ask my normie guy friends if they were in the altright, they would all honestly say no. If I were to ask specific questions, they would give "altright answers."

But im married and have kids and I still NEED to see jews die.

> a recent poll
>polls are an absolute scientific basis of studying the interactions between people

This is retarded, nothing has been proven. Columbia University is filled with brainlets passing off garbage as "science". To conform with scientific consensus these days is to confirm to the ideas of brain double digit IQ simpletons who think that their 8 year old trans daughter is "evolving".

Jokes on you, I got pressured into taking it in the ass at 11 so who's the virgin now?

How can anyone be 26 and a virgin in America? I banged 5 American girls by 26, without even going to America. They're the easiest, most game females there are.

Why is Vice so sex-obsessed with this?

>Lost mine at 15
>Grill was 14 and virgin
>Parents were gone for week
>Took dad's car at midnight
>Drove out to her place
>Helped her crawl out of her bedroom window
>Went to field out behind her grandparents house
>Made sweet love under the stars on top of my sleeping bag with a blanket on us
>Went at it 3 times and the next thing we knew it was 545 AM and the sun started coming up
>Got her back inside
>Crept back to car and went home
>Badass Uncle was at my place when I got there
>Wtf were you doing with the car
>I'm looking tired as fuck and it dawned on him
>You better have been out getting pussy
>Just told him the truth
>Badass uncle never snitched me out and took it to his death bed
>I've had his leather coat for 12 years now and still wear it through winter
>He was the Uncle version of Good Guy Greg
>Also hated niggers and was redpilled on Jews due to contracting big fucking jobs his entire life in Michigan.

What a shitty graph.

For men virginity is meaningless beyind understanding that pussy is cheap and women dont deserve respect.

Great Uncle.

I don't label myself alt-right but they've got it backwards, way early with an older neighborhood girl.

Preeee-senting, the 8th Wonder of the World!
The Great Leftist Wonder.

Attached: the great leftist wonder.png (1254x946, 693K)

>1 post by this ID
>already ~50 responses
Jow Forums, please stop. Just stop...

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