Official anti-Saffer refugee thread

Here is their average DNA

95.0% -- European
64.1% -- Northern European
03.0% -- Southern European
00.2% -- Eastern European
27.7% -- Nonspecific European
00.1% -- Ashkenazi
02.1% -- Sub-Sahran African
01.3% -- South Asian
00.5% -- East Asian
01.1% -- Unassigned

Even if the 1.3% South Asian and 0.5% East Asian can be accepted, why the hell should 2.1% sub-Saharan African be accepted? Sub-Saharan blood is a contaminant even in tiny amounts.

Once South Africans are allowed into our countries, they'll mix with us, and we'll get their garbage genes.

Attached: download.png (275x183, 1K)

Other urls found in this thread: kabyle people&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwifoZaSw8rfAhWDiKYKHeJgCw0Q_AUIDigB&biw=1366&bih=626

ooga booga, we're coming nigger.

>their garbage genes
>is american

They always leave themselves open to that. Dumb lard asses never learn.

They have one of the higher rates of HIV. They got Nigger'd.

>00.1% -- Ashkenazi
in the oven they go

>02.1% -- Sub-Sahran African

This motherfucker again

Where's the nigger in me, user?

Attached: pol family tree.png (1600x1000, 454K)

You know that everything below 3% is basically bullshit they throw in to mess with you, right?

>VPNigger replying to himself in his own thread