Are the Freemasons really behind all of the happenings?

Red pill me on the Freemasons

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Other urls found in this thread:

They control almost every food distributions all over the country and everything you can think of.

county, state, religions, churches, all.
expect anal sex lots of anal

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You do this thread every fucking day.

1. Old freemasons = gnostic faggots

2. Middle Masons = Diests enlightenment

3. Modern Masons = gnostic pedos and trans

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They’re responsible for the globe earth psyop. They’ve been heavily successful in convincing people that the devil (and hell) does not exist, which has led humanity down a very grim path.

The freemasons are jews. Read the Protocols of the learned elders of zion.

Read Secret Societies and Subversive Movements by Nesta Webster

user this is the first time I’ve ever made this thread. I just started learning about them yesterday.

Not today we are having a day off

>They’ve been heavily successful in convincing people that the devil (and hell) does not exist, which has led humanity down a very grim path.
Bullshit christkike. Gnostics believe that EL is the devil and the holy spirit is a woman, and there is the third behind it the Monad (abyss)


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Fuck you date mining scum, you do it every fucking day

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They are behind only the bad shit, not all of them.

Freemason here. We're just a fraternity with connections all over the world. There may have been a time in which we were among the most powerful of social groups, but the influence waned substantially in the 60s and 70s. Now our efforts focus primarily on community outreach. Pic related

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VPN you have

Who did they work for as Mason and why did they work for free and why did they take pride in it, hence naming themselves Freemason

I wish you weren't lying.

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Templars moved to Scotland to run from the Catholics and then eventually moved their Gnostic shit into the Mason's guilds because that's where the educated people of that era and region were.

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are you guys complicit in human trafficking operations?

No. We do not support anyone who would break a nations laws.

it's a memeflag numbnuts, catalonia is still spain

last night a bunch of you surrounded me without confronting me.

are you a master mason?

Show your flag Shriner

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>last night a bunch of you surrounded me without confronting me.

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If it turns out they are, it will be the end of their "club".

Not only the flag.

Puigdemont is paying shekels to freemasons, they expect the influence of masonry in every institution. The United Nations (UN) for example.

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all that needs to be said is that literally the first 3rd party in the usa was called! cwnt fucking make this up: the anti freemason party. being anti freemason is part of american counterculture since the dawn and will always be so. God Save Holy Mother Church!

not funny.

You sent a higher up to observe me with a huge bodyguard while I went shopping. You know who I am.

What do you want?

The Italian Lodge P2 was part of Operation Gladio.

A lot of Marxists hate Freemasons.

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I'll post some more images.

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I always lurk these threads because it's been revealed to me that I'm related to a former Mason, the kind that never spoke about it and no one knew until after death. I don't know much about them beyond what's put on TV, what I'm told by family and what I see here. What I can't nail down is are they for or against the NWO of a borderless global nation? If so, why, considering they're mostly white Christians?

Finally, what do people know or think about Catholic fraternities like the Knights of Columbus? Nefarious shadow dealings or just an organization for charity? I'm related to a Knight on the other side.

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Yeah they always say they're 'related' to people who are masons.

You guys are all clearly criminals masquerading as righteous people.

Your soul will burn.

Honestly IDK but it always creeped me out.
But I am? I'm not going to dox myself but half my family is Prot the other half is Cath, one side has a Mason and the other side had a Knight. I'm not involved or committed to either but I want to know what you think they're up to. All of this info was revealed to me recently.

Its not a photo, dipshit.

>not a photo
Well what the fuck else is it? A painting? A drawing? A photoshit?

You fucking moron. Literal MORON

fuck no they're not, they're guud bois and
love wholesome fun! :-) WINK WINK.

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your ass is safe with the masons, trust me ;-)

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Friend invited me to an oyster roast one time. On the way there, he told me it was at a Lodge. I'm pretty perceptive and figured I would pick up on some interesting things. We get there and quickly notice that we're the only whites at a nigger LARP. The clusters hit the table and it's a free-for-all. Nigger beside me tries to pass on his ancient knowledge of pouring hot sauce into a shell for dipping. I tell him I want to taste the oyster, not the sauce. He gets defensive; we leave. I dont think they were calling any shots.

tools are for toil and toil is for cain and masons
love to toil :-) any masons reading this, get to
work bitch and build something LOL.

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art piece

From what I can gather, it's a pyramidal scheme of demonic satanism at the highest levels of the order. There are initiation rituals, strict codes of secrecy and observance.

But they still allow bumbling fools with running mouths into their fraternities, so know I know things they don't want to be known but that everyone 'knows' anyway.

If you attempt to discuss with an average uninformed person it will be dismissed as conspiracy, of course. Their activities are nothing more than a highly socially and technologically sophisticated system of control for criminal ends. Their frontline is charity, e.g., Shriner's Hospitals - the back of house is human trafficking, criminal extortion, racketeering, nation undermining, etc.

They pretend to be religious without really believing in any of it. They try to recruit using this board.

What they fail to realize - what I keep repeating to them - is that their souls truly will burn.

Their deaths will be awful, hellish, psychotic and agonizing nightmares, to say the least.

they are a bunch of larpes that scare christian fundamentalists who spread crackpot conspiracy theories.

They are the grunts doing (((their))) work.

That's some next level schizophrenia in that picture.
Sweet Jesus, seek help son.

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>You know who I am.
>What do you want?
I want your playstation Smiley

They were maybe a hundred years ago but they've set up enough councils and shell companies outside of the lodge that the actual organization doesn't have much power now.

But the people who do have power still do follow Masonic principles and stuff, just on their own and in their sub-secret societies

>they expect the influence of masonry in every institution. The United Nations (UN) for example.
Selling your future out to the Jews. Typical modern Masons

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okay, so how come ben franklin was a freemason yet religious

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On the Masons and their Lies. Comparison of Ordodox and Masonry (by a Jew convert)

Here is a pretty interesting talk the author did with Jay Dyer

i found the ass fucking mason.

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they run the world basically

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they fuck boys ass.

Thank you user, post saved.

They ultimately lose. I don't know why when presented with the truth about afterlife that they continue. It's like... ignore that part at the end where we ultimately have to pay for our crimes. I guess they're having fun?

Wait for the hangover, Masons.

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Because he was a Middle Mason, like I said. It was different during the Enlightenment but not during the Gnostic Templar age. And not now during the Zionist age.

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I know it's you Smiley

Yes and they are not so good at camo. Kill them all. With a verse for damnation.
"If the heavens can be measured..." jeremiah 31:37. I'll let you look up the rest for a jfkpsa. They promoted faggotry via their institutional fraternal networks among collegiate scholars



>expose masons


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In Morals and Dogma Pike did call the Luciferians retards because Lucifer is a Roman meme and doesn't belong in the bible.

Also the Goat is alchemy symbol. They dont actually believe in a goat devil. Elvis Levi invented it from the Templars Baphamet which according to the Vatican was cut off heads they would commune with. The Saturn (EL) goat

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you might have mistaken me for someone else desu.

moar details would confirm.

where do I go to train?

OMG pirates are skull and bones Yale students?!

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>where do I go to train?
Pilates at the YMCA

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We’re good.

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so lit. I love freemasons. totally cool and judaic.

you're pawns

Their lodges are all closing because The Great Work is nearly done. Women are no longer needed and will soon be exterminated.

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So predictable.

You guys didn't even bother with hardcore divination. I did, years back, and oh, how it backfires on you all.


haha, King Tut was not Abralarp

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>hardcore divination
Take your meds Smiley. That's why you're paranoid

End Masonic Crimes

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search homo capensis karen hudes

Yeah I'm not your guy, buddy. Sorry.

They worship the devil, but very secretly. They are fags, because buttfuck each other in order form a clan of devil faggot worshipping sinners. They then go on to conspire together, for example, they were the decemberists and eventually the ones that conducted the Bolshevik revolution.

yes, skull and bones are old as fuck

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Been looking into this...... I don't what is real or not anymore.

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well if you study anthropology you would realise that a different species non-human is ruling over us, search for ahnenerbe and look for karen hudes homo capensis for exemple, but mostly think for yourself!

The German Natsocs confiscated their lodges, rounded up their members, sent them to camps and put upside red triangles on their arm like they did with Jews and their star of David. The Catholic Church also condemned them in 1736 because they believe in moral relativism.

This guy was a former Mason who got to the highest degree and he claims they revealed to him that they worship Lucifer.

but isnt that the jews are behind everything?

Cremaster Cycle

is Freemasonry neutralfag or lawfag?

fill de puta doneu-nos la independencia ja, i una Catalunya Catalana

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>search homo capensis karen hudes
no, faggot. Abraham wasn't real and the bible is no older than 300BC

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>This guy was a former Mason who got to the highest degree and he claims they revealed to him that they worship Lucifer.
But he's a Catholic now?

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>well if you study anthropology you would realise that a different species non-human is ruling over us

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kick the baby!