Why do americans get upset when someone who isn't from their country claim European ancestry? Are they mad that a person from a 3rd world country might be actually white unlike them?
I see them writing "OMG UR NOT WHITE LMAO" when they barely know the history of argentina
Because this is Jow Forums, it's like Facebook for morons, and people want to beat their chests and oogar boogar together over dumb ass shit
Next question.
Asher Miller
Facebook is for morons, Jow Forums is for woke morons
Ryan Collins
Facebook is a MENSA platform compared to this place.
Jacob Phillips
where the fuck are u from
Jason Watson
>Whiter than you grugmed
Jaxon Foster
Eat my shit nigger
Elijah Reed
Cleetus goes to an anonymous website: >where the fuck are u from Well here's the thing, Cleetus...
Brayden Richardson
It's a meme. Just like: >poo in loo >DUDE WEED >52% the last one being USA's very close equivalent of >Argentina >white
don't let it get to you
Alexander Nelson
well, spread some facts about 'whiteish' argentina fuckface like racial cleansing, escaped nazis, dictatorships, sending the browner people to die fighting in uruguay, should go over well here... until we remind you that your economy went to shit years ago, mossad just walks all over your sovereign territory to kidnap and execute your citizens, not to mention how the brits cockslapped the fuck out of you for a few worthless islands because they just wanted to actualmente yo amo argentia, I just hate loudmouth cunts trying to badmouth america to score points here, most of us dont know or care how mixed we are genetically (and probably too scared to find out ) >might be actually white try again cholo Ethnic groups: European (mostly Spanish and Italian descent) and mestizo (mixed European and Amerindian ancestry) 97.2%, Amerindian 2.4%, African 0.4% (2010 est.) cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ar.html