in my experience, speaking of historical examples that have aged well allows me to speak with a matter-of-fact tone that avoids all the taboo feelings of naming the modern day jew. redpills are a slippery slope, just keep dropping subtle reminders that jews arent perfect, its all about optics.
the bolsheviks jews' warcrimes of the 19th century are a good starting point for my method, do some research, even normie levels of research are good, cause if you miss something an someone corrects you, its another hook to pull em into conversation.
to all of you old fags who are going to flood this with jokes about this being ameture, youre totally right but this is more for all of the lurkers, as well as people who still have trouble naming the jew.
Colton Robinson
gassing Jews is the best way for people to learn about the jq
Joshua Hernandez
Good luck in naming the Jew. It's very very hard. Excessive Jewish media manipulation did a good job.
Here in Austria, every second news report is Holocaust this and Judeo-Christian Europe that.
just say "financial interests". Eventually they'll realize what that actually means.
Colton King
I did this kind of hints, first answer I get is "International Jew conspiracy".
The West is terribly brainwashed, at least Slavs and Muslims know about a Jewish evil.
Adam Diaz
bump, one of the more interesting threads
Adrian Nelson
This is one way to do it. Talk about banking, propaganda, etc without mentioning them. The first step is to get people to stop trusting government and start thinking again. How many people go home and watch tv and drink instead of reading?
Samuel Phillips
>(((Judeo-Christian))) My blood boils every time someones uses thsi term, and I'm agnostic.
Daniel Anderson
That term didn't even exist until after World War II.
Christopher Scott
Yeah, but it works.
You also see this type of propaganda on the Simpsons, Family Guy and South Park who all make episodes where they find their Christian roots in Jerusalem and subtly imply the Judeo-Christian world crap.
And than they add Islamic terrorists to the plot in order to tell the audience about the poor Israelis facing violence. And than 1-2 mild "Jews love money" jokes, so they won't be suspected of making Zionist propaganda.
Grayson Ortiz
You don't need to name the jew. Instead you make arguments that they're not even jewish. They have white skin so they benefit from white privilege and are therefore not oppressed. Their tactic is say you have no heritage while they try to fall back on theirs, but you need to show them that intersectionality is a double edged sword.
Aaron Sanders
Intersectionality inevitably collapses on itself. The Women's March was canceled for being "too white" but what the leaders are known huge anti-semites and this was their PC way of saying it was "too jewish"
Lucas Hill
Take that idea and lean into it. Start saying that "white" is actually the left's code word for jewish from now on and it'll throw a monkey wrench into the whole system.
Aiden Fisher
This way you're actually positioning yourself from a vantage point of defending jews and weakening their position at the same time.
Lincoln Wood
"rootless international clique of elites" most bluepilled people think you're talking about Hollywood or the media, which is fundamentally the same thing
Just say that they've been expelled from over a 100 hundred countries because their holy book, the talmud, says Jesus is boiling in excrement in hell.
Jeremiah Cox
The phrase fellow or dear white people
Julian Jenkins
Whenever speaking to normies about jews just replace the word jew/kike/rat to israelis and continue as you normally would. I redpilled my dad about israel and he made the connection to jews himself over time
Brandon Clark
redpill and chaos day of flames
Andrew Martin
Just say Happy Hahnukah at random times and they are rounding on you like you are gas stove